Apse a semicircular projection in the wall of Christian Church buildings.
Arcade the chain of arcs, similar in shape and size, leaning on the pillars or columns.
Attic 1) the wall over the cornice or the storey crowning the building; 2) the room under a steep roof; it may serve as a residence.
Baroque the architectural style of 16 17 centuries remarkable for its decorative splendour and complexity of form.
Basrelief a sculptural (low relief) image on a flat surface.
Byzantium Style stylistic manner of domestic architecture of the middle of 19 the beginning of 20 century using motifs of ancient Byzantium architectural style; remarkable for its monumentality and structural massiveness.
Caryatid a column in the in the form of woman figure supporting the projection parts of a building.
Classicism, the Classical Style the architectural style of 17 the beginning of 19 centuries, developing the traditional of the antiquity and remarkable for its simplicity, harmony and restraint of form.
Cornice the horizontal lug crowning the walls of the building and supporting the roof.
Console a projection in the wall for the supporting of various parts of the building (cornice, balcony etc.) or the installation of decorations on it.
Constructivism the architectural style of 1920 1930s remarkable for its strivings toward simple and functionally justifiable forms.
Counterfort the vertical lug in the wall, strengthening it and making it stable.
Décor the art decoration of the building.
Empire architectural style of the beginning of 19 century, clothing the development of classicism.
Entablature the upper horizontal part of the building leaning on the columns.
Ercer a semicircular or polygonal projection in the wall, with windows, usually taking in several stories and enlarging the interior space.
Frieze decorative horizontal band of sculpture between the architrave and cornice.
Gallery 1)the long narrow covered passage joining two separated parts of the building; 2) the long narrow covered corridor or the balcony around the facade of the building; 3) an open gallery in a church in the form of balcony.
Gothic the architectural style of the 12 16 centuries remarkable for its pronounce lofty aspirations, use of pointed arches and vaults, and abundance of sculptural decoration.
High relief sculptured images which stand out from a flat surface with a depth of more than half their volume.
Maskaron the relief detail of the decor in the shape of a mask.
Modern the architectural style of the end of 19 the beginning of 20 century remarkable for its original décor, free planning and using of new building materials.
Narthex the entrance room at the west side of a Christian church.
Pediment the completion (usually triangular ) of the building facade, portico or the colonnade confined by the two pitches of roof on the sides and the cornice at the bottom.
Portico a porch roof supported by columns at regular intervals.
Propylaeum columns placed in front of the entrance of a building or other territory and positioned symmetrically in relation to the direction of movement.
Pylon a support in the form of a massive column.
Renaissance the architectural style of the 19 the beginning of 20 centuries imitation the monumental buildings of the Renaissance Epoch (14 16 centuries).
Rotunda a circular edifice (building, pavilion, hall ) usually surrounded by columns and crowned with a dome.
Socle the lower part of the exterior wall of the building lying directly on the foundation and projection outwards in comparison with the upper part.