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Lecture 12 The main provisions of the principles and practices of international certification

Lecture plan:

1 The basis for the work of certification is

2 According to the classification distinguishes between the following ISO certification schemes:

12.1 Purpose of certification - confirm that the product specific requirements.

The organization and conduct of works on certification must be such as to provide adequate objectivity of certification, the accuracy and reproducibility of the results of the tests to be economically appropriate and sufficient for both product manufacturers - potential exporters and consumers of these products importers.

The basis for the work of certification is

- First, the selection criteria by which to judge that the product is in the interests of consumers, the requirements of the laws of the importing country, opportunities for manufacturers. Regulatory and technical documents for the products, which provide the relevant specifications of the products should contain clear, unambiguous interpretation. To this end, the requirements of the products are regulated in specific documents: Standards, specifications, standards, specifications, ie the standard. The standard requirements are subject to mandatory and strict observance.

- Second, the certification system includes an element of sample tests as a necessary means to identify compliance with product standards. The acceptability of certification by a third party, especially when multilateral cooperation, based largely on the reputation of the certification body. This reputation, in turn, depends on the impartiality, competence of personnel conducting the certification, and reliability. Therefore, it is essential that the test centers or laboratories had all the necessary equipment and qualified personnel to work on the test methods to meet the parties that are involved in the certification.

- Third, the stability of the process. Regardless of the state of the national economy with high-level production activities related to significant business costs. Introduction to the production of quality management systems, along with the evaluation and control of its action greatly increase the production efficiency, promote sustainable production of products with specified quality parameters.

- Fourth, the certification should be based on W impartiality and independence of the results of the activities carried on certification. Certification of the manufacturer that his product meets the requirements of the standard, not always taken for granted. The consumer often creates its own quality control system A product that is fairly common in the trade and industry. However, with the development of modern science, engineering and technology the most efficient and economic system would be operated by an entity which would have no impact product manufacturers. In terms of external trade and international economic relations is the "independence" of the results of the certification is of predominant importance. These bodies that govern the certification may be the standardization bodies and commercial organizations or government agencies. They should have the appropriate services, which would define the laboratory for testing, checking the competence of the personnel who are methodical provision of all the necessary work, etc.

- Fifth, the selection of the certification system must meet the practical and economic requirements of each individual products.

- Sixth, the principles and methods of certification, the order of functional ning its systems must ensure mutual compatibility with other systems certification. This approach to certification promotes the development of foreign trade and international economic relations, the guaranteed yield of certified products on the world market excluding the possibility of turning a barrier to certification in international relations.

- Seventh, the product or products at the positive results of their certification tests in the respective centers or laboratories must have proof of this in the form of stamps, marks, labels, accompanying document, certificate, come to be included in the list of certified products or have confirmation that the they are issued by the company will be entitled to their certification.

12.2 Certification of compliance in recent decades has become a powerful tool for managing both the international and domestic trade. Certification develops into normal trade relations at all levels, but mainly - in the rate of major trade deals.

Wide development and implementation of certification contribute to its two main features - it is a means of information and consumers can be one of the most effective means of legal regulation of trade relations, since it is based on well-defined and easily accessible control regulations.

Must represent the difference between tariff barriers to trade, directly regulating the flow of goods to market and non-tariff or technical obstacles, indirectly regulating the possibility of receipt of goods on the market (especially overseas products to the national market by creating more favorable conditions for foreign vendor in comparison with the national ). Basically technical (or non-tariff) barriers related to standards and certification. In the classification of the GATT (a specialized organization of the United Nations - the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), they constitute one of the five conditional groups, which are divided by all non-tariff barriers.

The idea and the general sense of certification has long been known. Average marking its products manufacturer since ancient times was confirmation of the high quality of the product. Verification of seller to the buyer about the quality of the goods was also the oldest form of what we now call certification.

Any modern system of certification is based on standards (international, national, company standards, specifications, etc.).

When formal opportunities to participate in their development of large and small firms, trade circles, representatives of Consumers, government bodies, in this work is almost always open only to large firms because the cost of developing the standards high. It is hard to imagine, for example, U.S. standards in the field of computer technology, the company prepared without IBM, which dictates the conditions, not only nationally, but also internationally. Certification is also costly - the cost of it can be up to 2% of the cost of the product.

The most acute discriminatory certification manifested itself at the international level due to the specially created differences in the standards, test methods, large demands for payment certification testing of imported goods, due to the differences of the legal and administrative measures in different countries.

