Say Hello To Staff MembersFirst Day To Office

One of the most exciting day of life is our first day in office. If you want this day as a memorable day then it is mandatory for you to follow the right way. It is easy to make a good impression if you follow these given tips. Manners and behaviors makes our personality complete so it is very necessary for everyone to be master in this art. This is a must requirement in the office environment. Especially the guy who is having his first day in office should take care of it .If he forget to consider the impact that their words or actions will have on other people then he may be in great loss. Thus it is advisable to behave properly in the office from the start day. If is it first day for you , read this lens before joining your office.
1. Complete The Preparation A Day Before
2. Wear A Formal Dress
3. Be On Time
4. Decent Watches
5. Say Hello To Staff Members
6. Keep Moblie Ring Tone Under Control
Complete The Preparation A Day Before

You should make a list of items that you will bring to the office on the next day. This may include any office documents or your laptop. Make sure all are fine a day before to avoid any hassles on the eleventh hour. Image courtesy :
Wear A Formal Dress
It will be the worst mistake to miss a item that consists of a complete formal office wear.The dress include well ironed .Make sure you are fully prepared .This is your first day in office so be careful and make all these arrangements .In a business environment, the standard of dressing for men and women is a suit, a jacket and pants or a skirt.Do not forget to bring the handkerchief.
Be On Time

Make it sure that you will attend the office on time. It will put negative impression if you are late on your first day. So make sure by all means that you will be there before 10 to 15 minutes.
Say Hello To Staff Members

It will be fine idea to greet staff members .But make sure that you do it one by one.This will provide you a chance to break the ice between you and you colleagues.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 788