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Attention Brooke Rodgers: Please report to Mr. Levy’s office. You have been suspended from school.



Goosebumps - 24

R.L. Stine

(An Undead Scan v1.5)



A mysterious phantom haunted our school.

No one ever saw him. No one knew where he lived.

But he haunted our school for more than seventy years.

My best friend, Zeke, and I were the ones who found him. We found him while we were doing a school play about a phantom.

Our teacher told us that the play was cursed, but we didn’t believe her. We thought it was all just a big joke.

But when I saw the Phantom for myself, I knew it was no joke. It was all true. Every bit of it.

The night we found the Phantom was the scariest night of our lives!

But I should start at the beginning.

My name is Brooke Rodgers, and I’m in the sixth grade at Woods Mill Middle School.

Zeke Matthews is my best friend. A lot of the other girls think it’s weird that my best friend is a boy, but I don’t care. Zeke is cooler and funnier than any girls I know. He is also a big horror movie fan, like me.

Zeke and I have been best friends for nine years. We know just about everything about each other. For instance, I know that Zeke still wears Kermit the Frog pajamas!

He hates it when I tell people that. His face always turns a bright shade of red. Then his freckles stand out even more.

Zeke hates his freckles almost as much as I hate my glasses. I don’t know why he’s so hung up over a couple of freckles. After a while, you hardly even notice them. And in the summer when he gets tan, they practically disappear altogether.

I wish my glasses could disappear. They make me look so nerdy. But if I don’t wear them, I walk into walls!

Some girls at school think Zeke is cute. I never think about him that way. I guess it’s because I’ve known him for nearly my entire life. Ever since our moms met in their bowling league and discovered they lived on the same street.

The excitement about the Phantom started a couple of Fridays ago. School had ended for the day, and I was trying to get my locker open. I pushed my hair off my face and turned the combination dial. The stupid lock always jams, and it drives me crazy.

After trying the combination four times, I finally got it open. I threw my books inside and slammed the door shut. No way was I dragging home any textbooks over the weekend. As of right this second, I was on vacation! Two whole days of no school.


Before I could turn around, a fist came whizzing by my ear and punched my locker with a loud bang!

“What’s up, Brookie?” a voice called from behind me. “No homework this weekend?”

I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. Only one person in the whole world can ever get away with calling me Brookie.

I turned around to see Zeke’s dopey grin. His blond hair, which was really long in the front and very short—almost shaved—in the back, fell over one eye.

I smiled, then stuck my tongue out at him.

“Real mature, Brookie,” he muttered.

Then I flipped my eyelids up so they stayed that way. It’s a really gross talent I have that usually makes people scream and gag.

Zeke didn’t bat an eye. He has seen my eyelid trick at least a zillion times.

“Nope, no homework!” I replied. “No books. No nothing. I’m totally free this weekend.”

Then I got a great idea. “Hey, Zeke,” I said, “do you think Rich can take us to see the Creature festival tomorrow?”

I was dying to see the three Creature movies playing at the Cineplex. One was supposed to be in 3-D! Zeke and I go to scary movies all the time just to laugh at the scary parts. We have nerves of steel. We never get scared.

“Maybe,” Zeke answered, brushing his hair away from his face. “But Rich is grounded. He can’t use the car for a week.”

Rich is Zeke’s older brother. He spends most of his life being grounded.

Zeke shifted his backpack onto his other shoulder. “Forget about the Creature festival, Brooke. Aren’t you forgetting something?” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Something big?”

I scrunched up my nose. Forgetting something? I couldn’t think of a thing. “What?” I asked finally.

“Come on, Brookie! Think!”

I really had no idea what Zeke was talking about. I pulled my long hair into a ponytail and tied it together with the hair scrunchie that was on my wrist.

I always wear a hair scrunchie on each wrist. I like to be prepared. You never know when you’re going to need a hair scrunchie.

“Really, Zeke, I don’t know,” I said, making a tight ponytail. “Why don’t you just tell me?”

And that’s when it hit me. “The cast list!” I yelled, slapping my forehead. How could I have forgotten? Zeke and I had been waiting two long weeks to find out if we got parts in the school play.

“Come on! Let’s check it out!” I grabbed hold of Zeke’s flannel shirtsleeve. And I pulled him all the way to the auditorium.

Zeke and I had both tried out for the play. Last year, we had small parts in the musical Guys and Dolls. Ms. Walker, our teacher, told us that the play this year was going to be scary.

That’s all Zeke and I had to hear. We had to be in this play!

We found a big crowd of kids at the bulletin board. They were all trying to read the cast list at once.

I was so nervous! “I can’t look, Zeke!” I cried. “You check, okay?”

“Yeah, no prob—”

“Wait! I’ll do it!” I yelled, changing my mind. I do that a lot. Zeke says it drives him crazy.

I took a deep breath and pushed through the crowd of kids. Biting my left thumbnail, I crossed the fingers on my right hand and stared up at the list.

But when I saw what was posted up there, I nearly bit off my whole thumb!

Tacked on the board beside the cast list was a sign:


Attention Brooke Rodgers: Please report to Mr. Levy’s office. You have been suspended from school.




I gasped in shock.

Had Mr. Levy found out that I was the one who let the gerbil loose in the teachers’ lounge?


I felt sick to my stomach. My parents were going to be so horrified.

Then I heard giggling.

I spun around to find Zeke laughing his head off. Other kids were laughing, too.

I stared angrily at Zeke. “Did you put that sign up?”

“Of course!” he replied, laughing even harder.

He has a sick sense of humor.

“I didn’t believe it for a second,” I lied.

I turned back to the board to read the cast list. I had to read the list three times. I couldn’t believe what I saw. “Zeke!” I shouted over the other kids’ heads. “You and I—we’re the stars!”

Zeke’s mouth dropped open in surprise. Then he grinned at me. “Yeah. For sure,” he muttered, rolling his eyes.

“No. Really!” I cried. “We got the two biggest parts! Come check it out for yourself! You got the part of the Phantom!”

“No way!” Zeke still didn’t believe me.

“She’s telling the truth, Zeke,” a girl behind me said. Tina Powell, a seventh-grader, pushed through the crowd.

I always get the feeling that Tina Powell doesn’t like me very much. I have no idea why. I hardly even know her. But she always seems to be frowning at me. Like I have a piece of spinach caught on my tooth or something.

“Let me see that list!” Zeke demanded, pushing past everyone. “Wow! I did get the starring part!”

“I’m going to be Esmerelda,” I read. “I wonder who Esmerelda is. Hey, maybe she’s the Phantom’s crazy old stepmother, or maybe she’s the headless wife who comes back from the dead to—”

“Give it a rest, Brooke,” Tina said, frowning at me. “Esmerelda is just the daughter of some guy who owns a theater.” She said it as if Esmerelda were a nothing part.

