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Lecture 19 International agreements on certification


Lecture plan:

To obtain a certificate , the following procedures NE :

What does a system IEC?


19.1 Effective form of promotion means standardization of international trade and economic ties , raising the technical level, quality and reliability of products is international cooperation in the field of certification. Participation in international agreements on certification requires a high level of organization and technology in enterprises, improve the work on standardization and metrology : reliable monitoring of compliance with standards and use of measuring instruments . Only on the European continent , there are several hundreds of international and regional agreements on certification.

Agreement is based on a simple form - when countries participating in the agreement are accepted uniform standards and common methods for testing , as well as common rules for the certification . On a more complex form - the agreement may provide for the procedure of the test in different countries, such certification is usually based on international standards.

An example of such agreements - Rules of procedure and operation of international agreements on certification of household electrical and electronic components (both within IEC), as well as agreements on certification of the European Economic Community and the European Free Trade Association .

One of the most experienced organizations in the organization of work on the certification is an international commission ( to establish requirements for electrical equipment and check ( EEC) . This organization includes the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium , Britain , Denmark, Germany, Finland , Greece, Hungary , Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain , Czechoslovakia, Sweden and Shvetsarii , ie European countries.

With the development and more widespread use in international relations and on a national scale electrical standards developed by IEC , has long raised the issue of the need to focus only on the activities of the CEE certification make this organization open to other countries in the European past , to carry out the development of electrical standards in the IEC . Therefore, in 1984 it was decided to merge with IEC CEE . Conducted under the auspices of the IEC certification of electronic components ( system IECQ) and a new certification body IECEE - Certification number of electrical and electronic equipment (household electronic appliances , lighting equipment, household appliances, portable power tools , mounting materials , wires , transformers, electrical and electronic office machines and equipment , etc.).

19.2 System SW

The main provisions of the certification body of the IECEE are the same , based on the practice of the EEC , so we consider the experience of CEE detail.

CEE published the rules and guidelines for electrical products and arranged for verification of their compliance with these rules by means of tests . (IECEE bases its activity on the basis of standards developed jointly by CEE and IEC standards - CEE and IEC standards ) .

Standards adopted by the Plenary Assembly of the EEC to ensure certification , regulated safety requirements , and although they were not formally binding on member organizations , in fact they were introduced in the countries - members of the appropriate authorities , as far as conditions permit countries.

For those types of equipment that are national standards to some extent correspond to the standards adopted by the Plenary Assembly , is attached only certified to meet the requirements of product standards CEE and IEC.

The certification system CEE (abbreviated as "System CB ") served the purpose of international trade by assigning certificates of electrical products relevant standards adopted by the Plenary Assembly of the EEC .

The communication runs Plenary Assembly of the CEE , the main responsibilities of which are reduced to the development and refinement of the rules of the system, addressing participation of national organizations , the adoption of the standards used for the system.

Each member organization CEE may be allowed to participate in the communication , provided that the national certification body in the country informed the Certification Council ( CC) that he is willing to accept certificates NE under the conditions specified in the rules of the communication system .

Operation of the East by the executive committee , called the Certification Board, which is accountable for their actions before the Plenary Assembly of the EEC . The main responsibilities is to manage the operation of the SS system in the NE part of its rules and systems development .

The composition of the Board of Certification in addition to its officers shall be composed of one representative from each organization involved in the communication . A representative appointed by the organization involved in the communication , and in the country , he appointed the national certification body. They should not be associated with the company or any other organization manufacturing or selling electrical equipment.

Decisions at meetings of the Certification Council shall be taken by a simple majority vote, provided that not less than two thirds of organizations involved in the communication are present at the meeting. If this quorum is not present, then no earlier than one month shall be convened another meeting , and then a decision taken by a simple majority vote , regardless of the number of organizations present at the meeting. In addition, each organization has one vote.

In the case of claims relating to the recognition of a certificate SE, one of the national certification bodies involved in the communication , Certification Board has the right to require the Plenary Assembly of the EEC to take action.

