The fee for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising
The fee is charged when placing the outdoor visual advertising on objects stationary placement in the right of way of public roads, in open space outside the premises in the settlements in the form of posters, stands, light panels, billboards, banners, posters and vehicles and regulated by Chapter 78 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Fee payers are legal entities and individuals.
Size of charges calculated on the basis of payment rates and the actual period of the object of advertising, set in the permits, but not less than the amount of payment per calendar month.
Payment is made in the budget for the object location of outdoor advertising.
State fee
State fee - a mandatory payment charged for legally significant acts or the issuance of documents by authorized state bodies or officials and is governed by Chapter 79 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Payers of state fees are individuals and legal entities, traded on the performance of legal acts and issuance of documents to the competent state bodies or officials.
The state fee is charged:
- With submitted to the court of claims, claims special proceedings, applications (complaints) for special proceedings, applications for a court order, applications for a duplicate of the writ, applications for writs for the enforcement of arbitration (arbitration) courts and foreign vessels, applications for re-issuance of copies of judicial decisions, writs and other documents;
- For the commission of notarial acts, as well as for the issuance of copies (duplicates) of notarized documents;
- For the registration of civil status,
- For the processing of documents for the right to travel abroad for permanent residence and the invitation to the Republic of Kazakhstan officials from other states, as well as amendments to these documents;
- For the issuance of the Republic of Kazakhstan visas to passports of foreigners and stateless persons, or equivalent documents for the right to leave the Republic of Kazakhstan and entering the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- For the processing of documents for acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, restoration of citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan or termination of Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- For the registration of residence;
- For the issuance of permits for the import and export of rare and endangered animal species and sturgeon, and their parts and derivatives;
- For the issuance of identity documents;
- For the issuance of permits for the storage or storage and carrying, transportation, import into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and export them from the Republic of Kazakhstan of weapons and ammunition;
- For the issuance of driver's licenses, certificates of tractor driver, a certificate of technical inspection of motor vehicles and trailers, certificates of state registration of motor vehicles, state registration plates;
Fixed interest rates of the state fee shall be calculated based on the monthly calculation index established for the financial year by the law on the national budget.
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1079