Systems of Psychotherapy There are several main broad schools and systems of psychotherapy.
Cognitive behavioral therapy refers to a range of techniques which focus on the construction and reconstruction of people’s cognitions, emotions and behaviors. Generally in CBT, the therapist helps clients assess, recognize and deal with problematic and dysfunctions ways of thinking emoting and behaving.
Behavior therapy focuses on modifying overt behavior and helping clients to achieve goals. This approach includes functional analytic psychotherapy, sometimes it is integrated with cognitive behavior therapy.
Body-oriented psychotherapy is also known as somatic psychology – it focuses on the line between the mind and the body.
Expressive therapy utilizes artistic expression as means of treating clients. This includes dance therapy, drama therapy, art therapy, music therapy, writing therapy.
Gestalt therapy is existential school of psychotherapy that emphasizes personal responsibility, and focuses upon the individual’s experience, the therapist-client relationships.
Group psychotherapy is a form psychotherapy in which one or more therapist treats a small group of clients together as a group. The term can legitimately refer to any form of psychotherapy when delivered in a group format.
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)is a time limited psychotherapy that focuses on the interpersonal context and on building interpersonal skills IPT is based on the belief that interpersonal factors may contribute heavily to psychological problems. IPT aims to change a person’s interpersonal behavior by fostering adaptation to current interpersonal roles and situations.
Narrative psychotherapy – gives attention to each person’s «dominant story» by means of therapeutic conversations, which also may involve exploring unhelpful ideas and how they came to prominence.
Integrative psychotherapy – is an attempt to combine ideas and strategies from more than one theoretical approach.
Hypnotherapy – is therapy that is undertaken with a subject in hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is often applied in order to modify a subject’s behavior emotional content, and attitudes, as well as a wide range of conditions including dysfunctional habits, anxiety, stress-related illnesses, pain management, and personal development.
Psychoanalysis – it was the first practice to be called psychotherapy. It encourages the verbalization of all the patient’s thoughts, including free associations, fantasies, and dreams, from which the analyst formulates the nature of the unconscious conflicts which are causing the patient’s symptoms and problems.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1185