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Prerequisites and Postreqisites

Discipline is based on knowledge and skills obtained in the study subjects of philosophical, cultural, historical cycle of professional disciplines of socio-cultural activities.
Discipline must create the necessary theoretical - practical platform to explore the following subjects: basic journalistic creativity, ethics, international relations and mass communication.
The course consists of problem-based lecture course, presupposes the discussional - polemical discussion of their substantive content. Such a procedure for constructing a curriculum based on preliminary information of preparedness of students based on themes and issues of this course, students' readiness to reasoned discussion of the problems of the forthcoming lectures.
To this end, the teacher in advance should ensure that students concerns and reading list of upcoming lectures. Students should read the material before each lecture.

Course Content

Module classroom work extracurricular work The schedule of delivery of EMCD
  Lectures Seminars SIWT SIW
Module 1 THEME 1 INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION AS A TRAINING AND RESEARCH DISCIPLINE – 3 h. Problematic issues:1. The concept of an "international communication", "Global communication "and" Intercultural Communication ", their nature and interrelationship. 2. IC as a scientific discipline. Literature: 1) Pocheptsov. Communication Theory. 2) Grushevitskaya TG, VD Popkov, Sadokhin AP Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication: A textbook for high schools (Ed. AP Sadokhin. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2002. - 352 c.. 3) Sites of universities.   S1. Case Study # 1: The new strategy of UNESCO in the field of mass communications – 3h Assignment: Describe the activities of UNESCO in the development of intercultural exchange. Literature: 1. Luhmann N. M. The reality of mass media, 2005 2. Anthology of world political thought: a 5-m - M., 1997.ListenRead phonetically   Dictionary 1. - -    
  THEME 2: International Communications in the 20 century – 4 h Problematic issues: 1. World space at the turn of 19-20 century. 2. Formation of the world's information powers. Literature: 1) D. Vershueren. Pragmatics and monitoring of international communications / Critique and Semiotics »¹ 1-2, 2000. 2) Sites of universities.   S2. Case Study # 2: Models of media policy (1, 2 phases). – 4 h. Assignment: Describe: - The era of authoritarian regimes - the sudden onset of a long end - The democratic regime is a guarantee of pro-Western orientation of a country Literature: 1. Luhmann N. M. The reality of mass media, 2005 2. Anthology of world political thought: a 5-m - M., 1997.   SIWT 1. Subject: Media as Commercial and Industrial Enterprise – 15 h. Assignment: Determine the effectiveness of the media on the principle: the news as a commodity, the audience as capital. Literature 1. Chernov A.A. "Role of Information and Communication in the Information Society" / Information Society Technologies - Internet and Modern Society: Proceedings of the VII All-Russian joint conference. St. Petersburg, 10 - 12 November 2004 - St.: Univ Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, 2004 2. Powerful AI "Transformation of Law in the Digital Millennium,""Magazine" Computerra "Publishing House" Computerra, 2002 http://www.computerra.ru/online/comp/asusual/16275/ 3. Webster F. Theories of the Information Society, Moscow, 2004, p. 219-269   - 6 week  
Module 2 THEME 3. International Law of International Communication - 3 h. Problematic issues: 1. International legal regulation of international Communication in the framework of the League of Nations. 2. The international situation after World War II: redistribution of information capacity. Literature:1) D. Vershueren. Pragmatics and monitoring of international communications / Critique and Semiotics »¹ 1-2, 2000. 2) N. Luhmann Reality Media, Moscow, 2005 3) Sites of universities. Listen Read phonetically   Dictionary   S3. Case Study # 3: Movement for a New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO). – 3 h. Assignment:Prepare analytical information on "From the problems of the North / South to the problem of the West / East", based on the report of the International Commission on Communication, headed by Irishman Sean MacBride (Nobel Peace Prize), "One, but many-voiced world", defined the basic provisions new order. Literature: 1. Batalov E.Ya. "The international development and world order." Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia "(ROSPEN), 2005 2. Tsygankov AP "World politics: how to capture the concept?" / International processes. ¹ 3, 2005 3. Vartanova EL "Universal Public Service in the Information Society: a new interpretation of the problem of access" Vestnik RFBR http://www.rfbr.ru/default.asp?article_id=5617&doc_id=5217 # id5617 Listen Read phonetically Dictionary   - SIW 1. Topic: Trends in international information management. -15 h. Assignment: Examine the laws and practices of the media in the countries of the “old " and “new” democracy. Assignment: Analyze the provisions of international treaties and other international legal instruments to regulate the information flows Literature: 1. Batalov E.Ya. "The international development and world order." Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia "(ROSPEN), 2005 2. Tsygankov AP "World politics: how to capture the concept?" / International processes. ¹ 3, 2005 3. Vartanova EL "Universal Public Service in the Information Society: a new interpretation of the problem of access" Vestnik RFBR http://www.rfbr.ru/default.asp?article_id=5617&doc_id=5217 # id5617 11 week
  THEME 4. Global trends in journalism- 3 h. Problematic issues:1. Globalization, transnationalization, computerization - the most important global trends in journalism at the present stage. 2. The processes of globalization and the transformation of modern media. The effects of globalization of information space. Literature:1) D. Vershueren. Pragmatics and monitoring of international communications / Critique and Semiotics »¹ 1-2, 2000. 2) Sites of universities. Listen Read phonetically   Dictionary   S4. Case Study # 4: The influence of transnational media companies in the contemporary global media space. – 3 h. Assignment: Analyze the 10 vertically integrated media conglomerates: "News Corporation, Time Warner, Disney, Bertelsmann, Viacom," Ti-Si-Ai (directly engaged in production of media products), "PoliGral" "Al-Bi-Si", "Universal," "Sonia" (engaged in the media business and other sectors of production). Transnational media companies with "scattered" capital. Literature: 1. Webster F. Theories of the Information Society, Moscow, 2004, p. 219-269 2. Vartanova EL (Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Journalism) What is media convergence? / / "Information Society» ¹ 5, 1999 SIWT 2. Subject: Language policy in the sphere of information and features functioning of the media in the context of globalization.-15 h. Assignment: Use the global Internet as a tool to extract information and communication in individual, group and mass contexts for example, the political market. Literature: 1. Batalov E.Ya. "The international development and world order. " Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia "(ROSPEN), 2005 2. Tsygankov AP "World politics: how to capture the concept?" / International processes. ¹ 3, 2005 3. Vartanova EL "Universal Public Service in the Information Society: a new interpretation of the problem of access" Vestnik RFBR http://www.rfbr.ru/default.asp?article_id=5617&doc_id=5217 # id5617   SIW 2. Topic: Development of information technologies and communication tools as a basis for changing the whole world order.- 15 h. Assignment: Give examples that show how deeply the new ICTs permeate all spheres of human society and transform them. Literature: 1. Chernov AA "Role of Information and Communication in the Information Society" / Information Society Technologies - Internet and Modern Society: Proceedings of the VII All-Russian joint conference. St. Petersburg, 10 - 12 November 2004 - St.: Univ Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, 2004 2. Powerful AI "Transformation of Law in the Digital Millennium,""Magazine" Computerra "Publishing House" Computerra, 2002 http://www.computerra.ru/online/comp/asusual/16275/ 3. Webster F. Theories of the Information Society, Moscow, 2004, p. 219-269ListenRead phonetically Dictionary 14 week  
  Theme 5. THE PROBLEM OF INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS – 2 h. Problematic issues: 1. The concept of intellectual property, subject and object intellectual property. 2. The state's role in regulating the development and use of intellectual property. The growing problem of protecting human Intellectual Property in 1990-ies. Literature: 1) Pocheptsov. Communication Theory. 2) Grushevitskaya TG, VD Popkov, Sadokhin AP Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication: A textbook for high schools (Ed. AP Sadokhin. - Moscow: UNITY-DANA, 2002. - 352 c.. 3) Sites of universities . S 5. Case Study # 5: Major players of the global information of the political game. – 2 h. Assignment: Analyze the rules in the information sphere, the defined political and legal institutions, consider the political and legal regulation. Literature: 1. Powerful AI "Transformation of Law in the Digital Millennium," "Magazine" Computerra "Publishing House" Computerra, 2002 http://www.computerra.ru/online/comp/asusual/16275/   - -  

