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| Read and develop these conversations.
- I'm looking for a new job, sir.
- What exactly do you want?
-I wouldn't mind working in a pub.
- Have you done anything like that before?
- Well, I once did a bit of serving...
| 2)
-I wonder whether you need any part-timers.
- What kind of work were you thinking of?
- A hotel job or some sort.
- Have you ever done anything similar?
- Not so far, no. I'm more or less straight from school but I'll do my best because...
| 3)
- Do you have any vacancies for full-time staff?
- What do you mean (have in mind) ?
- Something in the building industry.
- Have you had any experience?
- Actually, I'm a civil engineer by profession and I enjoy my job, but...
| 4)
- I’m looking for some flexitime job.
- Are you aware of the fact that flexitime doesn’t mean working just when you want?
- Well, to be true – not. What is flexitime then?
- You should work within certain limits, say in our company it is from eleven to three and you have to do enough hours each month.
| 24. Find out about your group-mates' and other people's occupations.
Model A:
- What do you do for a living?
- Actually, I don't work yet. I go to Harvard University and study management.
- Why have you chosen management as your future profession?
- Because it's a demanding and prestigious job today.
| Model Â:
- What do you do?
- Oh, I want to take up computers.
- Why do you want to study computer programming?
- Well, I lost my job last month and haven't been able to find another one.
| Model C:
- What's your present job, Jully?
- I work as a personnel manager at a big firm but I want to transfer
to the International Sales Division.
- What for?
- Well, I don't really like to work at the cabinet. I just want to travel, to go to Africa or Latin America, for example.
- Hmm, that's exciting
| Model D:
- What would you like to be, Phil?
- Actually I don't know yet. I think I'd rather be a writer.
- Are there any special reasons for that?
- I see only one: I like to see my name in print.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 830