§ 3. Number is the form of the noun which shows whether one or more than one object is meant. Some nouns in English may have the singular and the plural forms (e.g. room rooms, worker workers, lesson lessons). Other nouns are used either only in the singular (e.g. freedom, progress, machinery, steel, milk) or only in the plural (e.g. spectacles, goods, billiards).
§ 4. The plural of most nouns is built up by means of the suffix -s or -es. It is pronounced [z]after vowels and voiced consonants (e.g. days, dogs, birds), [s]after voiceless consonants (e.g. books, coats) and [iz] after sibilants (e.g. horses, roses, judges, brushes).
It should be noted that some nouns in the plural change the pro- nunciation of their final consonants: [s] -> [ziz] (e.g. house hous- es) and [ā] -» [Sz] (e.g. bath baths, mouth mouths, path paths, truth truths, youth youths).
§ 5. In writing, the following spelling rules should be observed: Thesuffix es is added to nouns ending in s, sh, ch, x and z (e.g- glass glasses, brush brushes, watch watches, box boxes).
It is also added to nouns ending in ī preceded by a consonant
(e.g. tomato tomatoes, potato potatoes, hero heroes). But if
a noun ends in ī preceded by a vowel or it happens to be a noun of
' foreign origin, only -s is added (e.g. cuckoo cuckoos, radio
radios, piano pianos, kilo kilos, photo photos).
Nouns ending in -y preceded by a consonant change the -y into -ies (e.g. story stories, fly flies, country countries).
But if a noun ends in -y preceded by a vowel, only -s is added (e.g. key keys, boy ~ boys, day days).
The following nouns ending in -f or -fe have the ending -ves in
the plural: wife wives, life lives, knife knives, wolf wolves, calf calves, shelf shelves, leaf leaves, thief thieves, half halves.
But other nouns ending in -f or -fe take only -s in the plural (e.g. roof roofs, cliff cliffs, gulf gulfs, proof proofs, safe safes, grief griefs, cuff cuffs, belief beliefs).
The following nouns have both forms in the plural: scarf scarfs/scarves, wharf wharfs/wharves, hoof hoofs/hooves, handkerchief handkerchiefs/handkerchieves.
§ 6. There are a number of nouns in English which form their plural in an irregular way.
A few nouns form their plural by a change of vowel. They are: man men, woman women, tooth teeth, foot ~ feet, mouse mice, goose geese, louse lice.
Note also the peculiar plural form in the nouns: ox oxen, child children, brother brethren (=not blood relations, but members of the same society).
A few nouns have the same form for the singular and the plural: a sheep sheep, a swine swine, a deer deer, a fish fish, a craft craft, a counsel counsel (=legal adviser, barrister).
The following nouns ending in s in the singular remain un- changed in the plural: a means means, a (gas) works (gas) works, a barracks barracks, a headquarters headquarters, a series series, a species species.
Note. Note that the noun penny has two plural forms: pennies (when referring to individual coins) and pence (when the amount only is meant).
e.g. She dropped three pennies in the slot-machine. The fare cost him eight pence.
§ 7. Some nouns borrowed from other languages especially from Greek and Latin, keep their foreign plural forms. These nouns are mostly found in scientific prose. They are: agendum agenda, analysis analyses, bacterium bacteria, basis bases, crisis crises, criterion criteria, datum data, hy pothesis hypotheses, phenomenon phenomena, stratum strata, thesis theses.
Some other nouns have the new English plural alongside of the original foreign one: curriculum curriculums/curricula, formula formulas /formulae, memorandum memorandums/memoranda.
§ 8. With compound nouns it is usually the final component that is made plural (e.g. bookcase bookcases, writing table writing tables, tooth brush tooth brushes, handful handfuls, drawback drawbacks, forget-me-not forget-me-nots, post man postmen, Englishman Englishmen).
In. a few nouns the first component is made plural (e.g. father- in-law fathers-in-law, commander-in-chief commanders-in- chief, passer-by passers by).
When the first component is man or woman, the plural is ex- pressed twice (e.g. man servant men servants, woman doctor women doctors).
§ 9. A considerable number of nouns are used only in the singu- lar in English. (The Latin term singularia tantum is applied to them.) Here belong all names of materials (e.g. iron, copper, sand, coal, bread, cheese, oil, wine, tea, chalk) and also a great number of nouns denoting abstract notions 1(e.g. generosity, curiosity, an- ger, foolishness, excitement, poetry, fun, sculpture, progress).
Special mention should be made of a few nouns which end in -s but are used only in the singular. They are: news, gallows, sum- mons.
Here also belong nouns ending in -ics: physics, mathematics,
phonetics, optics, ethics, politics.
Note. Nouns of the latter group are occasionally treated as plurals.
e.g- Politics has (have)always interested him.
Mathematics is (are) well taught at that school.
1 Note, however, that many other abstract nouns may have both the singular and the plural forms (e.g. idea ideas, change changes, suggestion suggestions).
