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History of Telecommunications

October 12, 1991 in an unchallenged poll Akaev became a President of Kyrgyz Republic and was inaugurated as such. Kyrgyzstan became independent on August 31, 1991 as separation from the Soviet Union and was that time the least authoritarian republic of Central Asia.

Executive branch: chief of state: President. Head of government: Prime Minister Igor CHUDINOV (since 24 December 2007); First Deputy Prime Minister Omurbek BABANOV (since 26 January 2009)

cabinet: Cabinet of Ministers proposed by the prime minister, appointed by the president; ministers in charge of defense and security, appointed solely by the president

Legislative branch unicameral Supreme Council or Jorgorku Kengesh

Judicial branch: Supreme Court; Constitutional Court; Higher Court of Arbitration; Local

KG is a semi-presidential representative democratic republic. Executive power is exercised by government; legislative is both by government and parliament. In the beginning of the formation of the republic, there were 350 deputies in parliament, mainly communist. Akayev changed it to bicameral in 1994 referendum with the aim to democratize the government. In 1993 Constitution was accepted that separated government into three branches to balance the ruling: executive, legislative, judicial. Feb 1995 – 35 legislative and 75 people representatives chamber was formed.

The presidential power increased as the result of 2003 referendum, though in the early 2000s, Akayev’s informal power base started to weaken as he increasingly favored northern clans over the southern. In 1996 amendment about presidential governance. Akayev formed puppet parliament.

In 2002 there were more and more illegal forms of ruling. Kyrgyzstan was recognized as totalitarian country. In 2003 referenda the presidential ruling was made stronger than parliament. On March 13, 2005 Parliament elections were extremely corrupted. The documents were falsified.

Major event to affect KG politics between September 2001 and mid 2002 is what is called “Beknazarov affair.” 5 KG citizens were killed and 50-100 wounded by police on March 2002 in the Aksy place while taking part in anti-governmental demonstrations demanding the release of Azimbek Beknazarov, the imprisoned member of the Jogorku Kenesh (who got into prison mainly because of harsh criticism of government on territorial issues with China).

Reasons for tulip revolution:

Political: 1) akayev centralization and regionalization of power. 2) Weakness of state institutions and civil society. Economic: 3) corruption. 4) Poverty, more than half of the population lived under poor rate. 5) Crisis with land (in 2005 30,000 people were ready to seizure land. 17 places around Bishkek were full of people in novostroikas). Internal: 6) high criminality and artificial programs to reduce criminality in the country.

Other POSSIBLE sources that led to revolution are Russian and American interests. US foreign investments to KG, in 2002 was $20 mln, in 2005- $11.7 mln, Russian investments 2002- 17,1 mln, 2005- 8.1$ mln. Regional policy with CIS (UZ&KZ). Exploitation of water and energy resources by these countries. From KZ diesel, wheat, food was imported.

So in March 24, 2005 protesters stormed the presidential compound in Bishkek demanding Akayev to step down that led him to run away to Moscow, where he works as a math professor now. Bakiev was chosen as President the same year. Following the year 9/11 KG agreed to allow US forces to use Bishkek Manas airport as a base, but in January 2009 Bakiev announced the closure of the base, the decision that was made after Russian offered KG more than $2bln in loans and other financial help.

ECONOMIC situation

98% of final products were distributed to different economic and industrious regions of Soviet Union before 1991. This made collapse of national economy. In 1992, program for economic reform: privatization, land reform and state investment.

Priority was given to transition of market economy.

Liquidation process of state orders rejecting communistic administrative planned economy.

1991 – Law of privatization. Stages of privatization:

1991-1993 priority was given to companies in construction, services and trade industries.

32.6% of industries were private, 18% were construction sphere privatized.

1994-1998 mass privatizations happened unjustly and illegally.

Non-state sector produced 50% of products. Efficient input was forming of different forms of property:

1) State, 2) state and private, 3) private.

Unevenness of privatization was seen throughout the country. The light industry was lesser level than heavy industries privatized. Trade, service were privatized but infrastructure, energy sphere remained state owned. Unemployed 15,2% was in 1994-1998, especially in the south.

