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The final exam score must be not less than 20 points. If the student earns less than 20 points, the student gets the unsatisfactory mark “Fail” (F).

Approved by

Dean of General Education Faculty

A.Sh. Tokmagambetov

August, 17, 2011




Personal Information about the Instructor Time and place of classes Contact information
Lessons Office Hours Telephone e-mail
Baigozhayeva A.D. Monday Wednesday Friday TBD 272-32-01 a.baigozhayeva@ mail.ru

Course title: English Language 1 General English ENG 121

Course duration: 3 contact hours a week, 15 weeks, total 45 hours

Course pre-requisites: Diagnostic test: ( Level 3.0 in IELTS format) / Pre-Intermediate Level

Course description:

The course aims at the presentation and practice of language at the Pre-Intermediate level of proficiency for effective communication in everyday social and academic situations. Emphasis is on developing the four integrated language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) through a function based communicative approach. Students develop their structural accuracy, oral fluency and language appropriateness by practicing the language in real-life contexts

Course aims:


- to build up students’ language competence at Pre-Intermediate level, to tailor the English Language program to help students communicate successfully in English environment.


- foster life-long learning skills, active social position and patriotism;

- develop leadership, critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving and teamwork skills.

Course outcomes:


Upon successful completion of the course, the participant will be able to:

· guess the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary from context

· demonstrate understanding of short oral passages and conversations

· identify the main idea and supporting details of short oral communication.

· generate simple conversations on topics of everyday interest.

· express ideas and opinions clearly and effectively using appropriate grammar and vocabulary.

· read short simple written passages on topics of everyday interest

· write short simple paragraphs on familiar topics

· compose short simple correspondence, e.g., emails, letters and faxes asking for and giving basic information

· build critical thinking and analytical skills.


Required Materials:

1. New English File Pre- Intermediate Set:

1.1.Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Pre-Intermediate. Student’s book. Oxford University, 2005;

1.2.Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Pre-Intermediate. Work book. Oxford University, 2005;

1.3.Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, New English File, Pre-Intermediate. Oxford English Video, 2005.

2. English Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 2004;

Supplementary Materials:

  1. N.Pak, N.Utelbayeva, G.Kerdenova, English Grammar Course, 2007;
  2. S. Yeshengazina, Guidelines for a Cultural Studies Project.

Internet sources: www.akorda.kz , www.eslcafe.com; www.englishonline.com; www.educationuk.org; www.teachingenglish.org.uk www.learnenglish.org.uk. Note: the above materials are available in the KBTU library, the British Council Resource Center and the Internet.

Other abbreviations:


TBD – to be determined SIS – Students’ independent study
TSIS –Teacher supervised independent study RL – Required literature
GE – General English SL – Supplementary literature
NEF – New English File ESC - English-speaking countries
WB – Work Book SB – Student’s Book




Weeks/ Dates Class work T/SIS
Topic/Module Hours Activities/ Materials TSIS Project Writing SIS
Week 1 Add-drop registration week Acquaintance, syllabus and academic policy
Week 2   MODULE 1   1A. Who is who?   1B. Who knows you better?   1C. At the Moulin Rouge     Word order in questions, Common verb phrases.   Present simple. Family, personality adjectives   Present cont., prepositions of place.   Stage 1 Project proposal NEF WB Unit 1  
Week 3   1D.The Devil’s dictionary. MODULE 2   2A right place, wrong time   2B. A moment in time.   Defining relative clauses, expression of paraphrasing.   Past simple, holidays   Past continuous, prepositions of time and place DVD Writing: Describing yourself     NEF Revise and Check. p.14-15   EGU Unit 1-6, p. 2-13    
Week 4   2C. Fifty years of Pop.   2D. One October evening.   MODULE 3   3A. Where are you going? Question words. Pop music.     Verb phrases, Practical English.   Present Continuous. Writing: Describe a Photo   NEF WB Unit 2   NEF Revise and Check p.26-27  
Week 5   3B. The pessimist’s phrase book   3C. I’ll always love you.   3D. I was only dreaming Future simple, opposite verbs.   Promises, offers and decisions.   Review of Tenses, Verb+ Prepositions   Stage 2 Project portfolio   Writing: An Informal Letter NEF WB Unit 3   NEF Revise and Check. p. 38-39
Week 6   MODULE 4   4A. From rags to riches.   4B. Family conflicts. 4C. Faster, faster   Present perfect. Clothes.     Present perfect simple, verb phrases Comparatives, time expressions DVD Writing: Describing Where You Live NEF WB Unit 4 NEF Revise and Check. p.50-51
Week 7   4D. The world’s friendliest city   Practical English Revise and Check   Superlatives, opposite adjectives     Lost in San Francisco What do you remember? Portfolio Submission EGU Unit 105-108 p. 210-217  
Week 8     Midterm assessment    
Week 9   MODULE 5   5A. Are you a party animal? 5B. What makes you feel good? 5C. How much can you learn in a month? Infinitives   Verb+ ing   Have to, don’t have to, must Stage 3 Project draft paper     NEF WB Unit 5   NEF Revise and Check. p. 62-63
Week 10   5D. The name of the game. MODULE 6   6A. If something bad can happen. 6B. Never smile at a crocodile. Expressing Movement, Prepositions of Movements.   1st conditional, confusing verbs.   2nd conditional. Animals.   Writing to a friend   NEF WB Unit 6 Revise and Check p. 74-75
Week 11   6C. Decisions, decisions. 6D. What should I do? MODULE 7   7A. Famous fears and phobias. Word building, noun formation   Modals   Present perfect, verb phrases DVD Writing: Describing a building   EGU Unit 26-32 p. 52-65  
Week 12   7B. Born to direct.   7C. I used to be a rebel. 7D. The mothers of invention. Present perfect or past simple   Used to. School subjects.   Passives     Stage 4 Project Submission of Final paper NEF WB Unit 7   NEF Revise and Check p. 86-87
Week 13   MODULE 8   8A. I hate weekends.   8B. How old is your body.   8C. Walking up is hard to do. Pronouns, adjectives ending in -ed and- ing   Quantifiers. Health and lifestyle.   Word order of phrasal verbs Writing: Giving your opinions NEF WB Unit 8   Revise and Check p. 98-99 EGU Unit 7,8
Week 14   8D. I’m Jim. So am I. MODULE 9   9A. What a week. 9B. Then he kissed me. So/neither + auxiliaries, similarities Past perfect, adverbs Reported speech DVD   Stage 5 Project presentation NEF WB Unit 8   NEF Revise and Check p. 104-105
Week 15     End-of-term assessment    
Week 16-17       Examination    