1. Vartanova EL (Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Journalism) What is media convergence? / / "Information Society» ¹ 5, 1999
2. Batalov E.Ya. "The international development and world order." Moscow: Russian Political Encyclopedia "(ROSPEN), 2005
1. Tsygankov, PA The theory of international relations. Textbook / M: "Gardarica. 2005
2. Tsygankov AP "World politics: how to capture the concept?" / International processes. ¹ 3, 2005
3. Vartanova EL "Universal Public Service in the Information Society: a new interpretation of the problem of access" Vestnik RFBR
http://www.rfbr.ru/default.asp?article_id=5617&doc_id=5217 # id5617
4. Beck, U. What is Globalization? Errors of Globalism - a response to globalization. " Translated from German by A. Grigoriev and V. Sedelnikov. M., 2001
5. Vysotskaya N. "Transculture or culture in a trance?" / International Eurasian Institute for Economic and Policy Research http://www.iicas.org/2004/27_05_04_ks.htm
6. Chernov AA "Role of Information and Communication in the Information Society" / Information Society Technologies - Internet and Modern Society: Proceedings of the VII All-Russian joint conference. St. Petersburg, 10 - 12 November 2004 - St.: Univ Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, 2004
7. Powerful AI "Transformation of Law in the Digital Millennium," "Magazine" Computerra "Publishing House" Computerra, 2002 http://www.computerra.ru/online/comp/asusual/16275/
Official documents:
1. FNC Resolution: Definition of "Internet", 24.10.1995 http://www.nitrd.gov/fnc/Internet_res.html
2. http://www.gdf.ru/books/books/liberty/0090.shtml
The text of the political Declaration, 5 th European Conference on Mass Media Policy (Thessaloniki, 11-12 December 1997)
3. Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society, 2000 http://www.g8russia.ru/g8/history/okinawa2000/4/
Russian text posted on the official website of the Presidency of the Russian Federation in the Group of Eight
4. The report and action plan prepared by DOT-Force, 2001 http://www.iis.ru/dotforce/library/DOT_Force_Report_V5.0f.doc
5. The Declaration of Principles for the Information Society: a global challenge in the new millennium (the Geneva Declaration of Principles)
Geneva, 12 December 2003
World Summit on the Information Society
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
6. Action plan
Geneva, 12 December 2003
World Summit on the Information Society
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
7. Report of the Working Group on Internet Governance (UN ICT Taskforce).
World Summit on the Information Society
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in June 2005
8. The Tunis Agenda for the Information Society
(Tunis Agenda for the Information Society)
World Summit on the Information Society
World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), Tunisia 18 November 2005
9. UNESCO's Information for All »http://www.ruslibnet.ru:8101/proj/unesco.html # 3
10. http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/RL31057.pdf
"ABC of e-Government
(«A Primer on E-Government: Sectors, Stages, Opportunities, and Challenges of Online Government»)
Investigation Service of the U.S. Congress on e-government.
11. http://www.minsvyaz.ru/site.shtml?id=2521 Federal Law "On Communication" 2003