Akayev tried to make privatization reforms by:

1. organization committee on privatization to control

2. Simplification of tax system. Introduction of equal rights to domestic and foreign industries in the territory of KG.

1998-1999 financial crisis. As the country was unable to service regularly the foreign debt in 2002 some of the debt was wrote off by Paris Club, in 2005 the second crisis. The same year according to agreement with Paris Club, the country could not write off anymore of its debt. One way to reduce was to raise budget revenue and pay the debt. In 2005 KG became one of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries of the world. It applied to the program to payoff the debt. Kulov was pro-HIPC, Bakiev was at first ready, but then disagreed (2bln debt).

He created “KURS na obnovlenie strany” - country modernization. Eco-social development program for 10-15 years was introduced after determination of current situation that put forward several ideas about the handling of the crisis.

“Political Nation” – union of people with common interests and mutual goals. Integration of KG people into one – ideology.

New plan is about the people abroad. There are 500,000-1 mln. KG people are abroad now because of the labor migration. They have improper registration, no property and Bakiev is trying to setup the plan to come them back without any reprisal.


KG has a wide mix of ethnic groups and cultures, though majority are Kyrgyz. Ethnic Groups: In 1994, 52 percent Kyrgyz, 22 percent Russian, 13 percent Uzbek, 3 percent Ukrainian, 2 percent German.Dominant religion is Sunni Islam. High literacy rate 99%. There are two official languages at work: Russian and Kyrgyz. In the early 1990s, the Akayev government pursued an aggressive policy of introducing Kyrgyz as the official language, forcing the remaining European population to use Kyrgyz in most public situations. But in March 1996, Kyrgyzstan's parliament adopted a resolution making Russian an official state language alongside. National cuisine. Kyrgyz cuisine is very rich and unique.The cuisine of Kyrgyz people is rich in dishes made from flour and meat. The best Known meals and drinks of Kyrgyz people are: Besh-barmak – boiled meat meat with small pieces of dough and bouillon; Boorsoks – pieces of dough, fried in a oil; Chuchuk – fatty sausage made from a horse meat (delicious); Shorpo – traditional Kyrgyz soup; Chak-chak – drink, made from best sorts of barley, wheat and corn Heroic Epic Manas is the greatest art-property of the Kyrgyz people, handed down from generation to generation and refined over the centuries, it is a living heritage of the "Aksakal" the wise sages and the "manaschy", the oral narrators. The "EPOS MANAS" contains a wealth of ancient wisdom. It traces the origins and historical roots of many communities of Central Asia, hence it is a most valued ethnological and cultural source material. Today it occupies a most worthy place amongst the masterpieces of popular literature of the world. In recognition Unesco declared the year 1995 as the "Year of Manas.”

1. The Economy of Independent Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia in 1991-2009.

15 December 1990- declaration of sovereignty of KG

Reforms and new policies of Gorbachev led way to separation of republics from Soviet Union. This period there was also big interethnic clash between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz over access to land and housing around Osh.

In March 1990, there was III SYEZD NARODNYH DEPUTATOV SSSR that introduced institute of presidency. With the liquidation of command party based system of KPSS, its power was also destroyed. New form of governance aimed to have democratic rule, objective evolution of international relationship, introduction of numerous parties, and development of pluralism in the society. Presidential power was supposed to determine and control the government and other branches of power. President was meant to look after the execution of the laws, work of judicial administrative branches, management of national economy, financial budgetary system, pricing, decisions on wage for labor and etc. After introduction of presidential power in SSSR this institute was accepted in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other soviet republics.

First presidential election of 1990 ended with the winning of physicist Askar Akayev to be the first President of Kyrgyz Republic. On October 25, 1990, the Kirghiz SSR’s Supreme. And in October 12, 1991 in an unchallenged poll he became a President of Kyrgyz Republic and was inaugurated as such. Kyrgyzstan became independent on August 31, 1991 as separation from the Soviet Union and was that time the least authoritarian republic of Central Asia.

