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The mystery picture

Texts for listening

T. 1

1A Hi, I’m Tom. What’s your name?

B Anna

A Sorry?

B Anna!

2 A Hi, Dad. This is Dave.

B Hello. Nice to meet you.

C Nice to meet you.

3 A Good evening. What’s your name?

B My name is Janet Leigh.

A You’re in room 5.

4 A Hello, John. How are you?

B I’m fine, thanks. And you?

A Very well, thank you.


ReceptionistHello. Are you a new student?

Mario Yes, I am.

ReceptionistSit down, then. I’m just going to ask you a few questions.


ReceptionistRight. What’s your first name?


ReceptionistWhat’s your surname?


ReceptionistBenedetti. How do you spell it?

MarioB-E-N-E-D-E-double T-I.

ReceptionistB-E-N-E-D-E-double T-I. OK. Where are you from?

MarioI’m from Italy. From Rome.

ReceptionistAre you a student?

Mario Yes, I am.

ReceptionistAnd how old are you?

MarioI’m 20.

ReceptionistWhat’s your address?

MarioIn Rome?


MarioIt’s Via Foro 25.

ReceptionistWhat’s your postcode?


ReceptionistIs there a postcode? You, know, a number?

MarioAh yes. It’s Rome 00132.

Receptionist00132. Great. What’s your e-mail address?

MarioIt’s mario.benedetti@hotmail.com

ReceptionistAnd what’s your phone number?

MarioMy mobile number or my home number in Rome?

ReceptionistBoth –home and mobile.

MarioMy phone number in Rome is 06 840 5517.

Receptionist06 840 5517.

MarioYes. And my mobile number is 348 226 7341. That’s great, Mario. Thank you. Now come and meet the Director of Studies, we need to give you a test…

T. 3

Helen And this the kitchen.

BobMmm, very nice.

HelenWell, it is not very big, but there are a lot of cupboards. And that’s a new fridge, and a cooker. That’s new, too.

BobBut what’s in all these cupboards.

HelenWell, not a lot. There are some cups, but there aren’t any plates. And I have some knives and forks, but I don’t any spoons.

BobDo you have any glasses?

HelenNo. Sorry.

BobNever mind. We can drink this champagne from these cups! Cheers!

T. 4

Billy always listens to his mother. He always does what she says. If his mother says, "Brush your teeth," Billy brushes his teeth. If his mother says, "Go to bed," Billy goes to bed. Billy is a very good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His mother doesn't have to ask him again. She asks him to do something one time, and she doesn't ask again. Billy is a good boy. He does what his mother asks the first time. She doesn't have to ask again. She tells Billy, "You are my best child." Of course Billy is her best child. Billy is her only child.

T. 5


Ali is scientist. She comes from Cambridge in England, but now she lives in Switzerland. She works three days at the institute of Molecular Biology in Geneva. She speaks three languages: English, French and German. She’s married and has a daughter. She likes skiing in winter and going for walks in summer.


Bob is a doctor. He’s English but no he lives in Australia in the small town in Alice Springs. He isn’t an ordinary doctor. Every day, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. he speaks to people on his radio, then he flies to help them. He works 16 hours a day non-stop but he loves his job. He isn’t married.

T. 6

Darren Hi. Are you Natasha?

Natasha And you’re Darren. Nice to meet you.

Darren Sorry I’m late.

Natasha No problem. Would you like a glass of wine?

Darren No, thanks. I don’t drink alcohol. Mineral water for me. What’s this?

Natasha Sushi. It’s fantastic. Don’t you like it?

Darren No. I don’t like. Sorry.

Natasha What food do you like?

Darren I usually eat at home. My mother’s a very good cook.

Natasha Do you live with your mother?

Darren Yes, I do.

Natasha Oh. Does your mother work?

Darren Yes, she does.

Natasha Where does she work?

Darren She works in a supermarket.

Natasha You work with computers Darren, is that right?

Darren Yes, that’s right?

Natasha Do you like your job?

Darren Yes, I do. I love it. Computers are very interesting, don’t you think?

Natasha Um, not really. I don’t like computers. Er, what do you do in the evenings?

