On a radio frequency Anson Harris called air route control, ‘This is Trans America Two. We seem to have a problem here. Request clearance back to Lincoln, and radar vectoring from present position to Lincoln.’
From Toronto Air Route Centre, more than six miles below, a controller's voice responded. ‘Trans America Two, roger.’ A brief pause, then, ‘You may begin a left turn now to heading two seven zero. Stand by for an altitude change.’
‘Roger, Toronto. We are commencing the turn. We'd like to make it wide and gradual.’
‘Trans America Two. A wide turn approved. Begin descent to flight level two eight zero. Report leaving flight level three zero.’
Anson Harris acknowledged. ‘Toronto Centre, this is Trans America Two. We are beginning descent now.’
On the overhead speaker, Harris could hear Cy Jordan's voice sending a distress call.
‘Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. This is Trans America Two. Explosive decompression. We are diving, diving.’
Harris pushed the control yoke hard forward. Over his shoulder he shouted, ‘Ask for ten!’
Cy Jordan added, ’Request ten thousand feet.’
Anson Harris switched on a radar transponder to seven-seven-zero-zero. They were going down fast. Climb and descent meter showed eight thousand feet descent a minute... Toronto Air Route Centre on the overhead speaker, ‘All altitudes below you are clear. Report your intentions when ready. We are standing by...’
Harris was diving straight ahead. From beginning to end, the dive took two and a half minutes.
The overhead speakers came alive. ‘Trans America Two, this is Toronto Centre. How are you doing?’
Cy Jordan acknowledged, ‘Level at ten thousand, returning to heading two seven zero. We have structural damage due to explosion, extent unknown. Request weather and runway information - Toronto, Detroit Metropolitan and Lincoln.’
The airport reports were coming in from Toronto Centre: Toronto airport still closed: deep snow and drifts on all runways Detroit Metropolitan - all runways closed to regular traffic, but ploughs will vacate runway three left for emergency approach and landing. Detroit visibility six hundred feet in snow. Lincoln International - all runways ploughed and serviceable, runway three zero temporarily closed due to obstructions. Lincoln visibility one mile, wind northwest, thirty knots and gusty.
For landing, Lincoln International offered the best chance of safety. But Lincoln was at least an hour's flying time away. Their present speed - two hundred and fifty knots - was far slower than they had been moving at the higher altitude, and Anson Harris was holding the speed down, in the hope of avoiding further structural damage.
The main question was: could they remain at the air another hour?
Air route control was asking again: ‘Trans America Two, advise your intentions.’
‘Roger, Trans America Two. Detroit has advised they are removing snowplows from runway three left. Until informed otherwise, they will prepare for an emergency landing.’
‘Trans America Two, this is Cleveland Centre. Lincoln advises runway three zero still temporarily out of use. They are attempting to clear obstructions before you arrive. Failing that, will land you on two five.’
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1061