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Òåñò íà îïðåäåëåíèå óðîâíÿ: Pre-Intermediate èëè Intermediate?

Beginner èëè Elementary?

  1. My favourite sport …… tennis.
    • are
    • is
    • be
  2. Roberto is Italian. He’s …… Italy.
    • from
    • to
    • at
  3. …… you help me, please?
    • Have
    • Do
    • Can
  4. Moscow is the …… of Russia.
    • country
    • nationality
    • capital
  5. I leave for work …… quarter past eight.
    • in
    • at
    • on
  6. The doctor told me that I …… smoke.
    • mustn’t
    • won’t
    • doesn’t have
  7. …… that man in the red hat?
    • Whose
    • Who
    • Who’s
  8. Is …… your new car? It’s great!
    • these
    • that
    • there
  9. This letter is for Tom. Give it to ……
    • him
    • he
    • his
  10. We …… to school every day.
    • gos
    • goes
    • go
  11. She often …… fish because it’s good for her.
    • eats
    • eat
    • eates
  12. She …… a letter at the moment.
    • write
    • is writing
    • writes
  13. What …… on Saturdays?
    • are you doing
    • do you
    • do you do
  14. Look at Jane! She …… a red dress today!
    • wearing
    • is wearing
    • is wear
  15. Yesterday we …… to the cinema and saw a great film.
    • go
    • have gone
    • went
  16. When …… Rome? Last summer or last winter?
    • did you visit
    • are you visiting
    • do you visit
  17. London is …… than New York.
    • nosiest
    • noisy
    • noisier
  18. Paris is the …… city I’ve ever seen.
    • beautiful
    • more beautiful
    • most beautiful
  19. …… your homework yet?
    • Do you finish
    • Have you finished
    • Are you finishing
  20. …… you help me with my project, please?
    • Will
    • Do
    • Are

Elementary èëè Pre-Intermediate?

  1. It was a beautiful morning. The sun …… and it was very warm.
    • shines
    • was shining
    • shone
  2. “What …… for a living?” “She’s a teacher.”
    • does she do
    • is she doing
    • does she
  3. George …… to work hard but he does now.
    • didn’t
    • used
    • didn’t use
  4. This is the …… ring I’ve ever seen. How much did it cost you?
    • more expensive
    • less expensive
    • most expensive
  5. If she ……, I’ll go on my own.
    • comes
    • doesn’t come
    • didn’t come
  6. Jonathan and Fred …… a cup of tea at the moment.
    • are having
    • have
    • is having
  7. Mum asked me how long …… for her.
    • I had been waiting
    • had I been waiting
    • have I been waiting
  8. When she …… back, she’ll call you.
    • will come
    • comes
    • came
  9. I think I …… for you here. I just can’t go on walking!
    • will wait
    • am going to wait
    • am waiting
  10. There must be …… milk in the fridge.
    • a few
    • few
    • some
  11. Julie …… to San Francisco three times.
    • has gone
    • was going
    • has been
  12. Andrew has been painting …… 2003.
    • since
    • for
    • in
  13. How …… honey do you need?
    • many
    • much
    • any
  14. If I …… rich, I’d buy a yacht.
    • were
    • am
    • would be
  15. Rainforests …… down and the trees are used to make paper.
    • are cutting
    • is cut
    • are cut
  16. I wanted …… but I didn’t know what to do.
    • to help
    • helping
    • help
  17. Daniel works long hours, ……?
    • isn’t he
    • doesn’t he
    • isn’t it
  18. He cleaned the carpets after he ……finished his lunch.
    • had
    • have
    • has
  19. By next week, I …… the kitchen and the living room.
    • will paint
    • will be painting
    • will have painted
  20. He swims …… a fish.
    • for
    • as
    • like



Òåñò íà îïðåäåëåíèå óðîâíÿ: Pre-Intermediate èëè Intermediate?

  1. The blue jacket costs $50, the white jacket costs $70. The blue jacket is …… than the white one.
    • cheaper
    • cheap
    • less cheaper
  2. I’d rather go out for dinner tonight than ……dinner at home.
    • have
    • having
    • to have
  3. My cousin …… his holidays with us next summer.
    • spends
    • is spending
    • was spending
  4. By this time next year, Jane …… Spanish for two years.
    • is going to study
    • will be studying
    • will have been studying
  5. Let’s go shopping, ……?
    • let’s we
    • shall we
    • do we
  6. Alice won’t be able to buy that car …… she saves some money.
    • unless
    • if
    • as long as
  7. Rachel …… be in hospital; I just talked to her and she said she was at home.
    • mustn’t
    • can’t
    • won’t
  8. Mary works …… a nurse at Pillby Hospital.
    • such
    • like
    • as
  9. John is soaking wet because he …… in the rain.
    • has been walking
    • will be walking
    • had been walking
  10. If you had studied harder, you …… the entrance exams.
    • will have passed
    • would have passed
    • will be passing
  11. I wish I …… at Mike; he’s not talking to me now.
    • hadn’t shouted
    • haven’t shouted
    • didn’t shout
  12. I don’t think there is …… bread left.
    • some
    • any
    • no
  13. …… he is rich, he never spends any money.
    • Despite
    • Although
    • In spite of
  14. Do you remember …… that film?
    • see
    • to see
    • seeing
  15. The authorities …… rebuilding the houses.
    • are
    • are being
    • been
  16. Dogs are very loyal pets. ……, they can guard your property.
    • Because
    • What is more
    • Even though
  17. It’s no use …… the hedges cut until next month.
    • have
    • to have
    • having
  18. Her hair is not …… Catherine’s.
    • so long
    • as long as
    • long as
  19. I’m not sure …… David lives.
    • where
    • in which
    • that
  20. You …… me!
    • criticise always
    • are always criticising
    • always are criticising


Date: 2016-01-03; view: 3119

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