“Uh, what part did you get, Tina?” I asked.

Tina shifted uncomfortably. A few other kids turned to hear her reply.

“I’m your understudy!” she muttered, staring down at the floor. “So if you get sick or something and you can’t be in the show, I’ll play the part of Esmerelda.

“I’m also in charge of all the scenery!” she boasted.

I wanted to say something mean and nasty, something to put Miss High-and-Mighty Tina Powell in her place in front of everybody. But I couldn’t think of anything.

I’m not a mean, nasty person. And it’s hard to think of mean, nasty things to say—even when I want to.

So I decided to ignore her. I was too excited about the play to let Tina Powell get to me.

I pulled on my denim jacket and swung my backpack over my shoulder. “Come on, Phantom,” I said to Zeke. “Let’s go haunt the neighborhood!”


On Monday afternoon, we started rehearsing the play. Ms. Walker, my teacher, was in charge.

She stood on the stage in the auditorium, staring down at us. She clutched a tall stack of scripts in her arms.

Ms. Walker has curly red hair and pretty green eyes. She is very skinny, as skinny as a pencil. She is a very good teacher—a little too strict. But a good teacher.

Zeke and I chose two seats next to each other in the third row. I glanced around at the other kids. Everyone was talking. Everyone seemed really excited.

“Do you know what this play is about?” Corey Sklar asked me. He was playing my father. I mean, Esmerelda’s father. Corey has chestnut-brown hair like me. And he also wears glasses. Maybe that’s why we were playing relatives.

“Beats me,” I answered him with a shrug. “Nobody knows what the play is about. I just know it’s supposed to be scary.”

“I know what it’s about!” Tina Powell announced loudly.

I turned around in my seat. “How do you know?” I demanded. “Ms. Walker hasn’t passed out the scripts yet.”

“My great-grandfather went to Woods Mill Middle School a long, long time ago. He told me all about The Phantom,” Tina bragged.

I started to tell Tina that nobody cared about her great-grandfather’s dumb story. But then she added, “He also told me about the curse on the play!”

That shut everyone up. Even me.

Even Ms. Walker was listening now.

Zeke nudged me, his eyes wide with excitement. “A curse?” he whispered happily. “Cool!”

I nodded. “Very cool,” I muttered.

“My great-grandfather told me a really scary story about this play,” Tina continued. “And he told me about a phantom in the school. A real phantom who—”

“Tina!” Ms. Walker interrupted, stepping to the front of the stage. She peered down sharply at Tina. “I really don’t think you should tell that story today.”

“Huh? Why not?” I cried.

“Yeah. Why not?” Zeke joined in.

“I don’t think this is a good time to listen to scary stories that may not be true,” Ms. Walker replied sternly. “Today I’m going to pass out the scripts, and—”

“Do you know the story?” Tina demanded.

“Yes, I’ve heard it,” Ms. Walker told her. “But I wish you would keep it to yourself, Tina. It’s a very scary story. Very upsetting. And I really don’t think—”

“Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!” Zeke started to chant.

And, instantly, we were all grinning up at our teacher and chanting loudly: “Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!”

Why didn’t Ms. Walker want us to hear the story? I wondered.

How scary could it be?



“Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!” we all continued to chant.

Ms. Walker raised both hands for us to be silent.

But that only made us stamp our feet in time to our chanting.

“Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!”

“Okay!” she shouted finally. “Okay, I’ll tell you the story. But, remember—it’s just a story. I don’t want you to get too scared.”

“You can’t scare us!” Zeke cried.

Everyone laughed. But I was staring hard at Ms. Walker. I could see that she really didn’t want us to know this story.

Ms. Walker always said we could talk about anything we wanted to with her. I began to wonder why she didn’t want to talk about the Phantom.

“The story starts seventy-two years ago,” Ms. Walker began, “the year Woods Mill Middle School was first built. I guess Tina’s great-grandfather was a student here that year.”

“Yes, he was,” Tina called out. “He was in the first class that went to this school. He told me there were only twenty-five kids in the whole school.”

Ms. Walker crossed her skinny arms over the front of her yellow sweater and continued her story. “The students wanted to put on a play. A boy was hunting around in the basement of the Old Woods Mill Library. He found a script down there. It was called The Phantom.

“It was a very scary play about a girl who is kidnapped by a mysterious phantom. The boy showed it to his teacher. The teacher decided it would be fun to perform the play. It would be a grand production with the best scary special effects they could create.”

Zeke and I exchanged excited glances. The play had special effects! We loved special effects!

“Rehearsals for The Phantom began,” Ms. Walker continued. “The boy who had discovered the play at the library won the lead role of The Phantom.”

Everybody turned to look at Zeke. He smiled proudly, as if he had something to do with it.

“They practiced the play after school every day,” Ms. Walker continued. “Everyone was having a really good time. Everyone was working really hard to make it a good play. It was all going smoothly, until—until—”

She hesitated.

“Tell us!” I called out loudly.

“Tell us! Tell us!” a few kids started chanting again.

“I want you all to remember this is just a story,” Ms. Walker said again. “There’s no proof that it ever happened.”

We all nodded.

Ms. Walker cleared her throat, then continued. “On the night of the play, the kids were all in costume. Parents and friends filled the auditorium. This auditorium. The kids were really excited and nervous.

“Their teacher called them together to give them a pep talk. The play was about to start. But to everyone’s surprise, the boy playing the Phantom was nowhere to be found.”

Ms. Walker began pacing back and forth on the stage as she continued the story. “They called to him. They looked for him backstage. But they couldn’t find the Phantom, the star of the show.

“They spread out. They searched everywhere. But they couldn’t find him. The boy had vanished.

“They searched for an hour,” Ms. Walker continued. “Everyone was so upset, so frightened. Especially the boy’s parents.

“Finally, the teacher stepped out onstage to announce that the play could not go on. But before she could speak, a horrible scream rang out over the auditorium.”

Ms. Walker stopped pacing. “It was a frightening scream. People said it was like an animal howl.

“The teacher ran toward the sound. She called to the boy. But now there was only silence. A heavy silence. No more screams.

“Once again, the entire school was searched. But the boy was never found.”

Ms. Walker swallowed hard.

We were all silent. No one even breathed!

“He was never seen again,” she repeated. “I guess you could say that the Phantom became a real phantom. He just disappeared. And the play was never performed.”

She stopped pacing and stared out at us. Her eyes moved from seat to seat.

“Weird,” someone behind me murmured.

“Do you think it’s true?” I heard a boy whisper.

And then, beside me, Corey Sklar let out a gasp. “Oh, no!” he cried, pointing to the side door. “There he is! There’s the Phantom!”

I turned—along with everyone else—and saw the hideous face of the Phantom, grinning at us from the doorway.



Corey Sklar screamed.

A lot of kids screamed. I think even Tina screamed.

