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The Clothes We Wear

Without realising it, the clothes we choose to w_ _ _ tell the other people a lot about us. We often judge people by the c _ _ _ _ _ _ they are wearing. For example, people

d _ _ _ _ _ _ in expensive clothes are thought to be wealthy. Our shoes, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, all tend to create an impression of our social class and personality. Similarly, our choice of c _ _ _ _ _ _ also depends on our age and who we are influenced by. On the other hand, we do not always have the c _ _ _ _ _ to choose our clothes. If we work as a nurse, police officer or fire-fighter we have to wear a standard u _ _ _ _ _ _ . Lastly, our ideas of beauty are revealed by our s_ _ _ _ of

d _ _ _ _ . Dressing in a particular o _ _ _ _ _ might be a way of saying, ‘ This is what I think is nice, and I believe it makes me look more a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .’ In conclusion, more than being just a way to keep warm, clothes reveal a lot about a person’s life, character and s _ _ _ _ _ .



Make a class survey to find out the following.

1. Do you read fashion magazines?

2. Do you think it is important to wear fashionable clothes?

3. What kind of clothes are in fashion now?

4. How important is it for you to be up to date with the latest fashion? How fashion conscious are you?

5. Are some people more fashion conscious than others? What types/groups of people?

6. Which brands of clothes do you prefer?

7. Is it important for you to own designer clothes? Why or why not?

8. Do you think that having good clothes is linked with being fashionable?

9. Do you think clothes reveal character? If so, what can you tell about the

characters of the people in the pictures above?

10. Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks?

11. Is there a stigma attached to people who buy no-name (no brand) clothing?

12. What do you think about people who are a slave to fashion?

13. What are young people’s fashions?

14. What are some of the strangest fashions you have seen?

15. What fashions that you see today do you think will be out of fashion within two


16. Which nationalities do you think are the most fashionable?

17. What is the fashion advice you've ever been given?


& Pre-reading

¨ Think of as many words as possible related to casual and formal clothes. Which style do you like most and why?

¨ Can you name any famous fashion designers?

& Reading

You are going to read a magazine article about Audrey Hepburn. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences (A-H) the one which fits each gap (0 -7). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.


A In 1954 the young Audrey Hepburn starred in her first big film, Roman Holiday. B In Funny Face Audrey was cast again in a Cinderella role. C Today her style is as much in tune with the times as it was then. D Other notable outfits designed by Givenchy for the film included a perfectly fitted black suit with a tiny hat and a magnificently embroidered evening dress. E While Head found it easy to make Audrey look like a princess, she found it much more difficult to make her look ordinary. F At fittings, she would put on the whole outfit, from underwear to hat and gloves, and dance, walk and sit until she was sure the clothes worked perfectly. G Givenchy’s clothes were revolutionary for the era, simple yet feminine and beautifully tailored. H The pair worked together again on Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 1961, turning Audrey’s character Holly Golightly into a decadent creature in figure-huggingsilk dresses dripping with jewels.

Audrey Hepburn

Dream of your ideal wardrobe. Think ballet pumps, little dresses and narrow black trousers. Dream further of polo necks, simple raincoats, full skirts gathered at the waist… and suddenly you’re thinking of Audrey Hepburn. From the moment she burst onto the screen, her elf-like face and ballerina-thin figure became the envy of a new generation of women, fed up with the curvaceous blondes who went before her.

Audrey not only looked like a girl, she dressed like one. Her natural fashion sense and passion for clothes turned her into the last word in chic.


Designers nowadays, are plundering Hepburn’s movies for inspiration, reviving everything from black trousers worn with shiny loafers, to superbly tailored suits with boxy jackets and calf-length skirts. In the original 1954 film, Sabrina, Hepburn was dressed for the role (and for the rest of her life) by the French designer Hubert de Givenchy, who made the most of her size 8 figure with clinging black evening dresses. Audrey looked so breathtakingly beautiful that she became an A-list star.


In the film she played a princess who, fed up with the royal protocol, runs away with a commoner (Gregory Peck) to dance on canal boats and skip through the back streets of Rome in frilly skirts. The film was a godsend to Hollywood costume designer Edith Head, who won an Oscar for her efforts.


