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Towing or Pulling Vehicles

Section 77. No person shall use a vehicle of any kind to tow or pull more than one other vehicle in a roadway, except with permission of the Director General.

A vehicle shall be towed or pulled by the method and signs shall be made available for the safety for the vehicle towing or pulling in accordance with the prescriptions in the Ministerial Regulations.



Section 78. Any person who drives a vehicle or controls animals in a way and causes damage to other person or other person’s property, be it his fault or not, shall stop the vehicle or animals and give appropriate assistance, and immediately report the incident to the competent officer who is on duty near to scene as well as leave the information of his full name and address and the vehicle register number with the injured person.

In the event a driver of the vehicle or of animals escapes or does not report himself to the competent officer at the scene of the incident, it shall be presumed that he is the offender and the competent officer shall have the power to seize the vehicle driven by the driver who has escaped or has not reported himself as the driver until the case received the final judgment or the driver is found.

If the owner or possessor does not make his presence to the competent officer within six months from the day of the incident, it shall be regarded that the vehicle was employed in the commission of the crime or in connection with the commission of the crime and it shall become the property of the state.


Section 79. Where a way is provided for bicycles, cyclists shall ride their bicycles in such way.

Section 80. A cyclist who rides his bicycle in a roadway, road shoulder or way provided for bicycles shall have the bicycle completely equipped with:

(1) a hand – bell that can send out sound signals audible within not less distance than thirty meters

(2) a brake that functions well and when applied is able to bring the vehicle to a stop abruptly

(3) at least one front lamp that projects white light beam straight ahead and is able to illuminate the path clearly within not less distance than fifteen meters and shall be at a level lower than the eye of another cyclists who come in the opposite direction

(4) not less than one bicycle back lamp than one that emits red light beam straight back wards or a material that reflects red light upon a beam being thrown upon.

Section 81. At the time light is required to be displayed pursuant to Section 11 or Section 61, a cyclist who is riding a bicycle in a roadway, road shoulder or way provided for bicycles shall put on the front light to enable another cyclist or the pedestrians who is riding or are walking in the opposite direction to see his bicycle.

Section 82. A cyclist who rides a bicycle shall keep close to the curb on the left-hand side of the roadway, road shoulder or way provided for bicycles as much as possible. In case of bus lanes on the outer most left hand side of the roadway, a cyclist shall ride bicycle close to such bus lane.

Section 83. In roadway, road shoulder or way provided for bicycles, no cyclist shall

(1) ride his bicycle carelessly or in a dangerous manner which might cause damage to persons or property

(2) ride his bicycle without holding its hands to control

(3) ride his bicycle with more than one bicycle, except in a way provided for bicycles

(4) ride his bicycle by sitting other than the saddle which is meant for normal riding

(5) ride his bicycle to convey another person, except a tricycle for conveying persons in accordance with the conditions prescribed by the traffic officer

(6) ride his bicycle to convey or carry articles, boxes or other things in the manner that obstructs the handling of the control part of the vehicle or that might cause danger to persons or property

(7) ride his bicycle by towing or being coupled to another moving vehicle.

Section 84. Unless this Title provides it to be otherwise, a cyclist who rides his bicycle shall comply with Section 21, Section 22, Section 23, Section 24, Section 25, Section 26, Section 32, Section 33, Section 34, Section 36, Section 37, Section 39, Section 40, Section 41, Section 42, Section 45, Section 46, Section 47, Section 48, Section 49, Section 50, Section 51, Section 52, Section 53, Section 54, Section 55, Section 56, Section 57, Section 59, Section 60, Section 61, Section 62, Section 63, Section 64, Section 69, Section 70, Section 71, Section 72, Section 73, Section 74, Section 76<2>, Section 78, Section 125, Section 127, Section 133, mutatis mutandis.

Passenger Vehicles

Section 85. Owner or driver of a passenger vehicle shall not undertake to convey a corpse or a leper or a person suffering from an epidemic disease that is required to be reported according to the law on epidemic disease along with other passengers, except:

(1) in case of such passenger vehicle not being used to convey other passengers, then it may convey lepers or persons suffering from an epidemic disease that are required to be reported according to the law on epidemic diseases

(2) in case a passenger vehicle is not being used to convey other passengers, then it may convey a corpse along with the relatives or persons concerned with the corpse.

Section 86. Owner or driver or conductor or person who has interest in a passenger vehicle shall not solicit passengers to board the vehicle noisily or in a manner being a nuisance to the passengers or other persons, or round up or pull or hold back or force persons or things on any passenger vehicle.

Section 87. Owner or driver or conductor of a passenger vehicle shall not refuse to convey a passenger without a proper cause.

Section 88. A driver shall stop his passenger vehicle to deliver his passengers at a bus stop or at a place agreed upon, as the case may be.

Section 89. Driver or conductor of a passenger vehicle shall not convey passengers in a number exceeding that prescribed by law.

In counting the number of passengers, it shall be regarded that two children not older than 10 years of age are equal to one passenger.

Section 90. Driver of a passenger vehicle shall not

(1) drive about to seek passengers

(2) park the vehicle at the head of a row of other vehicles at a distance of more than one meter from the traffic sign

(3) park the vehicle at the end of a row of other vehicles at a distance of more than one meter from the vehicle immediately in front

Section 91. Driver or conductor of a passenger vehicle shall not

(1) smoke or engage in conversation during driving or collecting fares

(2) use impolite language to, speak sarcastically at insult, abuse or act in such manner to the passengers of other persons.