The Phantom’s face was twisted in an ugly grin. His bright red hair stood straight up on his head. One eyeball bulged out from its socket. Black stitches covered a deep scar that ran all the way down the side of his face.

“BOO!” the Phantom yelled, bursting into the aisle.

More screams.

I just laughed. I knew it was Zeke.

I had seen him wear that dumb mask before. He kept it in his locker in case he needed it.

“Zeke, give us a break!” I called.

He pulled the mask off by the hair. His face was red underneath it. Zeke grinned at everyone. He knew he had just pulled off a really good joke.

Kids were laughing now.

Someone threw an empty milk container at Zeke. Another kid tried to trip Zeke as he headed back to his seat.

“Very funny, Zeke,” Ms. Walker said, rolling her eyes. “I hope we won’t have any more visits from the Phantom!”

Zeke dropped back into the seat next to me. “Why did you scare everyone like that?” I whispered.

“Felt like it.” Zeke grinned back at me.

“So, will we be the first kids to perform this play?” Corey asked Ms. Walker.

Our teacher nodded. “Yes, we will. After the boy disappeared seventy-two years ago, the school decided to destroy all the scripts and the scenery. But one copy of the script was kept, locked up in the school vault for all these years. And now we’re going to perform The Phantom for the first time!”

Kids started talking excitedly. It took Ms. Walker a while to quiet us down.

“Now listen,” she said, putting her hands on her pencil-thin waist. “This was just a story. An old school legend. I’ll bet even Tina’s great-grandfather will tell you that it isn’t true. I only told it to put you all in a horror mood.”

“But what about the curse?” I shouted up to her. “Tina said there was a curse!”

“Yes,” Tina called out. “My great-grandfather said the play is cursed. The Phantom won’t let anyone perform it. Grandpa says the Phantom is still here in the school. The Phantom has been haunting the school for over seventy years! But no one has ever seen him.”

“Excellent!” Zeke declared, his eyes lighting up.

Some kids laughed. Some kids looked kind of uncomfortable. Kind of scared.

“I told you, it’s just a story,” Ms. Walker said. “Now, let’s get down to business, okay? Who wants to help me pass the scripts out? I’ve made a copy for each of you. I want you to take them home and begin studying your parts.”

Zeke and I practically fell over each other running up to the stage to help Ms. Walker. She handed us each a stack of scripts. We climbed back down and started to hand them out. When I came to Corey, he pulled his hand back. “Wh-what if the curse is true?” he called up to Ms. Walker.

“Corey, please,” she insisted. “Enough talk about the Phantom and the curse, okay? We have a lot of work to do, and—”

She didn’t finish.

Instead, she screamed.

I turned back to the stage, where Ms. Walker had been standing a second before.

She was gone.

She had vanished into thin air.



The scripts fell from my hands.

I turned and made a dash for the stage. I heard kids shouting and crying out in surprise.

“She just disappeared!” I heard Corey utter.

“But that’s impossible!” a girl shrieked.

Zeke and I scrambled onstage together. “Ms. Walker—where are you?” I called. “Ms. Walker?”


“Ms. Walker? Can you hear me?” Zeke called.

Then I heard Ms. Walker’s faint cry for help. “I’m down here!” she called.

“Down where?” Zeke cried.

“Down here!”

Down below the stage? That’s where her voice seemed to be coming from.

“Help me up!” Ms. Walker called again.

What’s going on here? I wondered. How come we can hear her, but we can’t see her?

I was the first to spot the big, square hole in the stage. Zeke and the other kids gathered around it. I stepped to the edge of the opening and peered down.

Ms. Walker stared up at me. She was standing on a small, square platform, five or six feet below the stage. “You’ll have to raise the platform,” she said.

“How do we bring it up?” Zeke asked.

“Press that peg. Over there on the stage,” Ms. Walker instructed. She pointed to a small wooden peg to the right of the trapdoor.

“Got it!” Zeke cried. He pushed down the peg. We heard a clanking sound. Then a grinding sound. Then a groaning sound.

Slowly, the platform came rising up. Ms. Walker stepped off the platform. She grinned at us and brushed off the back of her blue slacks. “I forgot about the trapdoor,” she said. “I could have broken a leg or something. But I think I’m okay.”

We all gathered around. Zeke dropped down on his hands and knees, staring down at the trapdoor.

“I forgot to mention the best part about this play,” Ms. Walker told us. “This trapdoor was built for the first production of The Phantom. It was totally forgotten. It’s never been used in a school play—until now!”

My mouth dropped open. A trapdoor! How awesome!

Ms. Walker reached down and tugged Zeke back from the opening. “Careful. You’ll fall,” she said. “I lowered the platform earlier. I forgot it was still down.”

Zeke climbed to his feet. I could see he was really interested in the trapdoor.

“When The Phantom was first supposed to be performed,” Ms. Walker told us, “the school had this trapdoor built so that the Phantom could disappear or rise up from below. Back then, it was a very impressive special effect.”

I turned my eyes to Zeke. He seemed about to explode with excitement. “Am I the only one who gets to use it in the play?” he asked eagerly. “Can I try it now? Please?”

“Not yet, Zeke,” Ms. Walker replied firmly. “I still need to have it checked out for safety reasons. Until it has been checked, I don’t want anybody fooling with the trapdoor.”

Zeke was already back on his hands and knees, inspecting the trapdoor.

Ms. Walker cleared her throat loudly. “Is that clear? Zeke?” she asked.

Zeke glanced up. He sighed. “Yes, Ms. Walker,” he muttered.

“Good,” Ms. Walker said. “Now let’s get back to our seats. I’d like to read through the play once before we leave today. Just to give you an idea of the story and the characters.”

We returned to our seats. Zeke’s expression caught my eye. I’d seen that look on his face before. His forehead was wrinkled, and his left eyebrow was up. I could tell he was deep in thought.

It took more than an hour to read through the play. The Phantom was a really scary play!

It was about a man named Carlo who owns a very old theater where plays and concerts are performed. Carlo thinks his theater is haunted.

It turns out that there really is a phantom living in the basement. His face is scarred. He looks like a monster. So he wears a mask. But Carlo’s daughter, Esmerelda, falls in love with the Phantom. She plans to run away with him. But her handsome boyfriend, Eric, finds out.

Eric is in love with Esmerelda. He tracks down the Phantom in his secret home in a dark passage far beneath the theater. They fight. And Eric kills the Phantom.

This breaks Esmerelda’s heart. She runs away, never to be seen again. And the Phantom survives as a ghost. He will haunt the theater forever.

Pretty dramatic, huh?

I think we all enjoyed reading through the play. We could see that it was going to be a lot of fun to perform.

When I read my lines as Esmerelda, I tried to picture what it would be like to be in costume, saying the lines onstage. Once, I glanced back and saw Tina mouthing my lines silently to herself.