Executive branch: chief of state: President. Head of government: Prime Minister Igor CHUDINOV (since 24 December 2007); First Deputy Prime Minister Omurbek BABANOV (since 26 January 2009)

cabinet: Cabinet of Ministers proposed by the prime minister, appointed by the president; ministers in charge of defense and security, appointed solely by the president

Legislative branch unicameral Supreme Council or Jorgorku Kengesh

Judicial branch: Supreme Court; Constitutional Court; Higher Court of Arbitration; Local

KG is a semi-presidential representative democratic republic. Executive power is exercised by government; legislative is both by government and parliament. In the beginning of the formation of the republic, there were 350 deputies in parliament, mainly communist. Akayev changed it to bicameral in 1994 referendum with the aim to democratize the government. In 1993 Constitution was accepted that separated government into three branches to balance the ruling: executive, legislative, judicial. Feb 1995 – 35 legislative and 75 people representatives chamber was formed.

The presidential power increased as the result of 2003 referendum, though in the early 2000s, Akayev’s informal power base started to weaken as he increasingly favored northern clans over the southern. In 1996 amendment about presidential governance. Akayev formed puppet parliament.

In 2002 there were more and more illegal forms of ruling. Kyrgyzstan was recognized as totalitarian country. In 2003 referenda the presidential ruling was made stronger than parliament. On March 13, 2005 Parliament elections were extremely corrupted. The documents were falsified.

Major event to affect KG politics between September 2001 and mid 2002 is what is called “Beknazarov affair.” 5 KG citizens were killed and 50-100 wounded by police on March 2002 in the Aksy place while taking part in anti-governmental demonstrations demanding the release of Azimbek Beknazarov, the imprisoned member of the Jogorku Kenesh (who got into prison mainly because of harsh criticism of government on territorial issues with China).

Reasons for tulip revolution:

Political: 1) akayev centralization and regionalization of power. 2) Weakness of state institutions and civil society. Economic: 3) corruption. 4) Poverty, more than half of the population lived under poor rate. 5) Crisis with land (in 2005 30,000 people were ready to seizure land. 17 places around Bishkek were full of people in novostroikas). Internal: 6) high criminality and artificial programs to reduce criminality in the country.

Other POSSIBLE sources that led to revolution are Russian and American interests. US foreign investments to KG, in 2002 was $20 mln, in 2005- $11.7 mln, Russian investments 2002- 17,1 mln, 2005- 8.1$ mln. Regional policy with CIS (UZ&KZ). Exploitation of water and energy resources by these countries. From KZ diesel, wheat, food was imported.

So in March 24, 2005 protesters stormed the presidential compound in Bishkek demanding Akayev to step down that led him to run away to Moscow, where he works as a math professor now. Bakiev was chosen as President the same year. Following the year 9/11 KG agreed to allow US forces to use Bishkek Manas airport as a base, but in January 2009 Bakiev announced the closure of the base, the decision that was made after Russian offered KG more than $2bln in loans and other financial help.

ECONOMIC situation

98% of final products were distributed to different economic and industrious regions of Soviet Union before 1991. This made collapse of national economy. In 1992, program for economic reform: privatization, land reform and state investment.

Priority was given to transition of market economy.

Liquidation process of state orders rejecting communistic administrative planned economy.

1991 – Law of privatization. Stages of privatization:

1991-1993 priority was given to companies in construction, services and trade industries.

32.6% of industries were private, 18% were construction sphere privatized.

1994-1998 mass privatizations happened unjustly and illegally.

Non-state sector produced 50% of products. Efficient input was forming of different forms of property:

1) State, 2) state and private, 3) private.

Unevenness of privatization was seen throughout the country. The light industry was lesser level than heavy industries privatized. Trade, service were privatized but infrastructure, energy sphere remained state owned. Unemployed 15,2% was in 1994-1998, especially in the south.