The communication includes the Board of Appeal , which allows , if necessary, disputes concerning the application or the technical content of the certificate NE, decides on the statement made by the national certification body , has worked in the communication system , the seizure of the certificate CB issued by another national authority , refers to plenary Assembly of the EEC on the adoption of measures in respect of any nuances concerning the technical content of the standards adopted for the communication system , or the interpretation of them that transpired during the discussion.

The decisions of the Appeals Board are final.

NE system extends to the different types of household electrical equipment , cables , cords , parts and components , etc. , manufactured by the standards that are approved by the organizations involved in the communication .

A list of the standards adopted for the communication system , is published in the bulletin of the Certification Board.

For each applicable standard , as well as each newly accepted standard for communication systems , each national certification body involved in the communication must report if he recognizes certificates NE, or require additional testing if there are deviations from the national standard , adopted for the communication system .

The test laboratory may be recognized testing laboratory NE only if it is in a country participating in the communication system , and is designed to test only those types of equipment for which the organization is involved in the communication .

The application for recognition as a test laboratory test laboratory NE served by the organization in the country , which is either engaged or intends to engage in the communication on appropriate types of equipment. Statement by the Secretary-General transmitted the CEE and accompanied, in particular, the set of standards adopted by the Plenary Assembly of the EEC certification for the purposes for which the testing laboratory wishes to carry out tests in order to be recognized CB Testing Laboratory , a description of the test apparatus , the information on the qualifications of the personnel testing laboratory a calibration service. Persons appointed by the EEC , check the appropriate testing laboratory (in this case at least one of these individuals must be a member of the Certification Board) . These individuals must pass the Certification Board of the confidential report regarding his observations and recommendations , taking into account the documents attached to the application. Certification Council gives final recommendation to the Plenary Assembly of the EEC .

CB certificate includes a test report, if necessary, with a brief reference to each paragraph of the requirements of the certification , as well as a photo or photos with a description of the device.

To obtain a certificate , the following procedures NE :

Procedure I, for which the certificate is assigned to NE after the product will be tested in the relevant CB Testing Laboratory , collaborating with their national certification body , and at the same time, the second national authority in another country will confirm that the product has been tested satisfactorily in the test laboratory NE, collaborating with the second body. CB certificate , issued by the procedure , is an indisputable certificate;

Procedure II, for which the certificate is issued by a national certification body after the product has satisfactorily passed the relevant tests in the Testing Laboratory NE, cooperating only with the authority. Certificate issued in accordance with the procedure II, is not conclusive .

The certificate holder has the right to NE to the other countries involved in the communication , with the endorsement of the national production or for national conformity issued by the national body for certification of these countries. At the same time , he expressed his willingness to comply with all applicable national regulations regarding the possible re-testing , inspection, factory or other supervision, pay expenses , etc.

When the procedure I national certification body makes a CB certificate as evidence that the product complies with the certificate accepted in the North. In this case, the national approval or national mark of conformity shall be provided without further testing or of any further control.

If any procedure II national certification body may issue a national approval or national mark of conformity without further testing , but it should have the right to experience the product in part or in full prior to issuance of approval , an additional test , however, must be minimized .

CB certificate revoked by the decision , or national certification authority that issued the certificate , or the Appeal Board.

On the effectiveness of and interest in her statistics on the certificates issued by the CB . By 1987, the certificates of conformity issued by 7,000 kinds of products . Subject to certification , in particular , appliances for cooking and heating appliances , household electrical appliance motor drive , a portable electric tool switches .

With the creation of a new body for certification of electrical products in the ESEE IEC membership of the countries involved in the certification of these products is expanding.