Attestation I (30 %) Attestation II (30 %) Examination (40 %)
Module 1 In-class assessment T/SIS   5% 5% Module 3 In-class assessment T/SIS 5% 5% Grammar-Vocabulary Test Listening Reading    
Module 2 In-class assessment T/SIS 5% 5% Module 4 In-class assessment T/SIS 5% 5%
Mid-term assessment   End-of-term assessment     Total
Total Total Gross total


There are two attestation periods worth 30% each. The final exam is 40% of the student’s grade.

In-class assessment includes classwork, quizzes, and participation.

Homework (T/SIS) is work done outside of class and includes regular assignments as well as the project.


Course policies

Academic honesty is expected of all students. Cheating and plagiarism are violations of academic honesty. Any student found violating the academic policy would receive an automatic “ZERO” for the assignment.

Cheating is the act of obtaining information and data improperly or in a deceitful or dishonest way. Examples of cheating are copying from another student’s paper, obtaining information illegally on tests, and using crib notes or deceitful practices.

Late work: All formal papers must be submitted at the beginning of class on the day they are due. There will be a deduction of points. (10% per day)

Please note that it is your responsibility to print assignments well in advance.

Warning: a grade of zero will be given:

• No indication of sources (either in-text or after text)

• Falsification of sources

• Direct plagiarism (taking someone’s words as your own, presenting someone’s ideas as your own)

• Indirect plagiarism (mechanical paraphrases, electronic translations, other cases decided by the instructor)


Make-up work following an absenceThe student is responsible for obtaining all notes and assignments from the classes missed. All quizzes must be taken on the first day after an absence. These arrangements are the student’s responsibility and a Zero will be given for incomplete work.


Students are required:

· to be respectful to the teacher and other students;

· to switch off mobile phones during classes;

· not to cheat. Plagiarized papers shall not be graded;

· to meet the deadlines; Work submitted late for no valid reason is subject to 50% grade deduction;

· to come to classes prepared and actively participate in classroom work; students who refuse to participate may be marked absent at the teacher’s discretion;

· to enter the room before the teacher starts the lesson;

· to attend all classes. No make-up tests are allowed unless there is a valid reason for missing them;

· to follow KBTU academic policy regarding W, AW, I, F grades.

A student must earn not less than 30 points in the two attestation periods. If the sum of the two attestation scores is less than 30 points, the student gets the unsatisfactory mark “Fail” (F) and will not be admitted to the final examination.

The final exam score must be not less than 20 points. If the student earns less than 20 points, the student gets the unsatisfactory mark “Fail” (F).

Students are encouraged to:

· consult the teacher on any issues related to the course;

· make up within a week’s time for the works undone for a valid reason without any grade deductions;

· make any proposals on improvement of the academic process;

· track down their continuous rating throughout the term.

I have read the ENG course requirements and agree with them:

1. Group


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2. Group


Name Signature Date



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