(3) before refilling a passenger vehicle with inflammable fuel oil with a flare-up point at 21 Celsius or lower, the driver shall stop the engine and shall have all the passengers leave the vehicle.



Section 92. Driver of a taxi shall not refuse to a accept employment to convey passengers, except when such conveyance is likely to cause danger to himself or the passengers.

In the event the driver of a taxi does not wish to be employed to convey passengers, a placard shall be displayed that the taxi is not in use for passenger conveyance.

The manner of the display and the characteristics of the said placard shall be in accordance with the law on automobiles.

Section 93. Driver of a taxi shall not convey passengers exceeding that prescribed in the license under the law on automobiles.

In counting the number of passengers, it shall be regarded that two children not older than ten years of age are equal to one passenger.

Section 94. Anyone shall not

(1) solicit passengers for a taxi noisily or in a manner being a nuisance to the passengers or other persons

(2) round up, pull, hold back or force persons or their belongings to board any taxi

Section 95. Driver of a taxi shall not charge a fare in excess of the amount registered in the taxi meter.

The characteristics and use of a taxi meter shall be in accordance with the prescriptions in the Ministerial Regulations.

Section 96. The passengers shall pay a fare according to the amount registered in the taxi meter.

Section 97. A royal decree shall be issued to prescribe localities and taxis of every type or certain types to which the provisions of Section 96 and Section 97 shall apply with conditions.

In a locality not governed by the royal decree pursuant to paragraph one, no driver of a taxi shall charge a fare in excess of the amount agreed upon with the passenger and such passenger shall pay the fare in the amount agreed upon.

The provision in paragraph two shall also apply to the taxis of the types not being prescribed in the royal decree pursuant to paragraph one.

Section 98. Driver, while driving a taxi, shall not

(1) smoke, play a radio or act in any manner that is a nuisance to the passengers

(2) extend a hand, arm or any part of the body out of the vehicle except in displaying signals pursuant to Section 37

(3) control the steering wheel with only one hand, except when necessary

(4) use sound signals when entering into the area of a hospital, office or educational institute

(5) use horn sound signals to press other vehicles

(6) overtake or dash in front of other vehicles haphazardly and dangerously

(7) drive into a person’s house area

(8) pick up a passenger in an area prescribed by the traffic officer with a traffic sign prohibiting picking up of passengers

(9) use impolite words, speak sarcastically at, insult, abuse or act in such manner to the passengers or other persons.

Section 99. The driver of a taxi shall convey his passengers through the shortest route or a reasonable detour and shall deliver them at the place agreed upon.

Section 100. Driver of a taxi shall not forsake his passengers on the way in any circumstance

Section 101. The driver of a taxi shall dress in a uniform on which a mark embroidered.

The characteristics of the uniform and the mark shall be as prescribed by the Director General and announced in the Government Gazette.

The provision in paragraph one shall become effective upon the expiration of the sixty day period after the effective date of the announcement of the Director General.

Section 102. If Minister deems it appropriate to have the persons engaged in the employment of conveying passengers by taxis in any locality park the vehicles at any particular place, he may execute such by issuing a royal decree.

In the said royal decree, localities and the proceeding in providing the vehicle parks shall also be specified.


Section 103. A pedestrian shall walk on the footpath or road shoulder at the side of a roadway. If such footpath or road shoulder at the side of a roadway does not exist, he shall walk along the edge of the way on his right.

Section 104. Pedestrian shall not cross a way within one hundred meters from a pedestrian crossing except in the pedestrian crossing.

Section 105. A pedestrian who wishes to cross a roadway in a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light signal for pedestrians control, shall comply with the traffic light signals that appear in front of him as follows

(1) At a red light signal, whether with or without an illustration or statement prohibiting the pedestrians to cross the roadway the pedestrian shall stop and wait on the footpath, on the island that divides the roadway or in the safety some except in a way with no footpath where he shall and wait on the road shoulder or curb.

(2) At a green light signal whether with or without an illustration or statement permitting the pedestrians to cross the roadway, the pedestrian may then cross the roadway.

(3) At a blinking green light signal at either side of the say, the pedestrians who have not crossed the roadway shall stop and wait on the footpath on the island that divides the roadway or in the safety zone, but chose who are crossing the roadway shall continue to cross the roadway quickly.

Section 106. A pedestrian who wishes to cross a roadway at a crossing or junction with light signals for control of the use of the way shall act as follows;

(1) At a red light signal ordering the vehicles on one side of the way to stop, the pedestrian shall cross the roadway on such side and shall cross the roadway within the crossing;

(2) At a green light signal permitting the vehicles on one side of the way to pass, no pedestrian shall cross the roadway on such side

(3) At a yellow or blinking green light signal on one side of the way, the pedestrians who have not crossed the roadway on such side shall stop and wait on the footpath, on the island that divides the roadway or in the safety zone, but those who are crossing the roadway shall continue to cross the roadway quickly.

Section 107. A pedestrian who wishes to cross a roadway at the place where the competent officer displays traffic signals, whether by hands and arms or whistle sound signals, shall comply with Section 106 mutatis mutandis.

Section 108. Persons shall not walk in files or processions in the manner that obstructs the traffic, except;

(1) files of military or police personnel under the control of an officer according to the rules and practice;

(2) files or processions that the traffic officer permits and that comply with the conditions prescribed by the traffic officer.

Section 109. No person shall commit any act on a footpath or any other way provided for pedestrians in any manner that obstructs other persons without sufficient cause.

Section 110. No person shall buy or sell goods, distribute materials or solicit contributions in a roadway or in the middle of a way without sufficient cause or that obstructs the traffic.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 664

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