It wasn’t until years later that some cell researchers began to look into these odd “retroviruses” to find out what they really were. They found that HIV-like particles were in fact generated by cells under stress and degradation, and began calling them Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs). More recently, they have been referred to as exosomes – particles created by cells that appear to be immune system messengers.
These HERVs or exosomes are likely what Gallo and Montagnier had found! They had mistaken causation and correlation. The AIDS patients were extremely ill. Their cells were under stress and producing HERV or exosome particles, and Gallo and Montagnier had interpreted them as causative viruses.
AIDS is a "disease catchment"
So there you have it. What we have here is an industry that has created a public image that matches its goals: a definition of a new deadly plague, millions of people suffering a range of illness and symptoms that have been carefully categorized to fit the definition of that disease - a "disease catchment," an elusive retrovirus identified as the culprit, and generic, fraudulent "HIV" tests that we are told verify infection, which define and enlarge the catchment.
AIDS is just a name given to various combinations of ordinary illnesses, chemical toxicity, and ascorbate levels near zero. In Africa, add the combination of extreme malnutrition, toxic assault from industrial waste, and drinking septic water. The result: ordinary disease, immune deficiency and cell stress. This is interpreted (by the tests, and, in Africa, by a visual illness description called the "Bangui Definition") as HIV positivity or AIDS progression. Toxic drugs are then administered which may kill a current disease vector (notably fungus infection, the most common “AIDS-identifying” illness) but cause long term cellular and immune system destruction.
AIDS: An Enormous Pharmaceutical Fraud
The pharmaceutical companies have made billions of dollars from this new, invented disease. They have created extremely expensive (and extremely toxic) anti-viral and protease-inhibiting drugs, based on the original mistaken/fraudulent identity of the "cause." AIDS activist organizations all over the U.S. have become pharmaceutical drug marketers. Much of the aid money going to Africa goes in the form of AIDS drugs, testing, research into "non-transmission" to other adults and children, and propaganda.
The Answer to AIDS
AIDS is a completely curable syndrome. Resolve any immediate illness with non-toxic antibiotics and/or anti-fungal agents and rebuild the immune system with intense nutritional therapy, and it is no longer a life-threatening syndrome. For people who have not taken the drugs, it may take some time to overcome their real underlying illness and/or toxic exposure. For people who have taken the drugs, it is a longer haul, since their immune and organ systems may be severely compromised: many months of intense therapeutic supplementation and non-toxic antibiotics and especially non-toxic anti-fungal agents to stave off opportunistic infection. For example, see
This has been confirmed by the work of Gary Null in New York, Ian Brighthope in Australia, Laurence Badgely in California, and Matthias Rath in South Africa, who have successfully treated AIDS patients with intravenous or high-dose oral vitamin C and other nutrients.
In Africa, the current failed cynical strategy of diagnosing malnutrition and ordinary illness as AIDS and administering drugs must be reversed. Instead, aid money must be used to rebuild the food, sanitation, and economic infrastructure to provide people with a healthful environment in which to work and live, and universal provision of therapeutic doses of vitamin C (50-100 mg/kg body weight).
End notes:
Most animals produce ascorbate in their livers or their kidneys in huge quantities, and create even more when they are under stress. They don’t have to worry about going to the cupboard and taking more when they feel tired or are stressed out, their bodies do this automatically. Wild animals rarely get ill. (They also don’t get heart disease, but that is a matter for another article…).
Unfortunately, we humans have been cursed with a genetic defect. Unlike most animals, we cannot synthesize it from blood sugar. And we now know, as a result of the work of Dr. Robert Cathcart and Dr. Thomas Levy, that the massive amounts of ascorbate typically synthesized in animals under stress is sufficient for humans to fight off most common deadly diseases.