Head used flat shoes, gathered cotton skirts and plain blouse with the sleeves rolled up to try and make Audrey look dowdy. However, if Head was trying to make Audrey plain, she failed. After Roman Holiday women rushed out to buy fullskirts, tailored blouses and wide belts.

By the time Head and Hepburn were ready to begin work on Sabrina, Hepburn realized she was a star and wanted a bigger say about what she wore. She decided that she wanted the 26 year-old Givenchy to work with her in the film.


The bare-shouldered evening dress he designed for Hepburn became one of the most famous dresses ever worn by Audrey, and was copied around the world.

Despite the success of Sabrina and the fact that Audrey became a life-long friend and follower, Givenchy did not work on a Audrey Hepburn film again until she starred in what is probably the best fashion film ever made, the 1957 musical Funny Face.


For this film Givenchy designed Audrey’s fashionable wardrobe while Head dressed her in the bookshop clothes. The wardrobe took months to design and make. Audrey loved to try things.

After the success of Funny Face the names Hepburn and Givenchy were cast in stone.


Hepburn’s fashion sense was effortless and elegant. It will remain forever timeless Although she died in 1993 at the age of 63 her style lives on.


Exercise 1

Look at the words in bold in the text and explain them, give the Ukrainian equivalents.


Exercise 2

Fill in the appropriate word(s) from the list bellow. Use the word(s) only once.

Elf-like, to make, flat, rolled-up, to burst onto, curvaceous, in chic, to become, say, life-long, tailored, full.


1 ……………..blondes 2 …………the most of 3 ……………..sleeves 4 …………..the screen 5 ……………….shoes 6 …………….. blouse 7 a bigger ……………… 8 the last word ………… 9 a(n) ……….friend 10 …………. an A-list star 11 a(n) ……………. face 12 a ……………….. skirt


Exercise 3

For each item of clothing listed, decide whether it is formalorcasual and say on which occasion you would wear them.

Tuxedo, blue jeans, denim jacket, waistcoat, evening gown, shorts, T-shirt, leather mini-skirt, boxy jacket, cocktail dress, clogs, corduroy trousers, clinging silk dress, cardigan, loafers, jumper.

Eg. A tuxedo is a formal item of clothing and can be worn in a wedding.

Exercise 4

Fill in the correct word from the list below:

haute couture, styles, fabrics, catwalks, trends, collection, fashion shows, models


Once a year each fashion house presents its spring 1) …………… to an eager public. At 2) ………… in Paris and Milan, top 3) ………… parade down the 4) ………… and show off the latest 5) ……….. . These shows do not dictate what the world will wear, but they are influential in determining the season’s fashion 6) ………. . Clothing manufacturers see the shows and imitate the colours and the 7) ………of the garments that the models wear. Everyone wants to be stylish and the spring shows help people choose the clothes they will buy. Whether showing “prêt-`a-porter” or expensive

8) …………, the great fashion houses influence our tastes.


Exercise 5

Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage.

Fashion in Clothes

slavishly trends slaves to fashion
individualists trendy fashion houses
conformists dictate the latest fashion
haute couture dictates personal ornaments


Most people like to think they are a) ________ and simply wear whatever they like. Few people will admit to being b) _________. However we are not just talking of the expensive c) ________ of the Paris and Milan d) _________, which not many people can afford anyway. We are talking of fashions and e) ________ in everyday clothes. We say that we wear jeans and sweaters because they are cheap and practical, but isn’t it true that our jeans and sweaters tend to be the same as everyone else wears? Doesn’t that mean that we like to be f) _______ ? Of course the big chain-stores, to some extent, g) ________ what we wear, but they always offer a choice and people do, on the whole, like to wear h) _________, which extends beyond clothes to make-up, i) ____________

(men wear earrings too, nowadays) and hair styles. It is easy to declare that we do not j) ________ follow the k) _________ of fashion, but aren’t we all l) _________ at heart?



It is interesting to know

& Reading

Read the text and discuss various trends in music and fashion. Answer the following questions:

· What style do Teddy Boys represent?

· What was peculiar about their clothes?

· What does ‘Teddy’ mean?

· What new trend in youth culture appeared in the mid-sixties?

· What were the Mods’ clothes and most important possessions?

· Who were the Mod’s greatest enemies? What was their life style?

· Who are hippies? What does this name come from?