DarrenI play computer games or I watch television.

Natasha What do you do at the weekend?

Darren I…play computer games or watch television.

Natasha Do you go to the cinema?

Darren No, I don’t. I watch films on television or DVD. Do you watch TV?

NatashaNo, I don’t have television

Darren What do you do at the weekend?

NatashaI go to the cinema.

Darren Oh.

NatashaAh, coffee, great. Cigarette, Darren?

DarrenNo, thanks. I don’t smoke. Er, Natasha, can I ask a question?

Natasha Yes, OK.

Darren How old are you? 28?

NatashaYes, that’s right

DarrenAnd, er, how old are you in the photo-the photo on the Internet? 19? 20?

Natasha Look, Darren, it’s two o’clock-time to go back to work. Bye.

Darren Natasha, wait, wait… Natasha!


T. 7

CompereGood evening and welcome again to the job quiz, Guess my job. And our team tonight are Brain, a teacher (Hello), Liz, who’s unemployed (Hi), and Marylin, who’s writer (Good evening). And our first guest tonight is …

Phil Phil

Compere OK, team, you have two minutes and ten questions to guess Phil’s job, starting now. Let’s have your first question.

Brain Hi, Phil. Do you work in an office?

Phil No, I don’t.

Liz Do you work in the evening?

Phil It depends. Yes, sometimes.

Marylin Do you work with your hands?

Phil No, I don’t. Not with my hands.

Liz Do you wear a uniform?

Phil Er yes – well, a kind of uniform.

Marylin Do you drive?

Phil No, I don’t. Not in my job.

Brain Do you write letters or e-mails?

Phil No, I don’t.

Liz Do you work with other people?

Phil Yes, I do.

Brain Do you speak any languages?

Phil No, only English.

Marylin Do you have special qualifications?

Phil No, I don’t.

Compere You have one more question.

Brain Er, do you earn a lot of money?

Phil Yes, I do.

T. 8


41 46th Street Sunnyside, New York 11104 February 12 Dear Miguel, How are you? I’m fine. Here’ a letter in English. It’s good practice for you and me! I have classes in English at La Guardia Community College. I’m in a class with eight students. They’re all from different countries: Japan, Brazil, Switzerland, Poland and Italy. Our teacher’s name is Isabel. She’s very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. They speak very fast! I live in an apartment with two American girls, Annie and Marnie Kass. They are sisters. Annie’s very friendly, but it isn’t easy to understand them. They speak very fast! New York is very big, but very expensive. The subway isn’t difficult to use and it’s cheap. It’s very cold now but Central Park is lonely in the snow. I’m very happy here. Write to me soon. Love, Dorita

T. 9

The mystery picture

In the middle of the picture there is a big house. The house has got four windows, one in each corner. There is a door between two windows at the bottom of the house. The door has round handle on the left. At the top of the door there is a number of the house. It`s 126. The roof of the house looks like a triangle. The moon is in the sky. It looks like the letter C. There are also three stars in the sky.

There is a cat next to the house on the left. It is fat and it is sitting down. On the other side of the house there are four flowers.


T. 10

Professor Where do you work, Simon?

SimonI work for a computer company in London-but I live in Brighton.

ProfessorAre you married?

SimonYes, I have three daughters.

ProfessorSo, you travel from Brighton to London every day?

SimonYes, I travel 55 miles to work!

ProfessorTell me about a typical day.

SimonWell, I get up at six o’clock and I have a shower and get dressed. I don’t see my daughters-they’re in bed.

ProfessorDo you have breakfast?

SimonNo, I don’t have time. I have to get the train to London at half past seven.

ProfessorWhat time do you get to London?

SimonThe train usually arrives at half past eight. Then I walk from the station to work. That’s about half an hour.

ProfessorWhat time do you start work?

SimonAt 9.00. I start work and I have a sandwich in the office.

ProfessorDo you like your job?

SimonIt’s OK, but I’m very worried about my contract. It finishes in six months.

ProfessorWhat time do you finish work?

SimonI finish work at half past five. Then I walk to the station to get the train.

ProfessorDo you have dinner with your family?

