Learning styles and classroom resources - Part twoCheck your ideas with the ideas in the table.
| Auditory
| Kinaesthetic
| The board or whiteboard
| Discussions
| 3-D materials
| Pictures and photographs
| CDs/MP3s
| Realia
| Posters
| Tapes
| Puppets and dolls
| Realia - real objects brought in from home
| Video
| Mime
| Graphs
| Radio
| Role-play
| Films & video
| Television
| Computers
| Guest speakers
| Gestures and mime
| Role-play
Remember! Teaching aids should be BIG ,c o l o u r f u l, funny, and above all, memorable!
For auditory learners you should think about your pace of speech, volume, tone of voice, intonation and stress.
Each young learner is unique and we must find the combination of strategies that suits them best.
Flashcards are an excellent resource for conveying meaning and practising new vocabulary. Go toLearnEnglish Kids where you can download hundreds of flashcards to use in class.
· LearnEnglish Kids
Read more about how the teacher can use movement, gestures and expressions to engage learners and model positive behaviour in the The teacher as a resource document below.
· Download the document
You have looked at the learning resources that support different learning modalities. In the next section you will look at various activities that are good for different types of learners.
Classroom activities
It is important that we include a good variety of multi-sensory tasks in our lessons to help children learn more effectively.
In the Learning styles and classroom activities exercise below you will analyse some common classroom activities and decide the sensory activation.
Once you have finished, read the commentary on choosing activities to fit different learning styles in the Learning styles and classroom activities resource.
Exercise - Learning styles and classroom activities
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 961