The Camp David Accords:
Reynolds: 262-316 (ch.6: “Camp David 1978: Begin, Carter and Sadat”).
Who met in 1978 at Camp David? Who initiated this meeting and why? Was this meeting a success? Why (not)? How would you compare the Camp David summit with the summits we discussed earlier in our course? Explain!
CLASS NINETEEN: The End of the Cold War
Keylor: 451-470 (ch.16: “Moscow, Washington, and the End of the Soviet Empire”)
Who ended the Cold War? What was Gorbachev's "perestroika"? Why did Germany reunify? Why did the Soviet Union collapse? How did the end of the Cold War affect the world beyond Europe? Who was Vaclav Havel and what was his role in ending the Cold War?
CLASS TWENTY: Presentations IV
CLASS TWENTY-ONE: The Geneva Summit
Joint Soviet-United States Statement on the Summit Meeting in Geneva:
Reynolds: 317-369 (ch.7: “Geneva 1985: Gorbachev and Reagan”).
Why did Reagan and Gorbachev meet in 1985 in Geneva? Whose idea was this meeting and how did it proceed? Was this summit a success? If yes, for whom? Did this summit change the two leaders’ views about each other and the opposing superpower? Did the meeting in Geneva influence Gorbachev’s perestroika? Did it end the Cold War? Why (not)? Does the Joint Soviet-United States Statement convey the results of the talks accurately? Why (not)?
CLASS TWENTY-TWO: Presentations V
CLASS TWENTY-THREE: The Unification of Europe and the World
Keylor: 471-488 (ch.17: “Europe: Integration and Disintegration”).
Why and since when is Europe moving toward unification? How did the end of the Cold War influence the process toward European unity? What were (and are) the challenges to European integration? Has the European Union been a success? Why (not)?
CLASS TWENTY-FOUR: European Unification [S14]
Fischer, Joschka. “From Confederacy to Federation – Thoughts on the finality of European integration ,” May 2000 (
de Gaulle, Charles. “A Concert of Nations.” In The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration. Nelson, Brent F. and Alexander C-G. Stubb (ed.). 2nd ed. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998: 36-43.
Pinder, John and Simon Usherwood. The European Union: A Very Short Introduction. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007: 9-34 (ch. 2: “How the EU was made”).
What is Charles de Gaulle’s concept for a united Europe? How and by whom would it be governed? Is de Gaulle a “French nationalist”? Who is Joschka Fischer? What, according to Fischer, is “Europe”? How and why should it be united? What would de Gaulle think about Fischer’s plans for a united Europe? What are, according to Pinder and Usherwood, the main stages and periods of European intergration? Which of these stages were the most important ones? Was the process of European unification successful?