SimonNo, I don’t. My family have dinner at six-but I’m on the train then. I don’t get home until quarter to eight.

ProfessorWhat do you do after dinner?

SimonAfter dinner I sit and watch TV. I’m very tired. I usually go to sleep in front of the TV.

ProfessorWhat time do you go to bed?

SimonAbout 11.00.

T. 11

Bobbi Brown’s weekdays

My weekends are fast and exciting. My weekdays are fast and domestic! I have two sons, Dylan 7, and Dakota 5. Every morning I get up one hour before them, at 6.00, and I go to the gym. I come home and make breakfast, then I take them to school. On Mondays I always go shopping. I buy all the food for the week. I often cook dinner in the evenings, but not every day because I don’t like cooking. Fortunately, my husband, Don, loves cooking. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I visit my father. He lives on the next block. Every afternoon I pick up the kids from school. In the evening Don and I usually relax, but sometimes we visit friends. We never go out on Friday evening because I start work so early on Saturdays.


T. 12


My favourite time of day is 10 o'clock at night, because it's when I finish training and I can start to relax and enjoy the evening. My favourite day of the week is Thursday, because I don't work on Friday, so for me the weekend begins on Thursday night. My favourite month is July, because it's the month when I have my holiday. My favourite season is the spring. One of my hobbies is gardening and my garden is really beautiful in the spring. My favourite public holiday is Christmas. My family live very far away, and it's the only time when I can see them.


My favourite time of the day is the morning, because I get up early and feel full of energy. My favourite day of the week is Friday because it's the end of the week and I can go home for the weekend. My favourite month is December, because here in Thailand it's when you can see a lot of flowers. My favourite season is winter because in winter it's a nice temperature and it's when I feel comfortable. The summer here is very hot. My favourite public holiday is the Thai New Year in April. It's a water festival, and people throw water at each other and everyone is very happy. \

T. 13


AMandy, where’s the sugar?

BIn the cupboards, on the right.

AI can’t see it. It isn’t there.

BYes, it is. Look for it.

AI can’t find it. It’s definitely not there.

BI know it’s there. It’s on the second shelf.

AI can’t hear you.

BTurn the radio off then. It’s on the second shelf.

AWell, I’m sorry, but it isn’t there.

BThe sugar!



ATony. Can you come here a minute?



ACan you help me?

BWhat is it?

AIt’s the computer. The printer doesn’t work.

BCan you wait a minute?


BComing. What’s the problem?

AIt’s the printer – it doesn’t work.

BIt helps if you turn it on!


T. 14

ADo you like shopping?

B No, I don’t. I hate it. It’s boring. I hate going to clothes shops with my girlfriend. We always argue.

ADo you like shopping?

BIt’s OK. I like buying food, and things for the house. I don’t like shopping for clothes. I can never find things I like, and clothes are very expensive.

ADo you like shopping?

B Yeah. I go shopping every Saturday. I love buying clothes, music, books, food – everything. Shopping’s fun. I love it.

ADo you like shopping?

BIt depends. I like trying on clothes with my friends. That’s fun but I don’t like going shopping with my mother, and I hate going to the supermarket.

T. 15

They live in a big city.

She meets him in the gym.

He works in films, she is a teacher.

She kisses him and he thinks she loves him.

But in the end she leaves him.

T. 16

Guide We are now at Mount Rushmore, in South Dakota, and you can see in front of you, from left to right, the heads of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. As you know, all four men were Presidents of the United States of America. George Washington was the first president….

Guide The second head is of Thomas Jefferson. He was President of the United States from 1801 to 1809

Tourist 1 When was he born?

Guide He was born in 1743, in Virginia. His parents were very rich.

Tourist 1 Was he President after Washington?

Guide No, he was the third President.

Tourist 2 What’s Jefferson famous for?

Guide Well, he’s famous for writing the Declaration of Independence-that was when he was 33, before he was President- and for buying the state of Louisiana from Napoleon in 1803.


T. 17

Mattie was never at school. She lived with her mother and four sisters. She started work when she was eight. She worked in cotton fields from 6.00 in the morning to 10.00 at night. She couldn’t read or write but she could think, and she created poems in her head.