She stopped when she caught me watching her.

She frowned at me the way she always does.

Tina is totally jealous, I told myself. She really wants to be Esmerelda.

For a moment, I felt bad for Tina. I didn’t like Tina very much. But I didn’t want her to hate me because I had the part she wanted to play.

But I didn’t have much time to think about Tina. I had a lot of lines to read. Esmerelda was onstage a lot in this play. It was a really big part.

When we finally finished reading the play, we all clapped and cheered.

“Okay. Go home, everyone,” Ms. Walker instructed, waving us to the door. “Start learning your parts. We’ll meet again tomorrow.”

As I began to follow the other kids to the door, I felt a hand pull me back. I turned to find Zeke pulling me behind a wide concrete beam.

“Zeke—what are you doing?” I demanded.

He raised a finger to his lips. “Shhhh.” His eyes were really excited. “Let them all go,” he whispered.

I peeked out from behind the pillar. Ms. Walker lowered the lights. Then she collected her papers and made her way out through the auditorium door.

“Why are we hiding here?” I whispered impatiently.

Zeke grinned at me. “Let’s try out the trapdoor,” he whispered back.


“Let’s try it out. Quick. While there’s no one in here.”

I glanced quickly around the auditorium. Dark. And empty.

“Come on. Don’t be a wimp,” Zeke urged, pulling me toward the stage. “Let’s try it out, okay? What could happen?”

I turned uncertainly to the stage. “Okay,” I said.

Zeke was right. What could happen?



Zeke and I climbed on to the stage. It was darker than before. And it felt colder.

Our sneakers thudded over the floorboards. Every sound seemed to echo over the whole auditorium.

“This trapdoor is so cool!” Zeke exclaimed. “Too bad you don’t get to use it in the play.”

I gave him a playful shove and started to reply. But I suddenly felt one of my sneezing attacks coming on. The dusty auditorium curtain must have triggered my allergies.

I have the worst allergies in creation. I am allergic to absolutely everything. You name it. Dust, pollen, cats, dogs—even some sweaters.

When I have an allergy attack, sometimes I sneeze thirteen or fourteen times in a row. My all-time record is seventeen.

Zeke likes to count my sneezes. He thinks he’s a riot. He slaps the floor and yells, “Seven! Eight! Nine!”

Ha-ha. After ten sneezes in a row, I’m in no mood for jokes. I’m usually a pitiful, dripping mess with foggy glasses.

We tiptoed over to the trapdoor. “Check the floor around there,” Zeke said quietly. “Find that peg that makes it work.”

Zeke stood on the trapdoor while I searched for the peg in the darkness. I desperately tried to hold in my sneezes, but it wasn’t easy.

Then the small peg on the stage floor caught my eye. “Hey—I found it!” I shouted happily.

Zeke glanced nervously around the auditorium. “Ssshhh! Someone will hear you!”

“Sorry,” I whispered. Then I realized I couldn’t hold out any longer. My eyes were watering like crazy, and I just had to sneeze.

I grabbed a handful of tissues from my pocket and put the whole wad up to my nose. Then I started sneezing. I tried to keep them as silent as possible.

“Four! Five!” Zeke counted.

Luckily, it wasn’t a record-breaking attack. I only made it to seven. I wiped my nose and shoved the dirty tissues in my pocket. It was gross, but I had nowhere else to throw them.

“Okay, Zeke, here goes!” I cried.

I stepped on the peg and jumped beside Zeke on the trapdoor.

We heard a clanking sound. Then a rumbling. Then a grinding.

The square section of floor began to lower itself.

Zeke grabbed my arm. “Hey—this thing is kind of shaky!” he cried.

“You’re not scared—are you!” I challenged him.

“No way!” he insisted.

The clanking grew louder. The square platform shook beneath us as we slid down. Down, down—until the stage disappeared, and we were surrounded by darkness.

I expected the platform to come to a stop just beneath the stage. That’s where it stopped for Ms. Walker.

But, to my surprise, the platform kept dropping.

And it picked up speed as it slid farther and farther down.

“Hey—what’s happening?” Zeke cried, holding on to my arm.

“How far down does this thing go?” I wondered out loud.

“Ohh!” Zeke and I both cried out as the platform finally hit the bottom with a hard thud!

We were both thrown to the floor.

I scrambled to my feet quickly. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I guess.” Zeke definitely sounded scared.

We seemed to be in a long, black tunnel.

Dark. And silent.

I don’t like to admit it. But I was very close to being scared, too.

Suddenly the silence was broken by a soft, raspy noise.

I felt panic choke my throat. That sound. What was it?

The sound repeated softly, steadily.

Like breathing.

My heart pounded in my chest. Yes! Breathing. The raspy breathing of a strange creature. So close to me.

Right next to me.


“Zeke—why are you breathing like that?” I demanded, feeling my heartbeat slow to normal.

“Breathing like what?” he whispered.

“Oh. Never mind,” I muttered. He was breathing that way because he was scared. We were both scared. But there was no way we would ever admit it to each other.

We both raised our eyes to the auditorium ceiling. It was a small, square glow in the far distance. It seemed to be miles and miles above us.

Zeke turned to me. “Where do you think we are?”

“We’re about a mile beneath the stage,” I replied, feeling a chill.

“No kidding, Sherlock,” Zeke replied nastily.

“If you’re so smart, you tell me!” I challenged him.

“I don’t think it’s the basement,” he said thoughtfully. “I think we’re way below the basement.”

“It feels like it’s a big tunnel or something,” I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking. “Want to explore?”

He didn’t answer for a long moment. “Too dark to explore,” he replied finally.

I didn’t really want to explore. I was just pretending to be brave. Usually, I liked having the creeps. But being way down here was too creepy, even for me.

“We’ll come back with flashlights,” Zeke said softly.

“Yeah. Flashlights,” I repeated. I didn’t plan to ever come back!

I played nervously with the denim hair scrunchie on my wrist and stared out into the darkness. Something bothered me. Something didn’t make sense.

“Zeke,” I said thoughtfully, “why would the stage trapdoor come all the way down here?”

“I don’t know. Maybe so the Phantom can get home quicker after he haunts the auditorium!” Zeke joked.

I punched him in the arm. “No jokes about the Phantom—okay?”

If there really is a phantom, I told myself, this is where he would live.

“Let’s get out of here!” Zeke said, staring up at the square of light so far above our heads. “I’m going to be late for dinner.”

“Yeah, sure,” I replied, folding my arms across my chest. “Just one question, Mr. Know-It-All.”

“What question?” Zeke asked uncertainly.

“How do we get back up?”

We both thought about that one for a while.

After a minute or so, I saw Zeke drop to his knees and begin running his hand along the platform floor. “There’s got to be a peg to push down here,” he said.