The International System of IEC certification of electronic components IECQ is designed to develop cooperation in the production of electronic products . In this case, refers to the widespread use of new elements, the admissibility of which is in any of the countries included in the system is ensured by its certification, carried out in the framework of this system . IEC standards on which the system operates , include lists of required quality parameters and are applied in the member states of the system. In the absence of IEC standards can be used by other regulatory and technical documents subject to the approval of the Steering Committee as a provisional specification for a period of up to three years. The system provides for a mandatory procedure for the recognition of national testing centers and supervision of the quality management systems in companies that offer their products for certification.

In the system of certification of electronic equipment involves 16 countries, mainly in Western Europe , the USA and Japan. Received a certificate of certification companies, manufacturers of electronic components in the UK , France, USA , Japan and Sweden. In the framework of a number of independent accredited test laboratories in the UK and the U.S..

The manufacturer who has received a license to product labeling , can deliver these products to the domestic market and for export only to IEC or other normative and technical documents that are recognized under the existing certification systems IEC appropriate organizations as they prepare to participate in work on the certification of certain types of domestic products in relevant international organizations or agreements to switch to a direct application in the national economy of international rules and standards or to provide full technical and economic identity requirements of domestic standards with international standards.


Control questions :

1. Give examples of international agreements on certification

2. The functional structure of the "system of SW"

3. What are the procedures for obtaining the certificate CB?

4. How many of the participants in the system of certification of electronic equipment?

5. What does a system IEC?



Lecture 20 International Conference on Accreditation of testing centers ( ILAC)


Lecture plan:

1 Analysis of international agreements have been allocated ten major characteristics :

2 Proanaliziruyte information under existing international agreements

As the basis for certification are tested , are particularly important in these systems, testing laboratories, officially accredited and authorized for that purpose by the certification or government agency . In this connection it is of interest in the activities of the International Conference on Accreditation of testing centers (ILAC ), which unites representatives of countries and international organizations.

Along with the wide spread of certification in the industrialized world in the mid- 60s and an active international activity in this area a lot of attention was paid to assessing the technical competence of testing laboratories regardless of the systems of certification , as testing laboratories , along with carrying out tests of products for industrial firms and The company renders its services on the organization of testing , development and implementation of systems to ensure product quality , etc.

In this regard, in the mid 70 's - early 80's began to create a system of accreditation of testing laboratories. The system of accreditation of testing laboratories was established in the U.S. in 1976 . , Denmark - in 1973. , France - in 1979 . , In the UK - in 1981.

In 1977, for the first time , an International Conference on Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC ) . Organized not as a new international organization , it brought together representatives of countries and international organizations to exchange information and experience on legal and technical issues that arise in the mutual recognition of the results of product testing , which is traded internationally. The purpose of the ILAC was also a desire to compile data on existing international agreements on mutual recognition of national accreditation of testing laboratories , product testing results and other data about the quality of products.

Taking into account the importance of international mutual recognition of certification , test results, accreditation systems in the light of the GATT Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, it was decided to hold the conference annually ILAC . The second conference was held in Washington in 1978 . At this conference it was decided to set up three working groups.

To study the legal and administrative aspects arising from the mutual recognition of test results and accreditation systems on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

For the preparation of an international directory of national systems of accreditation of testing laboratories , and in the general form of national rules of recognition of test results in countries.

To study the needs, goals and value of establishing a system of accreditation of testing laboratories.

The working groups presented the first report on the ILAC Conference , held in 1979 . Sydney (Australia ), which in addition to the three added two more groups :

for the development of the terms used in international practice Laboratory Accreditation (with ISO) ;

to prepare the bibliography of publications on accreditation.

For legal and administrative information necessary for the mutual recognition of test results and accreditation of testing laboratories , all participating countries were sent a questionnaire as follows:

The product line , which is in accordance with the regulations of the countries should be tested in test laboratories ;

legal aspects of the accreditation of testing laboratories;

legal aspects of the operation of testing laboratories ( for determining the circumstances under which the statements are recognized, and test reports issued by the testing laboratories ) ;

legal aspects of the responsibility of accrediting bodies and testing laboratories ;

legislative and legal aspects of recognition of accreditation of testing laboratories ( for the removal of legal barriers associated with the legislation of the countries in the way of such recognition ) .

