The developer must construct an acceptance test specification in the DD phase and document it in the SWP (SW17). The specification should be based on the acceptance test plan produced in the UR phase. This specification should define the acceptance test:
• designs (SW19); * cases (SVV20):
• procedures (SVV21).
Guidance on writing the SWP/AT is provided in ESA PSS-05-10, Guide to Software Verification and Validation.
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ESAPSS-05-05 Issue 1 (May 1992) A-1 GLOSSARY
Terms used in this document are consistent with ESA PSS-05-0 [Ref. 1] and ANSI/IEEE Std 729-1983 [Ref. 2].
AD Architectural Design
ADD Architectural Design Document
AD/R Architectural Design Review
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AT Acceptance Test
BSI British Standards Institute
BSSC Board for Software Standardisation and Control
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
DD Detailed Design and production
DDD Detailed Design Document DD/R Detailed Design and production Review
ESA European Space Agency
HCI Human-Computer Interaction
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Standards Organisation
IT Integration Test
I CD Interface Control Document
JSD Jackson System Development
JSP Jackson Structured Programming
OOA Object-Oriented Analysis
OOD Object-Oriented Design
PA Product Assurance
PDL Program Design Language
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
PSS Procedures, Specifications and Standards
RID Review Item Discrepancy
SADT Structured Analysis and Design Technique
SCM Software Configuration Management
SCMP Software Configuration Management Plan
SCR Software Change Request
SPM Software Project Management
SPMP Software Project Management Plan
SPR Software Problem Report
SQA Software Quality Assurance
SOAP Software Quality Assurance Plan
SRD Software Requirements Document
ST System Test
A-2 ESA PSS-05-05 Issue 1 (May 1992) GLOSSARY
SUM Software User Manual
SWP Software Verification and Validation Plan
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBD To Be Defined
TR Transfer
URD User Requirements Document
UT Unit Test
ESAPSS-05-05 Issue 1 (May 1992) В-1 REFERENCES
1. ESA Software Engineering Standards, ESA PSS-05-0 Issue 2 February 1991.
2. IEEE Standard Glossary for Software Engineering Terminology, ANSI/IEEE Std 729-1983.
3. The starts guide - a guide to methods and software tools for the construction of large real-time systems, NCC Publications, 1987.
4. IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits, IEEE Std 1028-1988.
5. IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions, ANSI/IEEE Std 1016-1987.
6. Principles of Program Design, M. Jackson, Academic Press, 1975.
7. Software Engineering with Ada, second edition, G.Booch, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc, 1986.
8. Petri Nets, J.L.Petersen, in ACM Computing Surveys, 9(3) Sept 1977.
9. IEEE Recommended Practice for Ada as Program Design Language, ANSI/IEEE Std 990-1987.