“No. The peg is up there,” I replied, pointing way up to the stage floor.

“Then there’s got to be a switch or a lever or a button to push!” Zeke cried. His voice grew high and shrill.

“Where? Where could it be?” My voice sounded just as shrill, just as frightened.

We both started feeling around in the darkness, feeling for something we could push, or pull, or turn. Something to make the little square platform rise up again and carry us back up to the auditorium.

But after a few minutes of desperate searching, I gave up.

“We’re trapped down here, Zeke,” I murmured. “We’re trapped.”



“This is all your fault,” I muttered.

I don’t know why I said that. I guess I was so frightened, I didn’t know what I was saying.

Zeke forced a laugh. “Hey, I like it down here!” he boasted. “I may just stay down here for a while. You know. Do some exploring.” He was trying to sound brave. But his voice came out tiny and trembling.

He wasn’t fooling me. No way.

“How could you bring us down here?” I cried.

“You wanted to come, too!” he shot back.

“I did not!” I screamed. “Ms. Walker told us this thing isn’t safe! And now we’ll be down here all night! Maybe forever!”

“Unless we’re eaten by rats!” Zeke joked.

“I’m sick of your stupid jokes!” I shouted. I totally lost it. I gave him a hard shove with both hands. He went sprawling off the platform.

It was so dark, I couldn’t see him for a moment.

“Ow!” I cried out as he shoved me back.

Then I shoved him harder.

Then he shoved me harder than that.

I stumbled back—onto some kind of a switch. My back hit the switch.

A loud clanking sound made me nearly jump out of my skin.

“Brooke—jump back on! Quick!” Zeke screamed.

I leaped back onto the platform just as it started to move.

Up, up. Sliding slowly but steadily.

The square of light above our heads grew larger and brighter as we rose back up to the auditorium.

“Hey!” I cried out as the platform stopped with a jolt.

“Way to go, Brookie!” Zeke yelled happily. He slapped me on the back.

“Don’t celebrate yet,” I told him. We still weren’t back on the stage. The platform had stopped about five feet down from the top. Just where it had been for Ms. Walker.

I guessed that the only way to raise it all the way up was to step on the peg onstage.

“Give me a boost up,” Zeke urged eagerly.

I cupped my hands together. He lowered his sneaker into my hands.

“Wait!” he cried, stepping back down. “Whoa! What if the Phantom is up there waiting for us? Maybe you should go first!”

“Ha-ha. Very funny,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Remind me to laugh later.”

“Okay, okay. I’ll go first,” he muttered.

He put his sneaker into my cupped hands, reached up to the stage floor, and I gave him a boost.

I watched him scramble on to the stage. He disappeared from view.

I waited for him to reach down for me.

A whole minute went by.

“Zeke?” The word came out tiny and weak.

I waited some more. Listening hard.

I couldn’t hear him up there. Where was he?

“Zeke? Where are you?” I called up. “Come on. Raise the platform. Or give me a hand,” I called up. “I can’t make it by myself.”

Another minute passed. It seemed like an hour.

I suddenly realized what Zeke was trying to do.

That big jerk! He was trying to scare me!

“Hey! Enough!” I shouted.

I had had more than enough of Zeke Matthews for one day.

“Zeke!” I yelled. “Give me a break! Get me up!”

Finally, his hands lowered down over the side.

“It’s about time!” I shouted angrily.

I grabbed both hands and let him pull me up to the stage.

I shook my hair back. My eyes were slowly adjusting to the brighter light. “You know, you’re not funny!” I snapped. “Keeping me waiting down there was really—”

I stopped and swallowed hard. It wasn’t Zeke who had pulled me from the trapdoor.

A strange pair of dark, angry eyes stared into mine.



I swallowed hard. A strange little man stared back at me, an angry scowl on his face. He wore baggy gray pants and a loose-fitting gray sweatshirt, torn at the collar.

His thick white hair fell wild and unbrushed over his forehead like a floor mop. He had a deep purple scar down the side of his face, nearly as long as the scar on Zeke’s creature mask.

I could see that he was old. But he was tiny, no bigger than a kid. He stood only an inch or two taller than Zeke.

As he squinted at me with his strange, gray eyes, his face twisted into an ugly frown.

He looks like a phantom! The frightening thought flashed through my mind.

“Wh-who are you?” I stammered.

“I’m Emile. The night janitor,” the man rasped.

“Where’s my friend Zeke?” I demanded in a shrill, frightened voice.

“Brooke, I’m over here,” Zeke called out from behind me.

I whirled around. Zeke stood on the other side of the trapdoor. He had his hands shoved deep into his jeans pockets. He was biting his lower lip.

“Zeke!” I cried. “What’s going on? Why—”

“The school is closed!” the janitor growled. He had a hoarse voice, like sandpaper. “What are you two doing in here?”

Zeke and I exchanged glances. Zeke took a step forward. “We… uh… stayed for play rehearsal,” he told the man.

“That’s right,” I chimed in. “We had a late rehearsal.”

The janitor continued to squint suspiciously at me. “Play rehearsal?” he repeated. “Then where is everybody else?”

I hesitated. This guy was scaring me so much, my legs wobbled. “We left,” I blurted out. “But we had to come back to get my jacket.”

Behind Emile, I saw Zeke nodding, approving my lie.

“How do you know about the trapdoor?” the janitor demanded in his sandpaper voice.

I hesitated. It’s strange that I’ve never seen him in the school building before, I thought.

“Ms. Walker, our teacher, showed it to us,” Zeke said softly. I could see that he was as scared as I was.

The man leaned closer to me, squinting so that one side of his face was completely twisted up. “Don’t you know how dangerous it is?” he whispered.

He leaned even closer, so close that I could feel his hot breath on my face. His pale gray eyes stared into mine. “Don’t you know how dangerous it is?”


Zeke and I talked on the phone that night. “That man wasn’t trying to warn us,” I told Zeke. “He was trying to scare us.”

“Well, he didn’t scare me at all,” Zeke boasted. “I’m sorry if he got you upset, Brookie.”

Oh, wow, I thought. Sometimes Zeke is such a phoney.

“If you weren’t scared, how come you were shaking all the way home?” I demanded.

“I wasn’t shaking. I was just exercising,” Zeke joked. “You know. Working out the calf muscles.”

“Give me a break,” I moaned. “How come we’ve never seen that janitor before?”

“Because he’s not a janitor. He is… the PHANTOM!” Zeke cried in a deep, scary voice.

I didn’t laugh. “Get serious,” I told him. “It wasn’t a joke. He was really trying to frighten us.”

“Hope you don’t have nightmares, Brookie,” Zeke replied, laughing.

I hung up on him.


* * *


On Tuesday morning, I walked to school with my little brother, Jeremy. As we walked, I talked about the play.

