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Britain cannot not make up its mind whether its first loyalty is to Europe or to the United States. Britain feels its "special relationship" with the United States is particularly important. It rests on a common language, on its wartime alliance with the United States and the Cold War which followed it.

Britain sided with the United States in other foreign policy matters too, which alarmed its European partners. In 1986, for example, it allowed US aircraft to use British airfields from which to attack the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and in 1996 to bomb Yugoslavia, later, in 2003– Iraq.




The United Kingdom is an important manufacturing and trading nation. In fact, Britain can survive only by manufacturing and trading. The country’s farms produce only about two-thirds of the food needed by the people. Except for coal, natural gas and oil, Britain has feew natural resources. The country must import about a third of its food and many of the raw materials it needs for manufacturing.

The country is a world leader in international trade. In January 1973, Great Britain became a member of the European Community (now called the European Union).

Major industries, such as transportation, communications, steel, petroleum, coal, gas, and electricity, which had been nationalised by Labour governments, were sold to private investors by the Conservative government in the 1980s.



Service industries account for about two-thirds of the United Kingdom's gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP is the total value of goods and services produced within the country annually. More than 70 percent of British workers are employed in service industries. The country's service industries are concentrated in and near its largest cities, especially London.

FINANCE, INSURANCE, and REAL ESTATE is the most important service industry in Britain. This industry accounts for a larger portion of the United Kingdom's GDP than any other industry. Most of the country's financial companies operate in London, one of the world's leading financial cities. Major financial institutions in London include the Bank of England, the United Kingdom's national bank; the London Stock Exchange; and Lloyd's of London insurance society.

COMMUNITY, SOCIAL, and PERSONAL SERVICES rank second among the service industries in the United Kingdom. This industry employs more British workers than any other service industry. It includes such activities as education and health care, and advertising and data processing.

WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE is the third most important service industry in Britain. The most valuable wholesale trading activities include the distribution of petroleum and textiles. Aberdeen and London are important centres of petroleum refining and distribution. Leeds is the chief centre of the British clothing industry. Retail trade is centred in London, which has thousands of small shops and attracts millions of tourists yearly. More than half of all wholesale trade is carried out in London too.

INTERNATIONAL TRADE. The prominent position of British commerce in world trade during the 18th and 19th centuries resulted largely from the geographical isolation of the British Isles from the wars and political troubles that afflicted the centres of trade on the European continent. The development of the great trading companies (East India Company; Hudson’s Bay Company), colonial expansion, and naval control of the high seas were corollary factors. Before the 17th century the foreign trade of England was almost completely in the hands of foreigners; wool was the principal export, and manufactured goods were the chief imports. Under the mercantile system, which in Great Britain was the prevailing economic theory of the 17th and 18th centuries, the government fostered British foreign trade, the development of shipping, and trading companies. As British overseas possessions increased, the raising of sheep for wool and mutton became a major occupation in the colonies; the practice of exporting wool from England and importing manufactured woollen articles was gradually replaced by the import of wool and the manufacture and export of yarns and fabrics. Cotton textiles, iron and steel, and coal soon became significant British exports.

Manufactured goods now account for about three-fourths of British imports and also about three-fourths of its exports. Britain exports aerospace equipment, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, machinery, motor vehicles, petroleum, and scientific and medical equipment. Its imports include chemicals, clothing, foods (especially fish, fruit, vegetables, meat, coffee, and tea), machinery, metals, motor vehicles, paper and newsprint, petroleum products, and textiles.

Most of the United Kingdom's trade is with other developed countries. France, Germany, and the United States are Britain's leading customers and suppliers. A growing proportion of the country's trade is with members of the European Community, which the United Kingdom joined in 1973. Other trade partners include Canada, Ireland, Japan, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, and Switzerland.

The value of Britain's imports of goods usually exceeds the value of its exports. British banks and insurance companies make up part of the difference by selling their services to people and firms in other lands. Another important source of income is the spending by the more than 15 million tourists who visit the United Kingdom each year. The British merchant fleet also brings in money by carrying cargoes for other countries. The income from all these invisible exports exceeds $200 billion a year.

TOURISM is an essential source of overseas income. It is a growing source of income and employment. In 1969, a government organisation, the British Tourist Authority, has been set up to attract visitors and improve tourist accommodations and travel conditions. In the early 1990s some 19.3 million visitors toured Great Britain annually, spending about $13.7 billion.


