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Fighters Guild Quests

Fighters Guild ("Fighter Trainers" in most desert areas) quests are usually straightforward affairs. In the original version of the game, you should have been able to pick up a couple of artifact quests from them, but the quests were moved to the Knights Guilds with one of the very early patches. Fighters Guild quests can and do improve your rep with the commoners, so if the people aren't talking to you, try completing a few of these to fix the problem. Most of these quests should net you a new dungeon on your map, but it doesn't always work.


Non-Member Quests:


"I got a request to dispose of a giant scorpion..." (any rep): the quest must be completed within the game day, so don't take it unless you can find the house before midnight. Disposing of the critter shouldn't be too much of a problem, but remember that Scorpions cast "Paralyze" each time they hit.

"Seems some poor soul brought home a giant spider's egg that hatched..." (any rep): same as with the giant scorpion. It must be completed before midnight and be prepared for paralyzation.

"...chase off some barbarians..." (any rep): a local house and you have 24 hours to complete it. The Barbarian will be the same level as you, but they have more hit points than any of the other canned classes.

"...too menial for fighters of the guild to accept..." (any rep): a local house is infested with giant rats. There will be about 6 or 7 of them. Don't burn time loitering. Just wait and they will appear for you.


Member Quests:


"Seems there's a loup -- whatcha call your basic werewolf..." (any rep): there are two versions of this quest. Both involve a standard dungeon crawl, but your object could be either a lycanthrope or merely a bear. While infected with vampirism, this quest only turned up a bear for me, but this may just be my system.

"We have a request from a local citizen. Seems a wild animal has gotten into his place..." (any rep): the house is in town and it's either a bear, tiger, spider or harpy. A real quick quest that can be completed in a couple of minutes.

"Some fool left his back door open and a wild animal got in..." (any rep): this one requires traveling to another town. The critter is either a bear or a tiger and you should also get a new dungeon marked on your map.

"I have a relatively menial job..." (any rep): clear the bats/rats out of a local house. This one is a little buggy. You are supposed to get a message when you have killed all of them, but it doesn't pop up on my system. Also, when talking to the guild to close the quest, I get the right dialogue, but no money.

"...a job just came in for some giant-killing..." (any rep): you not only get to fight the giant you were sent to kill, but also a few of his buddies (about 6 or 7 of them) that start appearing when you hit the original target. Teleporting out of the dungeon doesn't do any good except to limit the number of buddies to four or five who appear with you (careful with civilian casualties -- "collateral damage" for the politically correct) and all at the same time. Occasionally you can rescue a merchant who asks to be taken to a store in another town.

"We have a rather interesting job requiring a bit of brains rather than brawn..." (any rep): you need to retrieve a noble's pet tiger from a dungeon. You will be given a bell. When you find the tiger, "use" the bell and then hit the tiger. The tiger will not respond until you have inflicted some damage on it. Be careful that you don't kill it. I find that unequipping a weapon and using my fist on it (or using an Iron Tanto) is the best way to inflict minimal damage. Somewhere in the vicinity of the tiger you should find a dead body with a letter. The body is "too heavy to lift", but turning to the side will usually bring the letter to the top. Report to the noble to collect your gold and find the person mentioned in the letter to collect a magic item.

"I have an important mission that will require the utmost discretion..." (rep 11 or more): this is the infamous Lord K’avar Quest. SAVE THE GAME AFTER ACCEPTING THIS QUEST!!! You should only be able to complete this quest once, but it's a little buggy in this respect. Report to the correct house at the correct time to meet your client. As soon as you leave the house, your client will be killed and you will be given a letter to deliver to Queen Akorithi in Sentinel. You will also get to fight two mages and three or four archers.

There is no way to avoid having your client killed. I have even gone so far as to anchor a "Recall" right in front of Akorithi and then accept the quest and the client still dies as soon as I leave the house (and the Mages now use spells because I'm in a dungeon).

If you take the quest early enough in the day, you should get a letter telling you to meet someone at a local tavern. If you go to this meeting you will be given an amulet that will supposedly protect you from the Necromancers. In reality, if the amulet is in your possession at the time you leave the house, you will be teleported into a random dungeon. The letter is a little buggy, so if you want to get it before meeting the client, activate "fast travel" and it will generate.