Girl`s night out

Interviewer: Silvia. Can you tell us about your girls` night out?

Silvia: Sure.

Interviewer: What did you wear?

Silvia: I wore jeans and a jacket-and two friends wore the same.

Interviewer: And what did you do?

Silvia: Well first we went to a restaurant in Ipanema. It`s a place where a lot of famous people go and we saw an actor there, called Fernando Pinto. Karina really likes him-in fact she`s crazy about him! Then we went to a beach bar and we had some drinks. And then later we went to a party.

Interviewer: What did you have to eat and drink?

Silvia: At the restaurant we had beer and we had some French fries. And at the beach bar we had beer and coconut water.

Interviewer: So, did you have a good time?

Silvia: Yes it was good. Not fantastic, but good-seven out of ten!

T. 19

E Well, this is the hall. There are six rooms on this floor. There is a kitchen, a dining room, a

living room, a study, a library …

L Wow! There is a library, Louise!

LO What’s that room?

E That’s a bathroom, madam.

L How many bathrooms are there?

E There’s one downstairs and three upstairs.

LO Are there any showers?

E No, there aren’t, madam. This is an old house… this is the living room.

LO Are those painting original?

EYes, I think so, madam.

L Is there a television?

E No, there isn’t sir. But there is a piano… and the kitchen.

LO There isn’t a fridge.

E Yes, there is. It’s over there.

LO You call that a fridge! Are there any glasses? I need a glass of water.

E Yes, madam. There are some glasses in that cupboard. Now let’s go upstairs.

T. 20

Estate agentOK. Let's have a look upstairs now. Follow me.

LouiseIt's very old.

Estate agentYes, madam, the house is a hundred years old. The Travers family lived here for nearly eighty years. There are five bedrooms. This was Mr Travers' bedroom.

LarryIt's cold in here.

LouiseYes, very cold.

Estate agentDon't worry, madam. There is central heating in the house. And this room here is the second bedroom.

LarryOK, well what do you think, Louise?

LouiseI like it.

LarryMe too. Yup. We want it.

Estate agentExcellent! Let's go back to my office and we can sign the contract.


T. 21

1 IvanLook! It_______ (open)! A ship ____ (go) through!

EvaWe’re lucky. The guide book says that it only ____ (open) two or three times a month!


2 EvaThe flag ___ (fly) –that means the Queen is at home. She ____ (not live) here all the time. She often ____ (stay) at Windsor Castle or in one of her other homes.


1 EvaThat’s Napoleon. He___ (look) at a model of the Battle of Waterloo.

IvanCome on -let’s go and see the next room.

EvaYes, we___ (not have) much time. It ____ (close) in twenty minutes.


2 IvanWe ____ (go up)! Wow! Look-there’s the Houses of Parliament! And Buckingham Palace over there!

EvaWhat a pity it _____ (rain). The guidebook ___ (say) you can see Windsor Castle on a clear day.

T. 22

Bob:Good evening. My name’s Bob, and welcome to another edition of …Can men cook?

Audience: Yes, they can!

Bob: Well, Belinda, who’s our first guest tonight?

Belinda: This is Colin Davidson and he’s from Bristol!

Bob: Hello, Colin! What can you cook?

Colin: Hello, Bob. My speciality is spaghetti Bolognese.

Bob: And what do you need to make it, Colin?

Colin: Well, for four people you need some spaghetti. About half a kilo, Bob. And then for the Bolognese sauce you need an onion, some butter, a carrot, some mushrooms, some tomato ketchup…

Bob: Tomato ketchup, Colin?

Colin: Yes, that’s right, and you also need some red wine.

Bob: Do you need any meat, Colin?

Colin: Yes, Bob. You need some meat – about 300 grams. And some cheese.

Bob: What kind of cheese?

Colin: Any kind. It doesn’t matter.

Bob: Ok. So those are all the ingredients. The question now is – Can men cook?

Audience: Yes, they can!

Bob: Colin, you have exactly 30 minutes to make us …spaghetti bolognese. And it looks…mm, delicious. Belinda, can you try it for us? Well, Belinda, what do you think of it? Can men cook?