The POST OFFICE, founded in 1635, maintains about 20,000 branch offices throughout Great Britain and administers a postal savings system. The postal system was revised and penny postage established in the 1830s. The British Post Office provides many services in addition to handling mail. For example, local post offices sell TV licenses, dog licenses, and national insurance stamps. People can draw pensions and family allowances and also bank their savings at the post offices

In 1870 the government acquired the British TELEGRAPH systems, and in 1892 it began buying the private telephone companies. Telecommunications are administered by British Telecom (known as BT since 1991), founded as a state corporation but privatised in the 1980s.

The BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION (BBC) and the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), both public bodies, are licensed to provide television and radio broadcasting services. Founded in 1922 and working under a royal charter, in the early 1990s the BBC operated 2 television channels as well as 5 national networks and 33 local radio stations. It is financed mainly through the sale of annual licenses for television receivers. The BBC also provides foreign radio broadcasts in many languages. The IBA, which oversees the operation of independent television and radio, was created by Parliament in 1954 (until 1972 it was known as the Independent Television Authority). In the early 1990s, independent television was provided on a regional basis by 16 commercial program companies; satellite broadcasting services have also been introduced. Four television channels are currently broadcast and a fifth is planned. Local radio stations are run by some 90 commercial firms, centred mostly in the larger cities. Commercial advertising on both independent radio and television pays for the services. There are no commercials on BBC radio or television broadcasts. In the early 1990s an estimated 65.8 million radios and 25 million television sets were in use.

Some 101 daily newspapers and more than 2000 weekly newspapers are published in Great Britain. Fourteen London newspapers circulate nation-wide, and five of them have daily circulations of more than 1 million. Among the most respected British daily newspapers are the Times, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, and the Financial Times, all published in London. Noted weeklies include New Scientist, New Statesman and Society, the Spectator, and the Times Literary Supplement. Great Britain also has many well-known book publishers. Tabloid newspapers, characterised by sensationalised stories and large quantities of photographs and graphics, are both popular and influential in Great Britain.

TRANSPORTATION. Roads and railways carry most passenger and freight traffic within the United Kingdom. The ROAD system of Great Britain in the early 1990s consisted of about 362,982 km (about 225,557 mi) of public routes. Some 20,1 million passenger cars were registered in Great Britain. Automobile travel has become increasingly important in recent decades; about 90 percent of all passenger travel in Great Britain is by road.

An excellent system of high-speed MOTORWAYS links major cities and towns. Bus systems provide local and intercity transportation. Lorries (trucks) carry about 80 percent of the inland freight.

An extensive RAIL network criss-crosses the United Kingdom. The railroads are owned by the government and provide excellent high-speed passenger service, as well as freight hauling.

The irregular coastline of the British Isles, with its numerous indentations and bays and navigable streams, the improvement of the country’s harbours, and the provision of dock facilities have all helped Britain grow into a maritime power. The Navigation Laws of the 17th century were instituted to give English vessels maximum advantage in the carrying of English products, and naval victories over Spain and France, chief rivals of Britain in world trade, gave the nation control of the seas and pre-eminence in world merchant shipping. This leadership lasted until World War II (1939-1945), when the destruction of British shipping by enemy action and the increased production capacity of U.S. shipyards enabled the American merchant marine to overtake and surpass the British merchant fleet. The majority of the international ports have been nationalised. Among the country’s leading seaports are the extensive Port of London, Liverpool, Manchester (an inland seaport), Grimsby, Southampton, Milford Haven (a petroleum port), and Glasgow. Other major ports include the Tees River ports and Felixstowe.

In the 15th century the English government began improving natural waterways and constructing canals. By the early 1990s Great Britain had about 5600 km (about 3500 mi) of canals and navigable rivers.

Britain has a large merchant FLEET. The ships in the fleet carry British-made goods to ports throughout the world and bring back needed imports. British ships also carry freight for other countries. There are about 80 ports of commercial significance throughout the United Kingdom.

The country's inland WATERWAYS are used to carry freight, as well as for recreational boating. The Thames, which flows through London, is Britain's busiest river and one of the busiest in the world.

FERRY services connect coastal and island communities. HOVERCRAFT (vehicles that ride over water on a cushion of air) carry passengers mainly across the English Channel between England and France. In 1987, work began on a railway tunnel to link Britain and France beneath the channel. The tunnel was scheduled for completion in 1994. On May 6, 1994, Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain and President François Mitterrand of France rode through the tunnel as part of its inaugural ceremonies.