· What are skinheads famous for?

· What does the word ‘Punk’ derive from? What was it used for?

· What are the characteristics of the music and bands that emerged in the 1980s?


Youth Cultures

When the American rock-and-roll singer Chuck Berry first sang ‘Roll over Beethoven and tell Chaikovsky the news’ in 1950s, he was telling the world that the new music, rock-‘n-roll was here to stay. Over the last 30 years it has had an enormous effect on people’s lives, and especially on the kind of clothes they wore.

The first group to be seen in the newspapers in the late 50s were Teddy Boys. Their clothes were supposed to be similar to those worn in Edwardian England (Ted and Teddy were abbreviations of Edward): long jackets with velvet collars, drainpipe trousers (so tight they looked like drainpipes!) and brightly coloured socks. Their shoes had very thick rubber soles and their hair was swept upwards and backwards. Before the arrival of the Teddy Boys young people usually wore what their parents used to. Now they wore what they liked.

In the mid-sixties Mods (so called because of their ‘modern’ style of dressing) became the new leaders of teenage fashions. Short hair and smart suits were popular again. But perhaps the Mods’ most important possessions were their scooters, usually decorated with large number of light mirrors. They wore long green anoraks, so called parkas, to protect their clothes.

The Mods’ greatest enemies were Rockerswho despised the Mods’ scooters and smart clothes. Like the Teds, Rockers listened mainly to rock-and-roll and had no time for Mod bands such as ‘The Who or the Small Faces’. They rode powerful motorbikes, had long untidy hair, and wore thick leather jackets. Whereas the Mods used purple hearts (a stimulant or amphetamine, so called because of its colour and shape), to get their kicks, the rockers mainly drank alcohol. Through the 60s, on public holidays during the summer, groups of Mods and Rockers used to travel to the sea resorts of south-eastern England, such as Brighton and Margate, and get involved in battles with the police and with each other. Nevertheless at that time ‘swinging London’ was everybody’s idea of heaven! Young people were very clothes-conscious and London’s Carnaby Street became the fashion centre of Europe and the world. It attracted thousands of tourists every year.

Towards the end of 60s a new group appeared, whose ideas started in California, in the USA. The hippies preached a philosophy of peace and love, wore necklaces of coloured beads, and gave flowers to surprised strangers in the street. The name comes from the fact that drug-takers in Asia and the Far East used to lie on one hip while smoking opium. Hippies didn’t use opium but they smoked marijuana, and took powerful drugs such as LSD. Music, especially under the influence of the Beatles, began to include strange sounds and images in an attempt to recreate the ‘psychedelic’ or dream-like experience of drugs. Hippies wore simple clothes, blue jeans and open sandals, and grew their hair very long. They often lived together in large communities, sharing their possessions. This was their protest against the materialism of the 60s and also against the increasing military involvement of the United States in Vietnam. However, the dreams of peace and love disappeared in the early 70s as the mood of the society changed. People’s attention turned to life’s more basic problems as the world price of oil increased, causing a fall in living standards and rising inflation.

Skinheads were racist, violent and proud of the fact. The ‘uniform’ worn by most of them consisted of trousers that were too short, enormous boots and braces. As their name suggests, they wore their hair extremely short or even shaved it all off. As unemployment grew throughout the 70s groups of skinheads began to take their revenge on immigrants, who were attacted on the streets and in their homes. Unfortunately the mass unemployment of the 80s caused an increase in the number of skinheads. Many were members of the National Front, a political party that wants Britain to be for white people only.

Towards the end of the 80s another type of music and dress appeared and is still popular. The word Punkderives from American English and is often used to describe someone who is immoral of worthless. The best-known punk band of the 70s and early 80s were ‘The Sex Pistols’ who are still famous for their strange names, including Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious. They sang songs about anarchy and destruction and upset many people using bad language on television and by insulting the Queen. Their music is loud, fast and tuneless. They felt that the music of the 70s had become too complicated. It had lost touch with the feelings of ‘ordinary kids’.

In the 1980s many new bands emerged and also the old ones reappeared. Out of Punk came New Wave music which totally rejected the ideas of the skinheads. Many of the bands contain both black and white musicians, and anti-racism concerts were organized. West Indian music also played a big role in forming people’s tastes. Many new British bands combine traditional rock music with an infectious reggae beat.