I told Jeremy the whole story. But I left out the part about the trapdoor. Ms. Walker said it would be better if we kept it a secret until the performance.

“Is it really scary?” Jeremy asked me. Jeremy is seven, and he gets scared if you say “boo” to him. Once, I made him watch the movie Poltergeist with me, and he woke up screaming every night for three weeks.

“Yeah, it’s pretty scary,” I told him. “But not scary like Friday the 13th scary.”

Jeremy seemed relieved. He really hated scary things. On Halloween, he hid in his room! I would never make him watch Friday the 13th. He would probably have nightmares till he was fifty!

“The play has a surprise,” I added. “And it’s a pretty awesome surprise.”

“What is it?” Jeremy demanded.

I reached over and messed up his hair. It’s chestnut-brown, like mine. “If I told you that,” I said, making a funny voice, “it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”

“You sound just like Mom!” Jeremy cried.

What an insult!

I dropped him off at his school and then crossed the street to my school. As I made my way down the hall, I thought about my part in the play. Esmerelda had so many lines. I wondered if I could memorize them all in time.

And I wondered if my old stage fright would come back. Last year, I had terrible stage fright in Guys and Dolls. And I didn’t even have any lines to say!

I walked into the classroom, said good morning to some kids, made my way to my table—and stopped.

“Hey!” A boy I had never seen before was at my place.

He was kind of cute. He had dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He was wearing a big red-and-black flannel shirt over black sweatpants.

He had made himself right at home. His books and notebooks were spread out. And he was tilting back in my chair with his black high-tops resting on the table.

“You’re in my place,” I said, standing over him.

He gazed up at me with those green eyes. “No, I’m not,” he replied casually. “This is my place.”



“Excuse me?” I said, staring down at him.

He blushed. “I think this is where Ms. Walker told me to sit.” He glanced around nervously.

I saw an empty spot at the table behind mine. “She probably meant over there,” I said, pointing. “I’ve been in this seat all year. Next to Zeke.” I motioned to Zeke’s chair. Zeke wasn’t there. He was late, as usual.

The boy blushed even darker. “Sorry,” he muttered shyly. “I hate being the new kid.” He started to gather his books together.

“This is your first day?” I asked. I introduced myself.

“I’m Brian Colson,” he replied, climbing to his feet. “My family just moved to Woods Mill. From Indiana.”

I said I’d never been to Indiana. It was a boring thing to say, but it was true.

“You’re Brooke Rodgers?” he asked, studying me. “I heard you got the starring role. In the play.”

“How did you hear that already?” I demanded.

“Some kids were talking about it on the bus. You must be a good actress, huh?” he added shyly.

“I guess. I don’t know. Sometimes I get pretty bad stage fright,” I told him.

I don’t know why I told him all that. Sometimes I just rattle on. I guess that’s why my parents call me Babbling Brooke.

Brian smiled shyly and sighed. “Back at my school in Indiana, I was in all the plays,” he told me. “But I never had the lead role. I wish I had moved here sooner. Then I could have tried out for The Phantom.”

I tried to picture Brian onstage in a play, but I couldn’t. He didn’t seem like the acting type to me. He seemed so shy. And he kept blushing all the time.

But I decided to give the poor guy a break. “Brian, why don’t you come to rehearsal with me this afternoon?” I suggested. “Maybe you can get a small part or something.”

Brian smiled as if I’d just offered him a million dollars. “You mean it?” he asked, wide-eyed.

“Sure,” I replied. “No big deal.”

Zeke came slinking into his seat, his eyes on Ms. Walker’s desk. “Am I late?” he whispered.

I shook my head. Then I started to introduce him to Brian. But Ms. Walker stepped into the room and closed the door. Time for class to begin.

Brian hurried to his place at the other table. I started to sit down, but realized I’d left my science notebook in my locker.

“Be right back!” I called to Ms. Walker. I hurried out the door and jogged around the corner to my locker.

“Hey!” To my surprise, the locker door stood half open.

That’s weird, I thought. I remembered locking it.

I pulled the door open the rest of the way. Started to reach inside for my notebook.

And let out a startled gasp.

Someone was in there—and he was staring right at me!



His ugly blue-and-green face grinned out at me.

I gasped again and clamped my hand over my mouth. Then I cracked up laughing.

Zeke and his dumb rubber creature mask.

“Well, you got me this time, Zeke!” I murmured out loud.

Then I saw the folded-up sheet of paper dangling beneath the mask. Some kind of note?

I pulled it out and unfolded it. Scribbled in red crayon was a message:





“Ha-ha,” I murmured. “Very good, Zeke. Very amusing.”

I pulled out my science notebook, slammed the locker shut, and locked it. Then I hurried back to the classroom.

Ms. Walker stood behind her desk. She had just finished introducing Brian to everyone. Now she was reading the morning announcements. I slid into my seat beside Zeke. “You didn’t scare me one bit,” I lied.

He looked up from his math notebook. Zeke always did his math homework first thing in class. “Huh?” He flashed me his innocent look.

“Your mask,” I whispered. “It didn’t scare me.”

“Mask? What mask?” he replied, tapping the pencil eraser against my arm.

I shoved him away. “Stop acting stupid,” I said sharply. “Your note wasn’t funny, either. You can do better than that.”

“I didn’t write you any note, Brooke,” Zeke replied impatiently. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Really.”

“For sure,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You don’t know anything about the mask in my locker or the note, right?”

“Shut up and let me finish my math,” he said, staring down at his textbook. “You’re not making any sense.”

“Oh. Well. I guess the real Phantom did it, then,” I said.

He ignored me. He was scribbling equations in his notebook.

What a phoney baloney! I thought. Zeke did it, and he knows it.

For sure.


* * *


After school, I led Brian to the auditorium. I practically had to drag him up on the stage. He was so shy!

“Ms. Walker, are there any parts still available?” I asked. “Brian is really interested in being in the play.”

Ms. Walker glanced up from the script in her hands. I saw that she had scribbled notes all over the script. She studied Brian.

“I’m really sorry, Brian,” she said, shaking her head. “You came to school a few days too late.”

Brian blushed. I’ve never seen anyone blush so often.

“There aren’t any speaking parts left,” Ms. Walker told him. “They’ve all been given out.”

“Do you need a stand-in for anyone?” Brian asked. “I’m a very fast memorizer. I could memorize more than one part.”

Wow, I thought. He really is eager to be in the play.

“Well, we really don’t need any more stand-ins,” Ms. Walker told him. “But, I have an idea. You can join the scenery crew if you wish.”

“Great!” Brian exclaimed with real enthusiasm.

“Go see Tina over there,” Ms. Walker told him, pointing to the group of kids meeting at the back wall of the stage. Tina was busily pointing out where she wanted the scenery to go, motioning dramatically with both hands, making everyone follow her all around the stage.

Brian seemed really happy. I watched him trot over to find Tina.