OK, your client is dead and you have the letter. You now have a decision to make. You can deliver the letter to Sentinel where you will be rewarded with some gold. You can deliver the letter to Lord K'avar at the palace mentioned in the letter and he will give you a reward (usually a diamond). You can talk to Lord K'avar at the palace, but not give him the letter. This will cause him to disappear and reappear in the dungeon mentioned in the letter. Or you can ignore the whole thing.

In any event, three archers will attach you once or twice per day until the quest is completed or expires. This can be a very good thing because each archer carries goodies, plus the same goodies as all of the other archers before him. By the time two or three weeks have passed, they are literally carrying a ton of goodies. Most of it is junk (leather, chain, iron weapons, etc.), but at high levels, they will be carrying a few really good items. If you are going to try to collect all of it, be aware that the game does not like to keep track of that much stuff and becomes very unstable. I have found that the best way to deal with it is to either sell it all as soon as possible or just pick out the good stuff and let the rest disappear when the body does.

Now for dealing with the quest options.

If you take the letter to Sentinel, Lord K'avar will be arrested, you will get your gold and be sent on your way. A few game weeks later, you will get a message from the queen telling you that K'avar has escaped and she wants you to go track him down and bring him back to justice (you should be able to capture him in this scenario). You get a second reward for doing this.

If you talk to K'avar but do not give him the letter, the queen will ask you to go track him down in the dungeon mentioned in the letter (Castle Necromoghan, if you accept the quest in Daggerfall province). You will not be able to capture him, but it is possible for him to escape if you don't kill him quickly. You will have about 30 days to do this, and you will get the archers every day until the time expires or K'avar is dead. If he escapes, you are supposed to get a message a few weeks later that he is in the dungeon at Wayrest, but this doesn't always work.

If you choose to give the letter to K'avar, you will get a reward and the nightly archers will stop. A few weeks later you will get a message to help him escape from Castle Sentinel before he is executed. He's going to be very difficult to find (Sentinel is a BIG dungeon) and you'll get to fight Spellswords all of the way to the exit. Once out of the dungeon, you need to take him to a contact in another town. He doesn't tell you this, but the town is going to be in the province where you first accepted the quest and the name of the residence is always wrong. You will probably have to run fixsave after getting out of the dungeon in order to deliver him. But on the other hand, because he's still alive, you should be able to complete the quest again.

If you choose to ignore the whole thing, you will get to fight the archers for about a month, but they will quit eventually.

Successfully completing the quest in favor of Queen Akorithi will give you about a 20 point rep boost in Sentinel. By the same token, helping Lord K'avar will give you a 20 point hit to your rep in Sentinel. Since completion of the Oracle quest for the Mages Guild boosts your rep by several points in Sentinel, you can easily repair your damaged rep.

Now for the really fun part. What happens if you accept the quest after completing it the first time (I'm assuming that you killed K'avar)? The answer is "a major headache". K'avar has already been killed, so he will not be at the Palace and will not appear in the dungeon. The only thing you can do in this instance is to immediately deliver the letter to the queen and weather the onslaught of archers. Interestingly enough, Lord K'avar is an NPC in Castle Sentinel. Even after completing the quest, he is still there (a really good trick for a dead guy) and you can still talk to him (he'll even offer you the occasional quest if you let your rep with him zero out again).

"Seems there's this flock of flying carnivores -- harpies..." (rep between 10 and 20): there are five of them. Fortunately there is a fairly easy way to deal with it. Since they appear randomly, a good trick is to clear the area around the entrance and then loiter or rest for a couple of hours. This will usually cause them to start appearing somewhere in your vicinity where you can dispatch them and then wait for the next one. This doesn't always work, so save the game as soon as you enter the dungeon (good advice regardless of the quest).

"There's this pack of giants that want killing..." (rep 20 or more): six giants. The first one is usually in one of the usual quest object locations and the rest appear randomly. Sometimes resting or loitering will cause them to generate, so you can try the same strategy as with the harpies.