Belinda: Mmm. Yes, Colin, it’s very interesting. I’m sure your wife loves your cooking.

Colin: I’m not married, Belinda. Would you like to have dinner with me?

Bob: Well, that’s all we have time for. Until next week. It’s goodbye from me Bob Keen, Belinda Leyton, and Colin Davidson from Bristol.

T. 23


When I grow up I’m going to be a ballet dancer. I love dancing. I do dancing three times a week. I’m going to travel all over the world and I’m going to learn French and Russian because I want to dance in Paris and Moscow. I’m not going to marry until I’m thirty-five and then I’m going to have two children. First I’d like a girl and then a boy – but maybe I can’t plan that! I’m going to work until I’m 75. I’m going to teach dancing and I’m going to open a dance school. It’s all very exciting.

Miss Bishop

When I retire …? …er ….well …er …two things. First, I’m going to learn Russian – I can already speak French and German, and I want to learn another language. And second, I’m going to drive. It’s terrible that I’m 59 and I can’t drive – no time to learn. Then I’m going to buy a car and travel all over the world. Also, I’m not going to wear boring clothes any more, I hate the skirts and blouses I wear every day for school. I’m going to wear jeans and T-shirts all the time. And when I return from my travels I’m going to write a book and go on TV to talk about it. I’m going to become a TV star!

T. 24

Presenter Good evening. Welcome to The True or False Show. Our first contestant is Darren from London. Mosquitoes are more dangerous than sharks. True or false?

Darren Er, true.

Presenter Correct. Mosquitoes are more dangerous than sharks. More people die every year from mosquito bites than from shark attacks. Brown eggs look nicer than white ones, but they are the same. The Earth is hotter than Mars.

Darren I think it’s true, Annie.

Presenter Correct. The Earth is hotter than Mars. Coffee is more popular than tea in the UK. True or false?

Darren Er, false.

Presenter Correct. British people drink 185 million cups of tea every day. Tigers are better swimmers than cats. True or false?

Darren Er…false. No-true.

Presenter Is that your answer?

Darren Yes, true.

Presenter Correct. Tigers are very good swimmers. Adult is shorter in the morning than in the evening?

Darren Er…false.

Presenter Correct. Adults are one centimeter taller in the morning than in the evening. OK Darren White cars are safer than yellow cars. True or false?

Darren Er, I’m sure that’s false, Annie.

Presenter Correct. Yellow cars are safer-they are easier to see during the day, so they don’t have as many accidents. And finally, the last question.

Darren Yes, ready.

Presenter The word ‘yes’ is more common than the word ‘no’. True or false? Quickly Darren, time’s running out.

Darren True.

Presenter No, Darren. It’s false. ‘NO’ is more common than ‘yes’.


T. 25

1 We learned how to land.

2 I sat in the floor and waited.

3 Then the instructor said: “Jump!” and I jumped.

4 Suddenly the parachute opened, and I floated down.

5 One of the people in my group broke his leg.


T. 26

A: Excuse me. Where’s King street, please?

P1: Sorry, I don’t know.

A: Excuse me. Is King Street near here?

P2: King street? It’s near here but I don’t know exactly________. Sorry.

A: Thank you. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to King Street?

P3: Yes. Go straight on. Go past the church, and then turn left at the traffic lights. And then I think it’s the ______on the right.

A: Sorry. Could you say that again, please?

P3:Yes, Go straight on. Go past the church, and then turn left at the traffic lights. And then I think it’s the ______on the right.

A: Thank you


PresenterOur next caller is Carl from

Essex. Hello, Carl


Presenter What do you think, Carl? Do good books make good films?

CarlWell, I`ve a lot of books and them seen the films, and I usually think that the books are beter. For example, I loved the Lord of the Rings Books but I didn`t like the films very much.

Presenter Thank you, Carl. Our next caller is Linda from Manchester. Hello, Linda.

LindaHi. Well, what I think is that today people don`t read very much. But they do go to the cinema. And sometimes after they`ve seen a film of a book then they go and buy the book, so that`s a good thing because they read more.