I took a seat in the auditorium and concentrated on my script. I was in practically every scene. How could I possibly memorize my whole part? I sighed and slouched back in the seat, slinging my feet over the seat in front of me.

I was memorizing my third line in the play, which went, “What proof do you have that this man might be dangerous?”, when all the lights suddenly went out.

A total blackout! I couldn’t see a thing.

Kids started to shout. “Hey! Who turned out the lights?”

“I can’t see!”

“What’s happening? Turn them back on!”

I sat straight up when I heard the shrill scream.

A terrifying scream—like an animal howl—that ripped through the darkness and exploded over the auditorium.

“No! Noooo!” I heard Corey Sklar moan.

And then I heard someone else cry out, “It’s coming from up on the catwalk!”

Another shrill wail rose up over the frightened cries of my friends.

“Turn on the lights!” I heard Corey plead. “Please—turn on the lights!”

Other frightened voices called out, “Who is screaming?”

“Somebody—do something!”

“There’s someone up on the catwalk!”

The auditorium lights flickered back on.

Another long howl from above the stage forced me to raise my eyes.

And I saw him. A green-and-blue-masked creature wearing a shiny black cape.

Gripping a long, heavy rope, he came swinging down from high on the catwalk.

As he swung down to the stage, he threw his head back and laughed a horrifying evil laugh.

I jumped to my feet and stared in amazement.

The Phantom!



The Phantom landed hard on his feet. His shoes hit the stage floor with a thud.

He let go of the rope and it flew away from him.

The green-and-blue face glanced quickly around the stage. Tina and her scenery crew stood frozen against the wall, staring at him in horrified silence. Ms. Walker appeared stunned. She had her arms tightly crossed over her chest.

The Phantom’s cape swirled around him as he stomped one shoe on the stage.

He’s short, I realized, standing and staring from down in the second row of seats. He’s about Zeke’s height. Maybe an inch or two taller.

Or maybe he’s exactly Zeke’s height—because he is Zeke!

“Zeke! Hey—Zeke!” I called.

The ugly, masked face peered out to the auditorium. The Phantom started to sink. His feet disappeared. The legs of his dark pants. Down. Down.

He had stepped on the peg and was riding the trapdoor down.

“Zeke!” I yelled. I ran up the aisle and pulled myself up onto the stage. “Zeke—you’re not funny!” I shouted.

But the Phantom had vanished below the stage.

I ran up to the opening in the stage and stared down into the darkness. Ms. Walker stepped up beside me, an angry scowl on her face. “Was that Zeke?” she asked me. “Was that really Zeke?”

“I—I’m not sure,” I stammered. “I think so.”

“Zeke!” Ms. Walker called down into the opening. “Zeke—are you down there?”

No reply.

The platform had lowered all the way down. I couldn’t see anything but a deep well of blackness.

Kids gathered around the opening, chattering excitedly, laughing and teasing each other. “Was that Zeke?” I heard Corey ask. “Was Zeke wearing that dumb mask again?”

“Is Zeke going to ruin our rehearsal today?” Ms. Walker demanded angrily. “Does he think we need to be scared every afternoon?”

I shrugged. I couldn’t answer.

“Maybe it wasn’t Zeke,” I heard Corey say. He sounded very frightened.

“It had to be Zeke. Zeke—are you here?” Ms. Walker shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth. She turned slowly, her eyes darting over the stage and then all the seats of the auditorium. “Zeke Matthews? Can you hear me?”

No answer. No sign of Zeke.

“He’s your friend, Brooke,” Tina said nastily. “Don’t you know where he is? Can’t you tell him to stop ruining our play?”

I sputtered an answer. I was so angry, I didn’t know what I was saying.

I mean, Zeke is my friend. But I’m not responsible for him!

Tina was just trying to make me look bad and score some points with Ms. Walker.

“Okay, scenery people,” Ms. Walker instructed. “Back to work. I’ll take care of this. The rest of you—”

She stopped. We all heard it. The loud clanking sound.

A loud hum rose up over the clanking.

“The trapdoor—it’s coming back up!” I cried, pointing.

“Good,” Ms. Walker said, crossing her arms over her chest again. She narrowed her eyes at the opening in the stage floor. “Now I will let Zeke know how we feel about his little joke. His last little joke, if I have anything to say about it!”

Uh-oh, I thought. Poor Zeke.

Ms. Walker was a really good teacher, and a really nice person, too—until you got on her bad side. But once you did that, once you made her angry, once you had her crossing her arms and squinting her eyes at you—then you were in major trouble.

Because she could be really mean.

I knew that Zeke was just having some fun. He loved being the center of attention. And he loved to scare people. He especially loved to scare me.

This was a game for him, I knew. He was trying to show everyone that they were scaredy-cat wimps, and he wasn’t.

Zeke played this game all the time.

But this time it had backfired. This time he had gone too far.

And Ms. Walker was waiting for him, arms crossed, eyes squinting.

Will she toss him out of the play? I wondered. Or will she just yell at him until his ears curl?

The hum grew louder. The stage floor vibrated.

We all heard the platform stop—its usual five feet below the stage.

Poor Zeke, I thought. He’s standing there innocently. He doesn’t know what he’s in for.

Poor Zeke.

I peered down into the opening—and gasped.



The platform was empty. No one there.

Zeke—or whoever it was—had sent it back up empty. And had disappeared into the dark tunnels far below the school.

Zeke wouldn’t do that, I told myself. Even Zeke wouldn’t be crazy enough to go down in that darkness by himself. Without a flashlight. Without a clue as to what was down there.

Would he?

Yes, he would. I answered my own question. If he thought he could really terrify us, Zeke would do anything!

Ms. Walker canceled the rehearsal. She told the scenery crew to stay and paint the backdrop. She told the rest of us to go home and study our parts.

“I’m going to have a long talk with Zeke when I find him,” she muttered. Then she turned and made her way quickly out of the auditorium.

I took my time walking home. I thought about Zeke all the way. I was thinking so hard, I walked right past my house!

Down the block, I saw Zeke’s mother’s red Pontiac pull up their driveway. Shielding my eyes against the late afternoon sun, I saw Mrs. Matthews climb out of the car. And then I saw Zeke on the other side.

“Hey! Zeke!” I shouted as I went running across the lawns toward him. “Zeke!”

His mother waved to me and disappeared into the house. Zeke looked surprised to see me. “Is play rehearsal over so early?” he asked.

“Yes. Thanks to you,” I muttered.

“Huh?” He gave me his innocent look again. “What did I do?”

“You didn’t scare me, Zeke,” I told him. “No one thought it was funny. And now you’re in a load of trouble with Ms. Walker.”

He narrowed his eyes and scrunched up his face, pretending not to understand. “What are you talking about, Brooke? How can I be in trouble? I wasn’t even there!”

