From the Right-Hand Drawer, Room 304
I know homework is essential to our well being, and I did it but I got into a fight with some kid on the way to school and he threw it in the gutter.

My dog chewed it up.

I didn't know we were supposed to do it.

I fell asleep on the subway because I stayed up all night doing my homework, so when it stopped at my station I ran through the door not to be late & left it on the seat on the subway.

The cat chewed it up and there was no time to do it over.

Why I Didn't Do It. When you tell us to bring a book report I do not like it because I have to go to the library and get a book to read it. It will take me about two month or more to read it and I have to owe money to them and it adds
up. It isn't fair to the pocket, Ha-ha! In those hours when I have to read the book I can watch TV or play around or shoot a couple.

As I was taking down the assignment my ballpoint stopped.

I had to study French so didn't have time to study English.

I did it but left it home by mistake.

If a teacher wants to know something why doesn't she look it up herself instead of making we students do it? We benefit ourselves more by listening to her, after all, she's the teacher!

The baby spilled milk on it.

My brother took "my" homework instead of "his."

I have to work after school and they kept me til midnight.

The page was missing from my book.
Even though I brought in a legal note for absence he sent me back. That's why I'm unprepared.

I had to take care of my three siblings because my mother is in the hospital.

I lost my book & just found it.

There's no room in my house now my uncle moved in and I have to sleep in the hall and couldn't use the kitchen table.

Some one stole it.

I was sick and had to go to bed.

What homework?

My dog pead on it


Date: 2016-01-03; view: 856