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Ex 22 Study the following chart.

1. He has travelled a lot. 2. He has never been to Leningrad. 3. He has always wanted to have a car. 4. We have already done our work. 5. They have just finished the text. 6. I haven't seen him this week(lately, for the last few days, etc). 7. I've known him since 1947(I was a child ;I came here, etc).

Ex 23 Complete the following situations according to the model (bear in mind the chart above).


Model: It's cold in the room (the window, be open, for a long time).

The window has been open for a long time.


1. It's warm (the weather, be fine, all week). 2. Peter is absent (he, be ill, for a week). 3. She can't show you the way there (never, be there). 4. He may go to the cinema (he, do one's work). 5. I can't say anything about this film (not see it, yet). 6. We may go for a walk (the rain, stop). 7. She knows English well (live in England, for three years). 8. Don't describe the place to me (I, be there, several times). 9. I know him very well (be friends since childhood). 10. You look wonderful (I, just, come back, after, a good rest). 11. It's getting colder every day (winter, come).

Ex 24 Answer the following questions, using the Present Perfect Tense.


1. Why can't you give the book back? (not finish, yet). 2. Why can't you repeat the question? (not hear). 3. Are they leaving? (not change their plans). 4. What's the matter with you? I think ... (catch cold). 5. Why is it so quiet in the house? (everybody, leave). 6. Where will you go in summer? (not decide, yet). 7. How long has this film been on? (for about a week). 8. Have you ever been late for classes? (never). 9. How are they? I don't know (not see them lately). 10. Where is yesterday's newspaper? (just, throw out). 11. How long have you lived in Moscow? (since, be born). 12. How much time has passed since he left? (a fortnight). 13. How many times have you been to Leningrad?

Ex 25 Give two answers to the following questions according to the model.


Model: How long have you lived here?

(a) I've lived in Moscowfor three years.

(b)I've lived in Moscowsince 19...


1. How long have they known each other? 2. Howl long have you had this coat? 3. How long has this film been on? 4. How long has he been out? 5. How long have you been a student? 6. How long has she been absent from classes? 7. How long have you been here? 8. How long have the children been with their aunt?

Ex 26 Give answers to the following questions according to the model.


Model 1: Have you ever been to Tashkent?

No, I've never (not) been there.


1. Has he ever told you the story of his life? 2. Have you ever translated anything from English into Russian? 3. Has it ever been so warm in April before? 4. Have you ever read anything by John Updike? 5. Have you ever been to the Far East? 6. Has he ever shown his picture to anybody? 7. Have they ever spoken to you about their plans for the future? 8. Have they ever studied this problem?


Model 2: Have you finished the book yet?

No, I haven't finished it yet.

I am still reading it.

1. Have you translated the article yet? 2. Have they finished discussing the problem? 3. Have you decided who will make a report on the international situation? 4. Has she had her lunch yet? 5. Have they finished working at their course papers? 6. Has he woken up? (to sleep). 7. Has she made breakfast?

Ex 27 Express (a) agreement, (b) disagreement and complete the situation, if necessary, according to the model.


Model: 1. He has done all his home-work.

(a) (Yes,) he has. (b) But he hasn't. He has done only one exercise.

2. Jack hasn't bought the text-book.

(a) (No,) he hasn't. He can't get it. (b) But he has. Here it is.


1. You have never been to this theatre before. 2. He has answered all the questions. 3. They have called on him several times. 4. You've caught a cold. 5. The film has been on at our local cinema the whole week. 6. You've made three mistakes in your dictation.


Ex 28 Practise the following according to the model.


Model: You may leave the child with her. Sheis fond of children.

Shealways has been.*


1. I don't like their parties. Theyare dull. 2. It's difficult to ask him for anything. Heis a hard man. 3. Let's buy flowers for her. She is fond of flowers. 4. He is an unpleasant person. He istoo sure of himself. 5. I can't say anything bad about her. Sheis a nice girl. 6. It's a beautiful place but itis rainy.

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