§ 10. There are a few nouns in English which are used only in the plural. (The Latin term pluralia tantum is applied to them.) Here belong nouns indicating articles of dress consisting of two parts (e.g. trousers, pants, shorts, trunks, pyjamas, drawers, brac- es), tools and instruments consisting of two parts (e.g. scissors, spectacles, glasses, tongs, pincers, scales, fetters), names of some games (e.g.billiards, cards, dominoes, draughts) and also miscella- neous other nouns (e.g. riches, contents, dregs, oats, thanks, clothes, credentials, soap-suds, troops, goods, whereabouts, bowels, surroundings, savings, belongings, goings on, winnings, home-com- ings, proceedings, hangings).
e.g. The whereaboutsof the tomb havelong been an historic mys- tery. There were clothesscattered about the room.
§ ll.There are a few other nouns in English which have only the plural form and lack the singular, i.e. pluralia tantum nouns. But they happen to be homonyms of nouns which are used in both forms, the singular and the plural. These nouns are:
colours (=regimental flags)
forces (=an army)
customs (=taxes on imported
goods) draughts (=a game)
glasses (=spectacles)
manners (=behaviour)
morals (=standards of behav- iour)
minutes (=secretary's record of proceedings)
quarters (=lodgings)
a colour colours (=hues) a force forces (=powers) a custom customs (=habits)
a draught draughts (=cur- rents of air)
a glass glasses (=vessels for drinking from)
a manner manners (=ways)
a moral morals (=lessons of a story) a minute minutes (=spaces
of time)
a quarter quarters (=fourth parts)
§ 12. Some nouns which belong to the singularia tantum group are occasionally used in the plural form for stylistic reasons sug- gesting a great quantity or extent, e.g. the sands of the Sahara, the snows and frosts of the Arctic, the waters of the Atlantic, the blue skies of Italy, etc.
§ 13. A noun used as subject of the sentence agrees in number with its predicate verb: a singular noun takes a singular verb; a plural noun takes a plural verb. This rule may be called grammati- cal concord.
e.g. If we ever thought nature was simple, now we know for sure
it isn't.
If there are any universal laws for the cosmos, they must be very difficult.
Difficulties arise, however, with collective nouns, i.e. nouns denoting groups of people and sometimes animals. Here belong such nouns as the aristocracy, army, audience, board, the bourgeoi sie, class, the clergy, committee, (the) Congress, crew, crowd, dele- gation, the elite, family, flock, the gentry, government, group, herd, the intelligentsia, jury, majority, minority, Parliament, the prole- tariat, the public, staff, team, etc.
Such nouns may be used in two ways: they either indicate the group as a single undivided body, a non-personal collective, or as a collection of individuals. In the former case there is no contradic- tion between the form and the meaning of such nouns and they take a singular noun (grammatical concord).
e.g. The audience was enormous. The crowd has been dispersed. The public consists of you and me. The college football team has done badly this season. His family was well known in their town.
In the latter case the nouns, though remaining singular gram- matically become plural notionally and take a plural verb. This may be called notional concord.
e.g. The public were not admitted to hear the trial. "The team are now resting", the coach said to us. "My family keep a close eye on me," said George. The audience were enjoying every minute of it.
Some of the collective nouns, however, regularly require a plu- ral verb. Here belong; people (ėžäč, ķąšīä),1 police and cattle.
1 The noun people meaning 'nationality' can have a singular and a plural form: a people peoples.
e.g. There were few people out in the street at that hour.
He said: "Martha, the police have the man that stole your
purse." His uncle showed him the pastures where the cattle were
On the whole, in British English the plural verb appears to be more common with collective nouns in speech, whereas in writing the singular verb is probably preferred. It is generally safest for a foreign learner, when in doubt, to obey grammatical concord. In American English, collective nouns almost always go with a singu- lar verb.
Note. A number of (ķåńźīėüźī, š’ä) usually agrees with a plural verb. e.g. There were quite a number of people watching the game.
The Case of Nouns
§ 14. Case is the form of the noun which shows the relation of the noun to other words in the sentence.
English nouns have two case forms the common case and thegenitive case, e.g. the child the child's father, an hour an hour's walk.
§ 15. The genitive case is formed by means of the suffix -s or the apostrophe (-') alone.
The suffix -s is pronounced [z] after vowels and voiced conso- nants, e.g. boy's, girl's; [s] after voiceless consonants, e.g. stu- dent's, wife's; [iz] after sibilants, e.g. prince's, judge's.
The -'s is added to singular nouns (see the examples above) and also to irregular plural nouns, e.g. men's, children's, women's.
The apostrophe (-') alone is added to regular plural nouns, e.g. soldiers', parents', workers', and also to proper names ending in -s, e.g. Archimedes' Law, Sophocles' plays, Hercules' labours.
Some other proper names ending in -s may also take the suffix -'s, e.g. Soames' (Soames's) collection, Burns' (Burns's) poems, Dick- ens' (Dickens's) novels, Jones' (Jones's) car, etc. The common pronunciation of both variants appears to be [...iz], but the com- mon spelling with the apostrophe only.