Regional agreements to establish certification systems to some extent eliminates these difficulties and shortcomings, however, they create even more powerful, has a collective barrier to imports of goods from countries outside the region. An example is the country created a "common market" certification system, which had long been trying to enter the United States. The participation of third countries in the agreements between individual certification systems means getting certain benefits to national firms for the development of trade and economic relations between the countries.

Willingness of governments of countries that have signed the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, to facilitate the conclusion of agreements and agreement in the field of certification, recognition of certificates of conformity with product standards and specifications, served as a symbol of the revitalization of such international organizations as the UN ECE, ISO and IEC on develop recommendations on the international level on the principles of certification and harmonization between different certification systems.

According to estimates by UNECE, in Europe there are hundreds of international and regional agreements on certification, ie agreement between national authorities responsible for the country's certification, on the mutual recognition of test results of products with a variety of forms, methods and principles of design and certification activities. According to ISO, the annual volume of certified products only in respect of compliance with health and safety is estimated at 200 billion U.S. dollars.

12.3 In contrast to the supplier's declaration of conformity of products, when all measures to ensure product compliance with the standards held under the full responsibility of manufacturers, third-party certification involves the participation of outside organizations that evaluate and confirm the correctness of the activities in accordance with the rules carry out sample testing, monitoring the state of the manufacturing process.

According to the classification distinguishes between the following ISO certification schemes:

Scheme I. Based only on the type examination of samples of products for compliance with standards specifically approved testing organizations. With this kind of certification is confirmed only match the sample submitted for testing requirements. Due to its simplicity and relatively low cost, he received a certain distribution in the trade and economic relations, both nationally and internationally.

Scheme 2. Based on the type examination of product samples in specially approved testing organizations, with subsequent control of product quality through periodic proof testing of samples taken from the sphere of trade. The use of this type makes it possible to assess, together with the quality of the samples submitted and the quality of mass-produced products. The advantage of this method is its simplicity, although the cost in comparison with the previous method above. Its disadvantages include the fact that a finding of non-conformity of production requirements of the results of control tests occurs when the products arrived in implementation. Withdrawal of product not meeting the standards from trade associated with certain difficulties.

Scheme 3. Based on the type examination of product samples in specially approved testing organizations, followed by quality control of manufactured products through periodic routine tests on samples taken prior to shipment to the commercial network or the consumer. Unlike Scheme 2 control tests are carried out to the availability of products in the distribution network, which allows it to suspend shipment of detection of standards.

Scheme 4. Was based on a standard sample tests (as in Schemes 1-3), followed by control of product quality through periodic proof testing of samples taken from both the spheres of trade, and with the production. However, in this case unconformity products with standards implemented after the product is manufactured and its production means expended.

Scheme 5. Based on the type examination of product samples in specially approved testing organizations, and evaluation systems to ensure product quality in the enterprise, followed by quality control through periodic proof testing of samples taken from trade and production.

This type of certification can not only set the output quality, but also evaluate the possibility of the enterprise to produce products required level of quality. Naturally, in the assessment of quality assurance systems in the enterprise must determine its criteria.

Figure 5 is most popular in industrialized countries and in the international system certification. Compared to the previous variants certification Scheme 5 is the most complex and expensive, but its advantage is that the consumer is assured of a high level of product quality.

Scheme 6. Based only on the assessment of quality assurance systems in the enterprises. This view is sometimes called the certification of enterprises - manufacturers. With this kind of certification is estimated only businesses' ability to manufacture products specified level of quality. This certification scheme is used when the standard is not regulated to the final product requirements (since it may take several forms), and sets a type of production requirements.

Scheme 7. Based on tests of samples of each batch of product manufactured. The decision to dispatch the party accepted the results of the test sample. For this kind of certification is required to determine the volume of sample which depends on the set of acceptable quality and size batches manufactured. Formation of the samples is carried out by authorized testing organizations according to the accepted rules. Application of this kind of certification is connected using methods of statistical analysis.

Scheme 8. Based on testing of each single product manufactured in compliance with the standards. With this type of liability of the certification for compliance with the requirements immeasurably higher than using all of the previous certification. Naturally, they get a certificate or marked only the products that have passed the test.

An example of the use of this type of certification is a system of marking of precious metals and alloys - one of the oldest systems of certification. The purpose of the system is to check the purity of precious metals and its corresponding marking.


Control questions:

1.In what the organization and conduct of works on certification?

2.What is the basis for work on the certification?

3.Obyasnite difference between tariff and technical barriers to trade?

4.Skolko certification schemes in accordance with ISO classification exists at this time?

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 659

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