Akayev tried to make privatization reforms by:

1. organization committee on privatization to control

2. Simplification of tax system. Introduction of equal rights to domestic and foreign industries in the territory of KG.

1998-1999 financial crisis. As the country was unable to service regularly the foreign debt in 2002 some of the debt was wrote off by Paris Club, in 2005 the second crisis. The same year according to agreement with Paris Club, the country could not write off anymore of its debt. One way to reduce was to raise budget revenue and pay the debt. In 2005 KG became one of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries of the world. It applied to the program to payoff the debt. Kulov was pro-HIPC, Bakiev was at first ready, but then disagreed (2bln debt).

He created “KURS na obnovlenie strany” - country modernization. Eco-social development program for 10-15 years was introduced after determination of current situation that put forward several ideas about the handling of the crisis.

“Political Nation” – union of people with common interests and mutual goals. Integration of KG people into one – ideology.

New plan is about the people abroad. There are 500,000-1 mln. KG people are abroad now because of the labor migration. They have improper registration, no property and Bakiev is trying to setup the plan to come them back without any reprisal.


KG has a wide mix of ethnic groups and cultures, though majority are Kyrgyz. Ethnic Groups: In 1994, 52 percent Kyrgyz, 22 percent Russian, 13 percent Uzbek, 3 percent Ukrainian, 2 percent German.Dominant religion is Sunni Islam. High literacy rate 99%. There are two official languages at work: Russian and Kyrgyz. In the early 1990s, the Akayev government pursued an aggressive policy of introducing Kyrgyz as the official language, forcing the remaining European population to use Kyrgyz in most public situations. But in March 1996, Kyrgyzstan's parliament adopted a resolution making Russian an official state language alongside. National cuisine. Kyrgyz cuisine is very rich and unique.The cuisine of Kyrgyz people is rich in dishes made from flour and meat. The best Known meals and drinks of Kyrgyz people are: Besh-barmak – boiled meat meat with small pieces of dough and bouillon; Boorsoks – pieces of dough, fried in a oil; Chuchuk – fatty sausage made from a horse meat (delicious); Shorpo – traditional Kyrgyz soup; Chak-chak – drink, made from best sorts of barley, wheat and corn Heroic Epic Manas is the greatest art-property of the Kyrgyz people, handed down from generation to generation and refined over the centuries, it is a living heritage of the "Aksakal" the wise sages and the "manaschy", the oral narrators. The "EPOS MANAS" contains a wealth of ancient wisdom. It traces the origins and historical roots of many communities of Central Asia, hence it is a most valued ethnological and cultural source material. Today it occupies a most worthy place amongst the masterpieces of popular literature of the world. In recognition Unesco declared the year 1995 as the "Year of Manas.”


History of Telecommunications

Communicating over long distances has been a challenge throughout history. In ancient times, runners were used to carry important between messages rulers or other important people. Other forms of long-distance communication included smoke signals, chains of searchlights and flags to send a message from one tower to another, carrier pigeons, and horses. Modern telecommunications began with the discovery that electricity can be used to transmit a signal. For the first time, a signal could be sent faster than any other mode of transportation. The first practical telecommunications device to make use of this discovery was the telegraph.

1. The Telegraph

Beginning in the mid-1800s, the telegraph delivered the first inter-city, transcontinental, and transoceanic messages in the world. The telegraph revolutionized the way people communicated by providing messages faster than any other means provided at the time. American art professor Samuel F.B. Morse pursued an interest in electromagnetism to create a practical electromagnetic telegraph in 1837. Morse partnered with Alfred Vail and was able to commercialize the technology with financial support from the U.S. government. In 1843 Morse built a demonstration telegraph link between Washington, D.C., and Baltimore, Maryland. On May 24, 1844, the network was inaugurated for commercial use with the message, "What hath God wrought!"

Telegraph use quickly spread; the first transcontinental link was completed in 1861 between San Francisco, California, and Washington, D.C. Railroad companies and newspapers were the first major telegraphy users. Telegraph lines were constructed parallel to railroad beds. Telegraphy helped the railroads manage traffic and allowed news organizations to distribute stories quickly to local newspapers. Within a few years, several telegraph companies were in operation, each with its own network of telegraph wires. Consolidation occurred in the telegraph industry (as it has in numerous telecommunications industries), and by the 1870s the Western Union Telegraph Company emerged as the dominant operator.

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