British AIRWAYS, the United Kingdom's largest airline (formed in 1972), operates flights to all parts of the world. Smaller airlines provide service within Britain and to other countries. Britain's largest airports are Heathrow and Gatwick, both near London, and those at Birmingham, Glasgow, and Manchester.

Other large service industries in the United Kingdom include GOVERNMENT and UTILITIES (railroads, bus routes, gas, pipelines).



By virtue of the Industrial Revolution and the factory system initiated in the final quarter of the 18th century, Great Britain led the nations of the world in amount and value of manufactured products until the industrialisation of the United States in the latter part of the 19th century. Principal factors in the industrial prominence of Britain were its early leadership in the wool trade, favourable climate, mineral wealth, development of shipping and naval control of the seas, acquisition of territorial possessions and colonial markets, much greater freedom from political and religious wars and persecutions than existed in continental Europe, and development of improved manufacturing methods and labour-saving machinery.

The great influx of Flemish and Huguenot immigrants during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th and 17th centuries gave great impetus to the original wool industry and introduced new industries such as silk weaving, garment making, and the manufacture of hats, pottery, and cutlery.

In terms of value, the leading branches of the manufacturing sector were food products, transportation equipment, non-electrical machinery, chemical products, and metals and metal products. The leading manufacturing regions were Greater London and the metropolitan counties of Greater Manchester, West Midlands (Birmingham), and Merseyside (Liverpool). Other important industrial centres were Glasgow, the Tees estuary region, southern Wales, and Belfast.

Early factories were located near the coal fields because coal powered the steam engines that moved the machinery. Today, the use of electricity, oil, and gas has enabled many new industries to develop far from the coal fields, especially in southern England.

Britain ranks as an important STEEL producer. It exports nearly half of its finished steel. The rest is used in Britain to make hundreds of products. Much steel is used in automobiles, buses, trucks, and motorcycles.

Britain also produces HEAVY MACHINERY for industry, farming, and mining. The country is one of the world's largest producers of tractors. Other products include cranes, earth movers, road graders, harvesters, and drilling machines. British factories also make railway equipment, household appliances, and machine tools. The city of Sheffield is famous for its high-quality knives and hand tools.

British AEROSPACE makes a wide range of jet aircraft. It is the largest aerospace company in Europe. Rolls-Royce is world famous for aeroplane engines as well as luxury automobiles. Space satellites and weapons defence systems are also produced in Britain. Aerospace equipment and heavy machinery are major British exports.

An increasing percentage of Britain's manufactured goods consists of sophisticated electronic equipment. Much of this equipment is exported. Factories produce such items as cable television equipment, data processing equipment, fibre-optic communications systems, radar devices, and undersea telephone cables.

The CHEMICAL industry in Britain produces a variety of products--from industrial chemicals to plastics and soap. Britain is the fourth largest exporter of pharmaceuticals. The country's POTTERY industry is centred in Stoke-on-Trent. Outstanding names in British pottery include Worcester, Spode, and Wedgwood.

The United Kingdom is one of the world's chief centres of PRINTING and PUBLISHING. British companies print paper money and postage stamps for many countries. Books published in Britain are exported to countries throughout the world.

The Industrial Revolution began in Britain's TEXTILE industry. Today, Britain remains an important producer of cotton and woollen textiles. Cotton and wool are produced in northern England. British manufacturers also make synthetic fibres and fabrics. England's east Midlands region is a centre for the production of lace and knitwear. Scotland produces knitwear and is famous for its fine woollen products. Northern Ireland has a world-wide reputation for its linen goods.

Britain has one of Europe's largest CLOTHING industries. The biggest centres are Leicester, Leeds, London, and Manchester. British clothing has long been famous for its quality. But today, Britain imports more clothing than it exports because many countries with lower labour costs can produce clothing more cheaply than the British can.

PROCESSING of FOODS and BEVERAGES ranks as one of Britain's major industries. Most processed foods and beverages are consumed in Britain. But some are exported. Scotch whisky has a large world market.

Other British industries manufacture bricks and cement, furniture, leather goods, glassware, and paper.



Compared with most other major countries, Great Britain devotes a relatively small portion of its labour force (in the early 1990s about 2 percent of the employed population) to agriculture, forestry, and fishing, and the nation must import more than three-fifths of the food supply for its large population. The imports include avocados, bananas, oranges, peppers, pineapples, and other items that cannot be easily grown in Britain's climate.

