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Emergency Procedures

In the event of a university declared critical emergency, Salem State University reserves the right to alter this course plan. Students should refer to salemstate.edu for further information and updates. The course attendance policy stays in effect until there is a university declared critical emergency. In the event of an emergency, please refer to the alternative educational plans for this course located oncanvas. Students should review the plans and gather all required materials before an emergency is declared.

Required Texts

1) Lies My Teacher Told Me

By James Loewen (revised version—pub 2007)


2) Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History

By Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


3) You Learn By Living

By Eleanor Roosevelt



1) The Cartoon History of the Modern World, Part I

By Larry Gonick

2) The Cartoon History of the Modern World, Part II

By Larry Gonick


Course Requirements(objective #)

  1. Paper Assignment—There will be one 2-3 page paper relating to a movie clip (“Coco Before Chanel”) we will be watching. You will be responsible for seeing the rest of the movie on your own & reading some material relating to it. We will also have discussion days regarding the movie clips. (1,4,5,6)
  2. There will be “Historical Best Friend” presentations (with PowerPoint) at the end of the semester. You will choose a woman from history whom you would like to talk to about her life and introduce her to the class. First come first serve—and no repeat best friends! (1,2,4,5,6) No Coco Chanel!
  3. Extra Credit Option—“If I Lived Then” Paper 2-3 pages. Using your imagination & historical knowledge, tell me what you would be doing and where you would be living, in a certain time and place we’ve talked about. (worth half of the movie paper)
  4. Class participation is a vital and required part of the course, in discussions, private meetings and scheduled presentations. Written assignments are key to demonstrating your understanding of the material. Late papers lose 5 POINTS A DAY. I know, the cat threw up, you had to celebrate your Mom’s birthday… everyone has things come up suddenly. Plan accordingly! (If you are going away, get the paper to me early, not late. A cruise is not an excused absence.) NO emailed papers.
  5. I have ZERO tolerance for plagiarism. I want to read what YOU wrote, not what someone else did. Anyone caught plagiarizing will fail the course; the issue will also stay on their record until graduation.
  6. Attendance is mandatory & absences will affect your grade. Punctuality is mandatory. I take attendance when we start. Prof GM= Time Nazi!! Be aware.

2 late classes = 1 absence

7 absences = automatic failure of attendance

Student Responsibility Statement:

“We can grow only as long as we are interested.”

--Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn By Living

As students at Salem State, you do have a responsibility—to yourself. I ask for your respect, but responsibility is all YOU. If you are curious, interested, and desirous of doing well, you will do well. If you dread class & hate reading, you’re in for a tough 4 years. Think about what you want in the future. EVERY class can help you get there. If you are trying and having problems, the responsible thing is to TALK to your professor. We are here to help, but you need to be responsible enough to ask for it.

In this class we will be talking about potentially sensitive issues like religion and politics. I will NOT try to convert you to any religion/political party, NOR will I ask you personal questions. However, we all believe our own different things—and I demand respect for each person’s beliefs in my classroom. If you are disrespecting someone else in class, I will ask you to leave. That class will then count as an absence.


You must have access to email AND canvas! See IT with problems—you are responsible for this! There will be readings & assignments online & your Salem State email is the best way for me to communicate with you!

All students are expected to be familiar with the academic regulations, including those regarding Academic Integrity, for Salem State University as published in the college catalog. In addition, each student is responsible for completing all course requirements and for keeping up with all that goes on in the course (whether or not the student is present).