Like the Rockers Bikers still enjoy ‘heavy metal music’ which is easily recognized by its high volume and use of electric guitars. ‘Dancing’ is simply shaking your head violently to the rhythm of the music and so has become known as ‘head banging’.

Many of the new bands of the 1980s were able to use the changes in technology to develop their music. Computerized drum machines, synthesizers and other electronic instruments are now just as popular as the electric guitar. Black music has become increasingly important with international stars like Michael Jackson, Freddy Mercury, Tina Turner, Sher and others.


Hip Hopmusic combines speaking in rhyme (called ‘rapping’) with the excitement of the rock beat. Finally, Live Aid and charity records have shown that many modern pop stars are interested in using their talents to help raise money for the poor.


A.Do you like these fashions? When were they popular?

B.Listen to the people talking about some of the fashions in the pictures above.

Before listening look up the following words in the dictionary:

beetle-crushers spiked collar and spiked shoes Mohicans flower-power stuff to put glue in ones hair to make it stand up to make a point

Complete the table below. Which style do you like best?

  name of style date like/ dislike



a) Act out a conversation between a teenager (claiming the freedom to wear modern styles and colours) and his/her grandmother (complaining about a loss of elegance).

b) Young people are keen on fashion. You are going to make a new dress and you have some Vogue magazines. You’ve picked a few patterns but you are not sure they’ll suit you. Ask your friends for advice.

c) You are going to buy a dress. You ask your friend to come with you. On the way to the shop you tell her what dress you’d like to buy. Your friend is surprised that you don’t have the slightest idea what young people wear at present. She tells you what style is in fashion now, you cut in by asking questions.


Exercise 6

Place the following vocabulary words in the time period that they belong to. Try to think of additional fashion items for those time periods.

Pantsuits stiletto heels anoraks cowboy styles mini skirt bell bottoms sweater sets austere fashions leather psychedelic colours thick-soled shoes   flowery patterns drainpipe trousers padded shoulders



Discuss the following sayings in your group:

“What a strange power there is in clothing”. Issac Bashevis

“Beware of all enterprise which require new clothes”. Henry David Thoreau

“People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile”. Lee Mildon

“When in doubt, wear red”. Bill Blass

“I don’t see how an article of clothing can be indecent. A person, yes”. Robert Heinlein

“I base my fashion taste on what doesn’t itch”. Gilda Radnor

“Fashion is made to become unfashionable”. Coco Chanel



A.Make a class survey to find out whether the students in your group are "shopaholics" or not. Tick yes or no, as appropriate:



  Do you…   Yes nnj No
a) always pay cash when you go shopping?      
b) feel guilty when you spend a lot of money?      
c) only go shopping when you have something specific to buy?      
d) usually know how much you have in your purse / wallet?      
e) sometimes waste money?      
f) often owe people money?      
g) always pay off bills in full at the end of the month?      
h) have overdraft facilities at the bank?      
i) save money regularly?      
j) sometimes go shopping intending to spend a lot of money?      
k) hide what you bought from your parents / partner / flatmate?      


B.Score 1 point for each of the following answers:


a) no b) no c) no d) no e) yes f) yes g) no h) yes i) no j) yes k) yes


8-11: You are a shopaholic and need help!

4-7: Sorry! You have some problems.

0-3: You are careful with money.


C.Interview your partner suggesting the following questions and come up with the conclusion:


1. When you go into a shop: a) you usually know exactly what you want. b) You only want to look. c) You always look carefully and come back later to buy. 2. You prefer to go shopping: a) in small local shops where you know people. b) large stores in the city centre. c) anywhere which is cheap. 3. You mainly go shopping for: a) food or drink. b) clothes or shoes. c) CDs or books.
4. You usually go shopping: a) alone. b) with family. c) with friends. 5. You think first about: a) the price. b) the quality. c) the name. 6. You take advice from: a) shop assistants. b) friends or family. c) nobody.


D.Compare the answers and decide which description fits you best.


Fun Shopper You really enjoy it! And it’s more interesting for you if you go with a friend. Practical Shopper You get the best and the cheapest. Reluctant Shopper You hate doing it! You are happier when someone tells you what to buy.


It is interesting to know

& Reading

Read the text and be ready to discuss it.

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