A great deal of the country’s land is not arable due to unproductive soil or inaccessibility, as in parts of the Scottish Highlands. In the early 1990s approximately 27 percent of the total land area of Great Britain was devoted to crops, and about 46 percent to permanent pasture and rough grazing. Agriculture in Great Britain is intensive and highly mechanised. Income from livestock and dairy products is about three times that from crops. Horticultural products are also important, especially in southern England. The most important crops (with approximate annual production in the early 1990s) were wheat (14.1 million metric tons), potatoes (7.8 million), barley (7.4 million), sugar beets (8.5 million), and oats (504,000). A variety of fruits and vegetables is also grown. Livestock in the same period included about 11.8 million cattle, 44 million sheep, 7.6 million pigs, and 136 million poultry.

The United Kingdom has about 240,000 farms. They average about 175 acres (71 hectares) in size. About two-thirds of Britain's farmers own the farms on which they live. The rest rent their farms. About half the people who operate or work on farms do so on a part-time basis.

Many British farmers practice mixed farming--that is, they raise a variety of crops and animals. Methods of mixed farming vary from farm to farm. In the rough highlands of Scotland, Wales, and western England, grass grows much better than farm crops. There, farmers use most of their land for grazing. The land in southern and eastern England is drier and flatter, and it is more easily worked. Farmers in eastern England use most of their land for raising crops.

Britain's most important crops are barley, potatoes, rapeseed, sugar beets, and wheat. Farmers in southern and eastern England grow almost all the country's rapeseed, sugar beets, and wheat and most of its barley. Potatoes are grown throughout the United Kingdom. Farmers in southern England grow most of Britain's fruits and garden vegetables. One of the most productive regions is the county of Kent in south-eastern England. It is called the Garden of England and is famous for the beautiful blossoms of its apple and cherry orchards in springtime. Farmers in Kent also grow hops, which are used in making beer.

SHEEP are Britain's chief livestock. Farmers in almost every part of the country raise sheep for meat and wool. British farmers also raise beef cattle, dairy cattle, and hogs. Chickens are raised mainly in special mass-production plants.



The United Kingdom is a major world producer of petroleum, coal, and natural gas. These three fuels account for about 85 percent of the value of total mineral production in the country.

PETROLEUM is Britain's most valuable mineral. British oil wells produce about 650 million barrels of petroleum a year. In the past, the country had to import petroleum to meet its needs. But during the 1970's, Britain began producing petroleum from wells in the North Sea. Today, Britain's oil wells provide nearly all the petroleum that the country uses and also supply petroleum for export.

Britain's largest COAL-mining region lies near the River Trent in central England. Coal from this area is an important source of fuel for the country's electric power plants.

Britain obtains NATURAL GAS from deposits below the North Sea. These deposits provide enough gas to meet most of the country's needs.

Britain's next most important minerals, in order of value, are SAND and GRAVEL, LIMESTONE, and CLAYS. The Southwest Peninsula has fine china clay, used in making pottery. South-eastern England has large deposits of CHALK, used for cement. Other British minerals include SANDSTONE and GYPSUM.



Of the approximately 2.2 million hectares (about 5.4 million acres) of woodlands in Great Britain, about 40 percent are in England, 49 percent in Scotland, and 11 percent in Wales. The most common trees are oak, beech, ash, and elm. Pine and birch predominate in Scotland. Production of roundwood totalled about 6.7 million cu m (about 237 million cu ft) in the early 1990s. The Forestry Commission has run a reforestation program since the 1950s, under which approximately 17,800 hectares (about 44,000 acres) were replanted annually in the early 1990s, mostly in Scotland. Private owners, who held more than 60 percent of the total forestlands, were responsible for replanting some 15,500 hectares (about 38,300 acres) of the total. The reforestation of an additional 65,000 hectares (about 160,000 acres) in Northern Ireland was also planned. Despite these recent efforts, however, Great Britain still imports about 90 percent of its timber.



The United Kingdom is an important fishing nation. About half this catch comes from the waters surrounding Britain, especially the North Sea. British fishing crews also fish as far away as the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. The principal catches include cod, haddock, herring, mackerel, plaice, pollock, sand lance, sole, and whiting. Notable fishing-product industries are located at Hull, Grimsby, Fleetwood, North Shields, Lowestoft, and Plymouth in England and at Aberdeen and Peterhead in Scotland. The British fishing fleet consists of more than 12,000 vessels, the largest fleet in the European Union (EU).


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