"Standard protection job." (rep 21 or more): not so standard. Don't take this quest in your usual hangout because the quest giver won't talk to you for about a month. The client is already dead when you get there and you usually get to fight a few assassins. There is a note with the body directing you to the guy who ordered the assassination. You must go take him out (and his assassin buddies) in order to activate the last part of the quest. This will damage your rep with the Dark Brotherhood. Now you have to wait for a month or so (an in the interim, the quest giver won't talk to you because the quest is still active). At the end of that time you will receive a letter from the daughter of the client asking you to meet her in another town. I t's a trap and you get to fight a few more assassins. Deliver her to her destination and you will be rewarded with a magic item.

"There's this bad critter in <dungeon>, a Daedroth..." (rep 30 or more): standard dungeon crawl, but remember that you need Mithril weapons or better to hit a Daedroth.

"...it's offing a lich in <dungeon> and it only pays ## gold..." (rep 30 or more): standard dungeon crawl, but remember that you need Mithril weapons or better to hit a lich.

"Bit of a rummy domestic squabble..." (rep 30 or more): the husband is a zombie that comes out at night, so you'll need to loiter until he appears, usually about midnight.

"Some woodsmen have hired the guild to kill a Spriggan..." (rep 40 or more): there are two ways to complete this: kill the Spriggan and report back for your reward or try to make peace between the Spriggan and woodsmen. The Spriggan will offer to deal as soon as you inflict damage on it. At higher skill levels and special material weapons, you will probably kill the Spriggan before you have a chance to work a deal.

"A certain merchant needs to have a monster, a gargoyle to be precise, dispatched..." (rep 50 or more): standard dungeon crawl.

"We have a new client who wants someone to hunt down an atronach..." (rep 60 or more): standard dungeon crawl.

Mages Guild Quests

Mages Guild quests are generally pretty straightforward affairs with a couple of notable exceptions. A few require you to be able to cast specific spells. You must use the standard (circinate) form of the spell rather than one created in the spell-maker.

Retrieving ingredients (a common quest for the Mages) can be tricky because the ingredient (especially blood) looks like regular dungeon dressing. You have to be very sharp-eyed to find it.


Non-Member Quests:


"One of our books is missing..." (any rep): ask around town to get the name and location of an informant (usually at an inn) who will give you the name and location of the thief, who will have the book on his body.

"I do have a small task that needs to be done..." or "I do have a small job that nobody else is willing to do..." (any rep): find and retrieve the ingredient from the dungeon. You should get a dungeon marked on your map as a reward.

"...if you would be willing to chase down an escaped experiment..." (any rep): hunt down and kill the imp (steel weapons or better to hit it).

"...I have something that I need done that I don't really want anyone else in the guild to find out about..." (any rep): find the book/scroll in the dungeon. Don't read it ("use" it) unless you want a surprise.


Member Quests:


"We need you to get a rare ingredient that is hidden away in a nearby dungeon..." or "One of our more brilliant students is absolutely mad for something called <ingredient>..." (any rep): find the ingredient in the dungeon.

"...is there anything more exasperating than the discovery that the mummy wrappings you were planning on using in a potion have gone all sort-of green?" or "...I'm working on a formula that calls for a "goodly piece of <name of mummy>..." (any rep): find and kill the mummy in the dungeon. It will have mummy wrappings on a green background as part of its treasure.

"Noble <name> has sponsored the Guild in many of our enterprises..." or "If you are capable of casting the standard circinate spell Sleep..." (any rep): the only tough parts of this quest are (1) having enough magica to cast the Sleep spell and (2) having enough magica to cast the Sleep spell AND the Open spell you will need to get through the locked doors. Do not use anything other than the standard "Sleep" spell purchased from the guild or you will have to fight the client.

"As the premier research institution in the Empire of Tamriel..." or "The Mages Guild of <town> has an exciting opportunity to benefit from the work of..." (any rep): the Dark Brotherhood also wants the research. They will usually send you a letter telling you to bring it to them, but this part is very buggy and the letter doesn't always arrive before you have delivered the papers (so your rep with the DB takes a nosedive). If you take it to them, they will sometimes (depends on the random numbers) give you a dummy document to deliver instead, but not always.

"...I need someone who can cast the Open spell..." (any rep): the box is in town. Casting "Open" while it is in your inventory can generate one of several events:

you find some confetti,

you get an imp,

you find a wand ("use" the wand to generate a critter),

or you might get bats or rats.