“You were there long enough,” I told him.

He shook his head. His freckles seemed to grow darker. His blond hair fluttered in the wind. “No, I wasn’t,” he said quietly. “I told Ms. Walker I wouldn’t be there. I told her this morning that I had to miss rehearsal.”

“So you could get into your mask and cape and come flying down from the catwalk?” I demanded suspiciously.

“No. I told her I had a dentist appointment.”

I gaped at him in shock. My mouth dropped open.

“What’s your problem, Brooke?” he demanded. “It was only a checkup.”

“You—you really weren’t at school?” I stammered.

He shook his head. “No way.”

“Then who was the Phantom?” I asked in a tiny voice.

A strange smile spread over Zeke’s face.

“It was you!” I cried angrily. “You did your Phantom act, and then you went to your dentist appointment! Didn’t you, Zeke! Didn’t you!”

He only laughed. He wouldn’t answer.


After school the next afternoon, I walked with Brian to the auditorium. He looked cute in a black vest over a plain white T-shirt and faded jeans. “How are you doing with Tina?” I asked.

“Okay, I guess,” Brian replied. “She’s a little bossy. But she’s letting me design the backdrop pretty much on my own.”

I waved to some kids who were heading out the door for home. We turned the corner. I saw Corey and Tina walking into the auditorium.

“Did Zeke work things out with Ms. Walker?”

Brian asked. “I saw him talking to her this morning.”

“I guess,” I replied. “She’s letting Zeke stay in the play—for now.”

“Do you think it was Zeke who pulled that stunt yesterday?” Brian asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I do. Zeke likes scaring people. He’s been doing it since we were little. I think Zeke is trying to scare us. He’s trying to make us think there’s a real Phantom in the school.” I smiled at Brian. “But I don’t scare so easy!” I declared.


Soon after rehearsal started, Ms. Walker called Zeke and me onstage. She said she wanted to walk us through one of our scenes together. She wanted to show us where we should stand when we said our lines. She called it “blocking”.

She also asked Tina Powell and Robert Hernandez, Zeke’s understudy, to come up onstage. Ms. Walker said they should know all the blocking, too. Just in case.

Just in case? I thought. Then I remembered Tina’s warning: “In case you get sick or something on the night of the play, I get to play your part.”

Well, Tina, I hate to disappoint you, I muttered to myself, but I plan to be perfectly fine. So have fun painting your scenery. It’s the only time you’ll be onstage.

I know, I know. That’s kind of mean. But Tina deserved it.

Ms. Walker showed Zeke where to stand. I stood off to the side of the stage with Tina, waiting for my cue to go on.

“I guess Ms. Walker and Zeke worked things out,” Tina said. “I heard him this morning telling her he was at the dentist’s, and so he couldn’t be the one to swing down from the ceiling.”

I started to tell Tina to be quiet so I could hear my cue. But I was too late. I already heard Ms. Walker calling my name.

“Brooke Rodgers!” She sounded angry. “What’s going on over there? You’re supposed to be onstage!”

“Thanks a bunch, Tina,” I muttered under my breath. I ran out onto the stage. Glancing back, I could see Tina laughing to herself.

I couldn’t believe it! Tina had made me miss my cue on purpose!

Onstage, I didn’t know where I was supposed to stand. I didn’t even know what page of the script we were on.

What was my next line?

I couldn’t remember.

In a panic, I stared out at the kids in the auditorium seats. They all stared back at me, waiting for me to speak.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out.

“The line is, ‘Is somebody down here?’!” Tina yelled loudly from offstage.

Oh, wow, I thought unhappily. Tina will do anything to show me up! She’s just hoping Ms. Walker will kick me out of the play.

I felt so angry, my head was spinning. I couldn’t think straight. I repeated the line, then took a deep breath to calm down.

Zeke had the next line. He was supposed to appear onstage and scare Esmerelda.

But Zeke wasn’t onstage. He wasn’t anywhere in sight!

I peered out into the auditorium. Ms. Walker stood at the foot of the stage. She had her hands on her waist. She tapped one toe impatiently on the hard floor.

The auditorium grew silent, except for that tap. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. Ms. Walker seemed to be very annoyed.

“Where is Zeke?” she asked wearily. “What is he doing now? Is he going to come flying down from the catwalk in full costume or something?”

I should have guessed what Zeke was up to. But it didn’t dawn on me until I heard a familiar noise. The loud clanking. Followed by the hum.

The trapdoor platform! It was rising!

I sighed. “Here comes Zeke,” I told Ms. Walker.

And a second later, Zeke’s blue-and-green masked head appeared.

I stepped back and watched him rise from down below. It looked awesome. Really dramatic.

Slowly, he appeared, rising up over the stage floor.

He reached the top and just stood there for a long moment, staring out at the auditorium, as if posing for a picture. He was in full costume: his mask, a black cape down to his ankles, black shirt and pants.

What a ham! I thought. He really loves having everyone stare at him and think he’s hot stuff!

And then he stepped toward me, taking quick strides. Through the mask, he raised his eyes to me.

I tried to remember what I was supposed to say next.

But before I could utter a sound, he grabbed both of my shoulders. He shook them really hard. Too hard.

Ease up, Zeke, I thought. It’s only a rehearsal.

“Go away!” he cried in a furious whisper.

I remembered what I was supposed to say. I opened my mouth to speak…

But then I froze.

I saw someone waving to me from the edge of the stage.

Waving frantically.

It was Zeke!



I knew I was in major trouble.

If Zeke was standing way over there, who was shaking my shoulders, grinning at me through the ugly mask?

“Help! Somebody—help me!” I screamed, struggling to free myself.

“No, Brooke!” Ms. Walker called out to me. “The line is, ‘Help. Help me, Father.’”

She didn’t get it.

Couldn’t she see that there was a real phantom up here trying to shake me to death?

Suddenly, the Phantom lowered his masked face and whispered harshly in my ear, “Stay away. Stay away from my home sweet home!”

I gazed into his eyes.

They looked familiar to me.

Who was he? I knew I’d seen him before.

But before I could remember, he spun away from me, took a diving leap off the stage, and ran up the long aisle, his cape flowing behind him.

I stood watching in horror as he disappeared out through the auditorium doors.

Some kids laughed. I heard Tina mutter to someone, “Was that in the script?”

Zeke came running over to me. “Brookie, are you all right?”

“I—I don’t know,” I replied. I felt really shaken up.

“That was weird!” Zeke exclaimed.

Ms. Walker came striding across the stage, swinging her clipboard in one hand. She had a very confused expression on her face. “Can anyone explain what just happened here?” she asked.


“There’s a real phantom in this school,” Zeke said softly. He narrowed his eyes at me thoughtfully.

We were sitting in the front row of the auditorium. Brian scraped at a smudge of black paint on the bac

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 890

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