Please note that although your instructor will make her best effort to adhere to the course calendar, adjustments may be made for a variety of reasons, including holidays, technical problems, and student performance.
1.Defining discourse
2. Defining discourse analysis (Handout 6,7)
Read Project Guidelines
Discourse analysis
1. Lecture notes
2. Features of Discourse analysis
3. Historical view of Discourse analysis
1. Features of Discourse analysis
2. Historical view of Discourse analysis (Handout 6,7)
Be ready to discuss Project Guidelines
Discourse analysis and linguistics/part 1
1. Lecture notes
2. Sentence and utterence
3.Cohesion and texture
4. Theme and rheme
1. Sentence and utterence
2.Cohesion and texture
3. Theme and rheme
(Handout 6,7)
Choose research paper
Discourse analysis and linguistics/part 2
1. Lecture notes
2. Written and spoken discourse
3. Differences between written and spoken discourse
1.Written and spoken discourse
2.Differences between written and spoken discourse (Handout 6,7)
Read and analyse research paper (Handout 1)
Discourse analysis and linguistics/part 3
1. Lecture notes
2.The Linguistic Structure of Discourse
3. Linguistic characteristics of spoken and written discourse
1.The Linguistic Structure of Discourse
2.Linguistic characteristics of spoken and written discourse (Handout 6,7)
Read and analyse research paper (Handout 1)
Different approaches to discourse analysis
1. Lecture notes
2. Discourse and tenor
3. Discourse and domain
4. Top down and bottom up approaches to discourse analysis
1.Discourse and tenor
2. Discourse and domain
3. Top down and bottom up approaches to discourse analysis
Find out terms on discourse analysis
Discourse and register analysis approaches
1. Lecture notes
2. The Hallidayan model of language and discourse
Critical discourse analysis (Handout 6,7)
Find out terms on discourse analysis
Critical discourse analysis
(Handout 6,7)
Find out definitions of terms from dictionaries
Midterm assessment
Discourse analysis and
language teaching
1. Lecture notes
2. The Interface of Discourse Analysis
and Language Teaching
The Interface of Discourse Analysis
and Language Teaching (Handout 6,7)
Write down examples from the research paper
Discourse analysis and
language teaching
1. Lecture notes
2. The Basis for Planning the Teaching/Learning Continuum
The Basis for Planning the Teaching/Learning Continuum (Handout 6,7)
Write down examples from the research paper
Discourse analysis and
language teaching
1. Lecture notes
2. Discourse in the Language Classroom: The Basis for
Creating the Context for Language Learning
3. Discourse Analysis and the Teaching of the Language Areas
Discourse in the Language Classroom: The Basis for
Creating the Context for Language Learning (Handout 6,7)
Make references to the Glossary (Handout 2,3)
Discourse analysis and
language teaching
1. Lecture notes
2. Application of discourse analysis to teaching grammar
3. Application of discourse analysis to teaching vocabulary
1. Application of discourse analysis to teaching grammar
Application of discourse analysis to teaching vocabulary (Handout 6,7)
Make references to the Glossary (Handout 2,3)
Discourse analysis and
language teaching
1. Lecture notes
2. Application of discourse analysis in second language writing
3. Application of discourse analysis to teaching text interpretation
1.Application of discourse analysis in second language writing
2.Application of discourse analysis to teaching text interpretation (Handout 6,7)
Prepare presentation (Handout 4, 5)
Discourse analysis and
language teaching
1. Lecture notes
2. Discourse Analysis and the Teaching of the Language Skills
Discourse Analysis and the Teaching of the Language Skills (Handout 6,7)
Prepare presentation (Handout 4,5)
Discourse Analysis and the Teaching of the Language Skills (Handout 6,7)
Project presentation
End-of-term assessment Project presentation
Final exam
Attestation period I (100%)
Attestation period II (100%)
In-class assessment: attendance and participation
Homework assignments
Research paper/project (TSIS/SIS)
30%: 10/20
In-class assessment: attendance and participation
Homework assignments
Research paper/project (TSIS/SIS)
30%: 10/20
Final exam
Mid-term assessment
End-of-term assessment
Gross Total
The following scale will be used in evaluating the quality of your work in class, grading your mid-term, end-of-term, final research papers/projects, and calculating your overall grade for the course:
A = 95 – 100% (4 points)
B = 80 – 84% (3.0 points)
C = 65 – 69% (2.0 points)
A - = 90 – 94% (3.67 points)
B - = 75-79% (2.67 points)
C - = 60-64% (1.67 points)
B+ = 85 – 89% (3.33 points)
C+ = 70 – 74% (2.33 points)
D + = 55-59% (1.33 points)
D = 50 – 54% (1.0 point)
F = 49 – 0% (0 – Failure)
Deadline schedule
Type of evaluation
In-Class assessment
Homework assignments
Mid-term assessment
End-of-term assessment
Final exam
Gross Total
There are two attestation periods worth 100% each. The final exam is 100% of the student’s grade. In-class assessment includes continuous work in the lectures and seminars, participation and aural quizzes. Homework is work done outside of class and includes regular assignments for seminars as well as the TSIS/SIS project. Research paper/project (TSIS/SIS) requires reading and analyzing scientific articles, compiling glossaries (PP1&2), and making presentations on the related topic (PP1&2). Midterm assessment includes reports on PP1, end-of term assessment includes project presentations of PP2 and final exam is performed by a test ?????.
Attendance: MA students are required not only to attend lectures and seminars regularly, but also to be active participants. Any absence may disqualify a student, unless it is caused by a legitimate reason duly announced to the lecturer, if possible in advance, and compensated for by additional work arranged with the lecturer. Preparation for each seminar and active participation in it is essential. Non-compliance with this may count as absence or result in a lower grade. Failure in attendance and participation will be penalized by not having their index signed, which will lead to further administrative penalties.
MA students are required:
• to follow SDU academic policy regarding I, F grades.
• to come to seminars prepared and actively participate in discussions; students who fail to participate may be marked absent at the teacher’s discretion;
• to act respectful towards the teacher and other students;
• to switch off mobile phones during lectures and seminars;
• to enter the room before the teacher starts the lecture or seminar;
• to attend all lectures and classes. The students are responsible for obtaining all assignments for any lectures and seminars missed and a zero shall be given for incomplete work.
• not to cheat. Plagiarized papers will not be graded and may be grounds for failing the course; a grade of zero will be given for no indication of sources (either in-text or after text), falsification of sources, direct and indirect plagiarism.
• to meet deadlines; all formal papers must be submitted at the beginning of the of class on the day they are due. There will be a deduction of points in case of late submission (10% per day). Please note that it is your responsibility to print assignments well in advance.