Note. Notice that with compound nouns the suffix 's is always added to the fi- nal component, e.g. my father in law's house, the passerby's remark.
§ 16. The number of nouns which may be used in the genitive case is limited. The -'s genitive commonly occurs with animate nouns denoting personal names (John's bed, Mary's job, Segovia's pupil, etc.), personal nouns (my friend's visit, the boy's new shirt, the man's question, etc.), collective nouns (the party's platform, the team's victory, the government's policy, etc.) and higher ani- mals (the dog's barking, the lion's cage, etc.).
In principle, the -'s genitive is also possible with certain kinds of inanimate nouns and abstract notions. For example, it is regu- larly found with temporal nouns (a day's work, a few days' trip, a two years' absence, a moment's pause, a seven months' pay, etc.) and with nouns denoting distance and measure (a mile's distance, a shilling's worth, etc.). Sometimes it is used with geographic names of continents, countries, cities, towns, and universities (Eu- rope's future, the United States' policy, London's water supply, etc.), locative nouns (the island's outline, the city's white houses, the school's history, etc.) as well as a few other nouns (the sun's rays, the ship's crew, the play's title, Nature's sleep, etc.).
There are also a considerable number of set phrases in which all sorts of nouns are found in the genitive case, e.g. in one's mind's eye, a pin's head, to one's heart's content, at one's finger's end, for goodness' sake, at one's wit's end, out of harm's way, du- ty's call, a needle's point.
§ 17. A noun in the genitive case generally precedes another noun which is its head-word. This may be called the dependent genitive.
The relations between the noun in the genitive case and its head-word may be of two kinds:
1) The noun in the genitive case may denote a particular per- son or thing, as in my mother's room, the man's voice. This kind of the genitive case is called the specifying genitive. The more common meanings of the specifying genitive are the following:
a) possession,
e.g. Mary's suitcase (=Mary has a suitcase)
the children's toys (=the children have toys)
b) subjective genitive,
e.g. that boy's answer (=the boy answered)
the parents' consent (=the parents consented)
c) genitive of origin,
e.g. the girl's story (=the girl told the story)
the general's letter (=the general wrote the letter)
d) objective genitive, e.g. the boy's punishment (=somebody punished the boy) the man's release (=somebody released the man) The specifying genitive may be replaced if necessary by an of- phrase, e.g. the father of the boys, the room of my brother who is in hospital, etc. With proper names, however, the genitive case is the rule, e.g. John's parents, Mary's birthday, Byron's first poems. Note. There is considerable overlap in the uses of the -'s genitive and the of- phrase. Although either of the two may be possible in a given context, only one of them is, however, generally preferred for reasons of structure, euphony, rhythm, emphasis, or implied relationship between the nouns. The use of the -'s genitive is very common in headlines, where brevity is essential. Furthermore, the -'s genitive gives prominence to the modifying noun. Compare:
Hollywood's Studios Empty The Studios of Hollywood Empty
2) The noun in the genitive case may refer to a whole class of similar objects. This kind of the genitive case is called the classify- ing (descriptive) genitive, e.g. sheep's eyes (which means 'eyes of a certain kind' but not 'the eyes of a particular sheep), a doctor's de- gree (=a doctoral degree), cow's milk (=milk from cows), a wom- en's college (=a college for women), a soldier's uniform, a sum- mer's day, a doll's face, a planter's life, gents' clothes, lady's wear, an hour's walk, a mile's distance, etc.
In some cases such combinations have become set phrases, e.g. a spider's web, the serpent's tooth, the bee's sting, a giant's task, a fool's errand, a cat's paw ('ńėåļīå īšóäčå ā ÷üčõ-ņī šóźąõ'), child's play and others.
The classifying genitive is generally not replaced by an of- phrase, except for the genitive indicating time and distance.
e.g. a three days' absence > an absence of three days a two miles' distance -> a distance of two miles
§ 18. The suffix -'s may be added not only to a single noun but to a whole group of words. Itis called the group genitive.We find various patterns here, e. g. Smith and Brown's office, Jack and Ann's children, the Prime Minister of England's residence, the Prince of Denmark's tragedy, somebody else's umbrella, the man we saw yesterday's son.
§ 19. Sometimes we find the use of -'s and of together. This is called a double genitive.
e.g. He was an old business client of Grandfather's(=one of Grandfather's clients).
§ 20. A noun in the genitive case may be used without a head- word. This is called the independent genitive.
The independent genitive is used with nouns denoting trade and relationship or with proper names. It serves to denote a build- ing (e.g. a school, a house, a hospital, a church) or a shop. It is mainly found in prepositional phrases.
e.g. I was in the grocer's and I heard some women say it. He asked her how she liked living at her daughter's. They were married at St. Paul's. Mrs White ran the confectioner'svery competently. He asked her to choose a restaurant and she suggested Scott's.