"...I am perplexed. Perhaps you can help me with some research..." or "...if the internal azimuthal vectors really do cross at the anterior pole..." (any rep): this is a very confusing quest. You are given two places to look. One has an NPC and the other has a fragment of a catalogue. Sometimes the catalogue will help, sometimes not. Sometimes the NPC can help, sometimes not. The NPC will always want you to fetch some ingredients from a town. The most consistently successful strategy is to head for the NPC and run the errand. If the NPC does not know where the item is, she will offer to teleport you to the room where the catalogue fragment is. If she does know where the item is, she will tell you (and give you something for your trouble in running the errand). The most difficult part of this quest is doing it before time runs out.

"...one of our experiments has prematurely evacuated our laboratory..." or "Actually, we have had a bit of excitement in this dull old place lately..." (rep 10 or more): go to the dungeon and kill the atronach.

"The Mages Guild is in need of someone to guard the <magic item> tonight..." or "The Guildhall -- how should one put this..." (rep 10 or more): stand guard in the guildhall from 12 to 3. Four Thieves will show up. Your reward will usually be a cheesy gemstone. If you have a good cushion of rep with the guild, save the game right after accepting the quest and take care of the Thieves. Then go pick up the item (blows the quest) and identify it. If it's a good item, take your 2-point rep loss and keep the item. If it's not so hot, restore the game and play out the quest the way you're supposed to. The Thieves will show up sometime between 12 and 1.

"You are loyal member of the Mages Guild, are you not..." (rep 11 or more): this is the start of a series quests that will automatically activate if you do not kill the rebel mage. If you kill him, you will get a magic item for your reward. If you spare him, he will send you a message a few weeks later.

meet his messenger at a tavern: the messenger is an atronach with a "Hit me" sign on him. The message is to meet in Direnni Tower (one of the Main Quest dungeons) to retrieve an item.

meet him in a tavern. You must retrieve a map from the Mages Guild in order to retrieve a key from one dungeon that will let you into a second dungeon where you need to help him find an item. This quest is fairly buggy.

"I am <name>, servant to the mighty <mage>...." or "It is a very great honor, my dear <PC Name>..." (rep 20 or more): your guard duty starts as soon as you accept the quest. Three Nightblades show up after an hour and you get a magic item for your troubles. Easy quest since the Nightblades don't use magic on you.

"Doubtless, you have heard of the crazed wizard <name>..." or "The people of <province> have been demanding that the Mages Guild take a stand against the mad wizard.." (rep 20 or more): standard dungeon crawl with a magic item as your reward. It also nets you a 10-point gain with the ruler in the province where you accept the quest. Very handy if you've been beating up on Gothryd's guards or if Eadwyre is ticked at you (like he's ever not ticked at you).

"Are you <PC Name>? The <Guild Rank>?" (rep 21 or more): there are a couple of ways to play this one out. The first thing you must do is go talk to the Acolyte at the temple and then talk to the noble. From there you can either fetch the Oracle from the temple the Acolyte told you about or you can fetch the noble's lover from the dungeon the noble told you about (or you can do both if you're feeling extra frisky). You get a boost to your rep with Akorithi in Sentinel for delivering the Oracle and some gold for delivering the lover. Like I said, if you're feeling extra frisky, do both to collect both rewards (rescue the lover first, then go retrieve the Oracle).

"We need someone to kill a rogue imp..." (rep 30 or more): travel to the town, bop the imp, (steal the paintings from the crates in the back of the Palace), report back for your gold.

"I'm looking for a mage powerful enough to cast the spell Banish Daedra..." or "Banish Daedra is one of the most difficult..." or "...It is a great irony that summoning a daedra is a relatively simple matter..." (rep 40 or more): a tough quest at high levels when you run into Daedra more frequently. Up until that point there is usually only one Daedra in the dungeon. You must damage the Daedra, read the scroll and then cast the spell. If you use the scroll on the wrong Daedra you will get another Daedra appear in the area, so you will have to fight two. The best strategy I have found is to save the game as soon as you see a Daedra and then follow the banishing procedure. If it works, you're done. If it doesn't work, reload and keep going. Be aware that critters in melee range at the time you save a game often lose their treasure when you load that save.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1036

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