12. http://www.minsvyaz.ru/site_print.shtml?id=1066
Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" on February 20, 1995 (as amended on January 10, 2003)
13. Law on Copyright in the Digital Millennium, "USA (DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act)
http://www.copyright.gov/legislation/dmca.pdf # search = 'DMCA% 20Digital% 20Millennium% 20Copyright% 20Act'

Monitoring learning achievements of students taking the form of current, and final control of hope, a landmark on the approved schedule.
Control refers to the current performance of all tasks, tests, course project within the established schedule, the SIW.
Landmark (Modular) control is divided into first and second rating control being carried out on the 7th and 14th weeks of the semester. Students who got in the discipline of less than 50% for the exam in the discipline are not allowed and required to undergo RETAKE (re-examination and delivery)
The final score consists of estimates of the current control, 2 landmark controls, and the final exam. I-st Landmark control - 30%, II-nd landmark control– 30, Exam - 40%.

Landmark control (LC1, LC2) includes a control for 3 - it fronts, which are reflected in the following tasks:
2 question - theoretical
2 question – theoretical SIWT, SIW
1 task - individual creative challenge or defending a project

Assessment for LC1, LC2 is composed of:

Type of activity Ð1 Ð2
Current control (CC)
Students independent work (SIW)
Landmark control (LC)
Total evaluation 30% 30%



The final grade for the discipline is defined as the sum of maximum academic performance at milestone controls (60%) and intermediate certification (exam) - 40% and 100%.

The final score is calculated by the formula:

( LC1+ LC2)

TS= [ ---------------] õ 0,6 + Å õ 0,4

LC 1 - the digital equivalent of evaluation of the first rating;
LC 2 - the digital equivalent estimate of the second rating;
E - the digital equivalent of assessment on the exam.


Read phonetically




( È 1 õ Ê 1 + È 2 õ Ê 2 + È 3 õ Ê 3 + È 4 õ Ê 4 + È 5 õ Ê 5 )

GPA = -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ê 1 + Ê 2 + Ê 3 + Ê 4 + Ê 5


I1, I2, I3, etc. - The resulting digital equivalent in points in the discipline;
K1, K2, K3, etc - The volume of the discipline in the credit


Read phonetically




Amount of scores Score
Score in alphabetic system digital equivalent of score Score on the traditional system
95-100 À 4,0 excellent
90-94 À – 3,67
85-89 Â + 3,33 good
80-84 Â 3,0
75-79 Â – 2,67
70-74 Ñ + 2,33 satisfactory
65-69 Ñ 2,0
60-64 Ñ – 1,67
55-59 D + 1,33
50-54 D 1,0
0-49 F – unsatisfactory

The student must:
- regular visits to all kinds of classes (lectures, workshops, seminars, laboratory classes) and classes in the student work independently under the guidance of a teacher (SIWT);
- independent work of students (SIW) perform in a given volume and deadlines, using the recommended curriculum and teaching materials or other sources in the internet and reading rooms in libraries;
- comply strictly with the schedules of delivery of written work (SIWT or SIW) in a given volume.
- to attend the ratings and final control.
Rating and final control of students' knowledge conducted according to the approved schedule of the educational process of the institution.

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