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Find the examples of passive forms in the texts B, C, define their tenses and translate them.


State the tense and voice of the verbs.

1. The seeds of most plants will germinate in spring.

2. The conception of nuclear structure has been much criticized.

3. Sugar may be prepared both from beet and sugarcane.

4. Some bulbs of tulips were got from Holland.

5. A cell wall is generally called a membrane.

6. New species were investigated by Norton to verify the suggested hypothesis.

7. The metabolism of animals will be altered under thermal stress.

8. The experiment is being conducted at room temperature. .


Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbs in the Passive Voice.

1. Do you think that more money should (spend) on protecting homeless animals?

2. A new meeting of supporters of the Green movement is going to (hold) next month.

3. Pet owners must (warn) against being cruel to their pets.

4. We are looking for the missing dog. He can’t (find) anywhere.

5. Sick animals should (take) to the veterinary office as soon as possible.

6. The cell membrane may (define) as a wall separating the nucleus from the general mass of the protoplasm.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of one of the verbs given below, using the Passive Voice.

Publish, visit, destroy, sting, build, train, discover, injure.

1. The man … by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

2. A lot of houses …in the storm last night.

3. How many books on animals … this year?

4. A new hospital for animals … in this area next year.

5. He said that some new methods of treating this disease ... .

6. She said that two dolphins …for a new show.

7. The London Zoo … by thousands of people every month.

8. How many wild animals … in the latest fire in the forest.


1.27 How can animals in danger be saved from extinction? This is what happened to the oryx. Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the passive.

The oryx used to be common in parts of the Middle East. For many years it (1) (kill) by hunters for its meat and skin. By the early 1960s its numbers (2) (greatly/reduce) and it was almost extinct. In 1962 a few oryx (3) (take) to the United States, where they (4) (breed) in zoos. By the early 1970s the last wild oryx (5) (shoot) by hunters. Around 150 oryx (6) (then/take) from the US zoos and (7) (reintroduce) to protected areas in Jordan, Oman and Israel. Later some of them (8) (release) from these areas into the wild. At present, at least, this beautiful animal survives.


Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form (Active or Passive Voice).

Cats (communicate) with one another, with other animals and with human beings in different ways. For this they (use) sounds, body signals and scents. The sounds that (make) by cats (have) various meanings. It (depend) on the situation. Sometimes a meow can (mean) a friendly greeting, sometimes it can (express) curiosity, hunger or loneliness. When a cat (purr) it usually (mean) that it (be) happy, but some cats also (purr) when they (be) ill. Hisses and screams may (indicate) anger and fear. As means of communication cats also (use) various body and tail positions. A friendly cat (raise) its tail vertically when it (greet) someone. An angry or frightened cat (move) its tail from side to side, (arch) its back and (puff) up its fur.



Date: 2016-01-03; view: 2435

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Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to the use of the Passive forms. | LINNEAN SYSTEM OF CLASSIFICATION
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