22 countries have responded to the questionnaire. After processing the responses , a report of a thousand pages . Analysis of the responses showed that most of the laws and other regulations prescribe that the products were tested in recognized laboratories (a list of such products is defined by normative acts of the countries ) . For reasons of expediency of recognizing the results of product testing by other laboratories should amend these regulations .

Some systems of accreditation of testing laboratories allow participation in foreign laboratories , but the conditions of participation are not clearly defined , making it difficult to accredited foreign laboratories in the national systems of accreditation can be specified with the establishment of the responsibility of overseas laboratories in cases where products have successfully passed the test poses a risk to people's lives and property safety , legal and administrative aspects that make it difficult for the mutual recognition of accreditation systems and individual accredited laboratories are the following .

1.Zakony that prohibit the recognition of foreign systems of accreditation of testing laboratories or do not allow the recognition of the results of tests carried out in accredited laboratories in foreign countries.

2.The mandating the testing of certain products in the laboratories of the country.

3.Trudnosti legal issues related to the need to take measures to the governments of other countries or to foreign accreditation bodies , or by accredited laboratories , or even to individual enterprises .

4.Zakony that prescribe the compulsory insurance in case of receipt of erroneous test results. Particular difficulties arise with insurance covering claims received in the importing country of production.

5 . Difficulties in obtaining permission to participate in the assessment of the competence of foreign testing laboratory.

6. Establishing the responsibility of the accrediting body for the wrong-doing of laboratory personnel and determining the amount of loss as a result.

As a continuation of the ILAC Conference in Paris in 1980 , it was decided to prepare a survey report on existing bilateral and multilateral agreements on mutual recognition of national systems of accreditation of laboratories. To this end, an ad hoc working group .

During the work on the survey report revealed that there are two types of international agreements.

1.Soglasheniya on the mutual recognition of test reports and certificates without accreditation of laboratories.

2.Soglasheniya on the mutual recognition of accreditation of testing laboratories ( with the spread of recognition and certificates .)

Given the fact that international agreements on mutual recognition of great interest , it is useful to elaborate on them.

Analysis of international agreements have been allocated ten major characteristics :

- area of ​​distribution agreements ( mutual recognition of testing, certification , approval) ;

- status of the agreements (mandatory and optional ) ;

- mutual legal and economic responsibility of the contracting parties;

- the possibility of suspension or cancellation of the agreement ;

- the presence of uniform standards for the level of quality of the test;

- the presence of uniform testing methods ;

- ND for the presence of common products;

- the inclusion in the agreement of conditions for the mutual exchange of experts;

- the inclusion in the agreement conditions for carrying out inter-laboratory comparison tests;

- the inclusion in the agreement the terms of exchange of information on the tests .

With these features adequately characterize the international agreements on mutual recognition . These characteristics can be divided into three groups.

The first group refers to the legal aspects of the agreement. Characteristics relevant to this group allow us to answer the question whether to recognize the results of a one- product testing , certification, accreditation of laboratories all countries or only a part of them. The second group refers to those that indicate the degree of provision of single agreements ND. The third group refers to characteristics indicating the measures being taken by the parties to ensure mutual trust.

ILAC working group has gathered information on existing international agreements on mutual recognition , used the material of the UNECE (Expert Group Meeting on Standardization) and grouped into four groups of agreements ervaya group agreements directly related to the mutual recognition of national systems of accreditation of testing laboratories , such as:

- bilateral agreement between the Council for Registered Testing Laboratories of New Zealand ( TELARS) and the National Association of Test Australia ( NATA );

- exchange of statements of equivalence checking of measurements between the British , Italian and West German metrological services within the Western European cooperation agreements on verification ( WESS ) ;

- bilateral agreement between the Canadian Standards Association ( CSA ) and the Japan Council of electrical testing laboratories ( JET ) .