Presenter But do you think good books make good films?

Linda Yes. I`ve read a lot of good books and then I`ve seen the films and I`ve loved them all, The Exorcist, Harry Potter, Gone with the Wind. They`re all great books and great films.

Presenter Thank you, Linda. And our last caller is Sam from Cardiff. Hello, Sam. What do you think about our question today?

Sam I think it depends. I think good books don`t usually make good films. But I`ve seen some films which I think are better than the books. That`s usually because the book wasn`t very good.

PresenterSo bad books can make good films?

SamThat`s right.

Presenter Give me an example.

Sam Well, the James Bond films. The books aren`t very good but some of the films are great, like Goldfinger, or From Russia with Love.

PresenterThank you, Sam. Bye.

T. 28

Yes, I’ve lived in a foreign country. In Japan, actually. I Lived in Osaka for a year. I enjoyed it very much. I loved the food. And, yes, I have worked for a big company. I worked for Nissan, the car company, that’s why I was in Japan. That was two years ago, then I got another job.

Have I stayed in an expensive hotel? No, never – only cheap hotels for me, I’m afraid, but I have flown in a jumbo jet – four or five times, actually. Oh, I’ve never cooked a meal for a lot of people. I love food but I don’t like cooking, sometimes I cook for me and my girlfriend but she likes it better if we go out for a meal! And I’ve never met a famous person – oh, just a minute, well not met but I’ve seen… er… I saw a famous politician at the airport once – Oh, who was it? I can’t remember his name. Er… I’ve only seen one Shakespeare play, when I was at school, we saw Romeo and Juliet. It was OK. I’ve driven a tractor though, I had a holiday job on a farm when I was 17. I enjoyed that. Good news – I’ve never been to hospital. I was born in hospital, of course, but that’s different. Bad news – I’ve never won a competition. I do the lottery every week but I’ve never, ever won a thing!

T. 29

I=Interviewer, N = Nicolas

I: Tell me about Edinburgh.

N: Er, well, at first I had a problem with the language. People here speak with a Scottish accent, and they also use some different words.

I: Different words? For example?

N: For example, they don’t say ‘little’ they say ‘wee’ – ‘a wee boy’, ‘a wee drink’, things like that.

I: Was the weather a problem?

N: Not really. Well, people told me that it rained a lot in Scotland. But in fact it doesn’t rain very much. I read the other day that it rained more in Paris than in Edinburgh. But it is very windy, and I didn’t expect that. And people talk about the weather all the time!

I: What about the food?

N: Well, I love Scotland but I don’t think the diet is very healthy. My Scottish friends eat a lot of chocolate bars, biscuits – things like that. They don’t eat much fruit or vegetables.

I: What about the whisky? Do you like it?

N: Well, my friends say the whisky is fantastic – and there are many different kinds. In some pubs they have special whisky menus. But unfortunately I don’t like whisky. I only drink wine!

I: Would you like to stay in Scotland when you finish university?

N: I don’t know yet. It depends if I can find a good job here.

T. 30

A: Hi! I'm Hong lei. What is your name?

B: Hello, Hong Lei. My name is Ricky.

A: Hi Ricky. Are you a new student here?

B: Yes, I had my first lesson this morning. Are you a new student too?

A: No, I have been here for six months.

B: Six months. That's a long time.

A: It's not so long really. What class are you in? Intermediate or …?

B: Intermediate Three. And what about you?

A: I am in Advanced One. Who's your teacher?

B: I can't remember her name, but she's got curly red hair.

A: Ah! Does she wear glasses?

B: Yes, I think so.

A: That's probably Anne Wallis.

B: Yes that's right. Do you know her? Is she your teacher too?

A: No. But she taught me last term. How long have you been here?

B: Only a week.

A: Wow, not long. Where do you live? With a family?

B: Well, I'm staying at the YMCA at the moment. I'm looking for somewhere more permanent. Do you know of any good places?

A: Yes. Actually my friend has a spare room in her apartment and she is looking for a flatmate. Would you like her phone number?

B: That would be great! Thanks for your help.Can I buy you coffee?



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