The second group of agreements not directly relate to the accreditation systems , and extends to the mutual recognition of test results. These agreements are usually signed between the national government agencies , such as :

- agreement on the recognition of EU Member States approved EEC samples of pressure vessels and results of quality control;

- Agreement of the International Maritime Consultative Organization ( IMCO) on containers for shipping .

The third group of agreements is a certification system created by non-governmental international or regional organizations , such as :

- System certification of electrical equipment in CEE ( CB system ) ;

- system of certification of building materials and structures created by the European Union under the agreements in the construction industry ( UE Atc), which is attended by Austria, Britain, Belgium , Holland , Spain , Italy , Germany, France and Portugal ;

- System certification of wood products in the framework of the Nordic Council on economical use of wood (NWPC), which involves Denmark , Norway , Sweden and Finland .

The last group of agreements is a special form of agreements that are called Memoranda of understanding (MOU) signed between the Federal and the U.S. administration on food and medical products (FDA) and the relevant national government agencies of foreign countries to the governments of countries exporting to the U.S. food and medical applied by the relevant standards and methods adopted in the United States quality control.

Of particular note is the Memorandum of Understanding , as a number of them are valid for several years and deals with issues related to the creation of conditions for mutual recognition of certificates and test results of products.

In the U.S., the Federal Administration for food and medical products regulates the exchange between the several states of the country and the U.S. import most of the food , cosmetics , biological and medical devices , etc. The task is to provide the FDA at the international level that imported products meet accepted standards in the country , establishing product quality , safety , purity of products, etc.

Memorandums do not provide mutual recognition of accreditation of laboratories , but many of them require the issuance of certificates by the exporting country for the products covered by the memorandum . But the FDA reserves the right to control the quality of imported products but the fact of the need to issue certificates is recognized by the quality control carried out by the enterprises - suppliers of products.

An example is the memorandum of understanding between the FDA and the National Commission for the quality of export products of Mexico (CANALPE). In accordance with the Memorandum and FDA CANALPE undertake to mutually exchange information on the following:

- Sampling procedure and methods for testing and analysis;

- Methods for confirmation of product requirements;

- Product requirements and tolerances ;

- Standard reference data ;

- The methods of control analyzes ;

- The procedure for periodic quality control;

- Legislation and technical regulations .

In addition , the parties have committed themselves to exchange information about the changes to the existing and new federal regulations and legislations on the above issues.

If you develop new or modify existing regulations may adversely affect the trade between the two countries , mutual consultations are provided for a mutually acceptable solution .

If there is a discrepancy with the requirements of imported products importer to the exporter must provide the following information:

- Product ;

- The name of the supplier ;

- The reason for the refusal to issue a permit for the import of goods;

- Used method of sampling designs;

- Applied method of analysis;

- Set the level of non-compliance.

ILAC shall be convened annually to exchange information and expertise on legal and technical issues of the international recognition of the results of product testing , accreditation of testing laboratories , accreditation systems and evaluating the quality of the test results in order to promote mutual under knowledge of the tests conducted by national accredited laboratories. This recognition is provided through bilateral and multilateral agreements on recognition of accreditation of laboratories , as well as cooperation with relevant international organizations on matters relating to the accreditation of testing laboratories.

ILAC publishes periodically updated publication "Between national directory of testing laboratories and their accreditation systems " and " Bibliography on the accreditation of testing laboratories".

In ILAC participation of all industrialized countries

Markedly in recent years intensified participation in the ILAC developing countries. They believe the organization an important source of valuable information on the accreditation of testing laboratories to create their own systems of accreditation.

In conferences ILAC actively involved as representatives of international organizations such as the EEC, ECE GATT ISO


Control questions :

1. Aspects of creating ILAC

2. Deyatelnost ILAC since 1977

3. With problems faced by the national system of accreditation of testing laboratories?

4. Kak types of international agreements adopted by the ILAC Conference in Paris in 1980?

5. Harakteristiki international agreements on mutual recognition

6. Proanaliziruyte information under existing international agreements .



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