Movie Paper (“Coco Before Chanel”) 35%

HBF Presentation 25%

Participation (Discussion) & Attendance 25%

Final 15%

Spring 2014 Calendar(subject to change)


Thurs Jan 16—Getting to know you! Discuss syllabus & “Timeline” clip

Read for 1/21: Lies intro p 1-9; Eleanor p 1-22; Well-Behaved p xiii xxxiv


Tues Jan 21—Discussion 1 on the reading—everyone must contribute to discussions!; Movie clip “The Legend of Suriyothai”

Read for 1/23: Eleanor p25-41


Thurs Jan 23—PowerPoint 1—1500s overview (add/drop ends)

Read for 1/28: Well-Behaved p 3-73


Tues Jan 28—1500s People & Discussion 2

Read for 1/30: Lies p 11-30


Thurs Jan 30—PowerPoint 2—1600s Overview

Read for 2/4: Well-Behaved p 74-104; Eleanor p 45-60


Tues Feb 4—1600s People & Discussion 3

Read for 2/6: Lies p 31-69


Thurs Feb 6—PowerPoint 3—1700s Overview

Read for 2/11: Eleanor p 63-130


Tues Feb 11—1700s People & Discussion 4

Read for 2/13: Lies p 70-92


Thurs Feb 13—PowerPoint 4—1800s Overview (Part 1)

Read for 2/18: Well-Behaved p105-190


Tues Feb 18—Movie Clip “The Young Victoria”

Read for 2/20: Eleanor p 133-168


Thurs Feb 20—PowerPoint 4—1800s Overview (Part 2)

Read for 2/25: Well-Behaved p 191-229; Eleanor p 171-208


Tues Feb 25—1800s People

Read for 2/27: online on canvas 1) Anna; 2) Twain-War Prayer; 3) White Man’s Burden (poem)


Thurs Feb 27—Movie Clip “Anna & the King”

Read for 3/4: Lies p 135-203


Tues Mar 4—1800s Discussion 5

Read for 3/6: Lies p 93-134


Thurs Mar 6—Discuss our Historical Best Friend presentation & Eddie Izzard clip

Read over break: Lies p 204-243; Eleanor p 171-208


Spring Break

Tues Mar 18—Discussion 6—reading over break


Thurs Mar 20—Movie Clip “Miss Potter”

Read for 3/25: Lies p 244-279


Tues Mar 25—PowerPoint 5—1900s Overview (Part 1)

Read for 3/27: Lies p 280-300


Thurs Mar 27—Movie Clip “Iron Jawed Angels “

Read for 4/1: Lies 301-354


Tues Apr 1—1900s People & Discussion 7

Read for 4/3: online on canvas1) Jailed for Freedom; 2) Farewell to Manzanar


Thurs Apr 3—PowerPoint 5—1900s Overview (Part 2)

Read for 4/3: Lies p 354-362; online on canvas 1) Misia’s Chanel; 2) Chanel’s Gospel

Start work on your presentation!


Tues Apr 8—Movie Clip “Coco Before Chanel”

Read for 4/10: online on canvas 1) Make-up and Communism; 2) Welcome Home Asshole


Thurs Apr 10—1900s People & Discussion 8 (11th last day to withdraw)

Read for 4/15: TBA canvas reading on Julia Child


Tues Apr 15—Movie Clip “Julie & Julia”

Read: TBA


Thurs Apr 17—2000s—Overview & Discussion 9

Read: TBA

Work on your presentations! Check for spelling errors! Is your bibliography right?


Tues Apr 22— “Coco Before Chanel” Paper DUE

HBF presentations


Thurs Apr 24—HBF presentations


Tues Apr 29—HBF presentations


Thurs May 1—HBF presentations—last day class



Mon May 12, 8-10 am

The final will be half take-home essay and half in class assignment.

Yes, you need to be there or you will only get half credit (if you hand something in.)

****Revisions for Chanel paper DUE


Movie Paper—

Due date will be determined after the first class, once a movie is chosen by the winning team. “Coco Before Chanel” starring Audrey Tautou


Historical Best Friends—

There are so many AMAZING women you could choose! Consider what time period you are interested in (must be 1500-today), and what part of the world. I am happy to help you find someone you are interested in, but if I actually have to CHOOSE ONE FOR YOU, you will lose points. It doesn’t matter if she was a politician, writer, cook, stripper…whatever. Just make sure you “claim” her before anyone else does! Hint—I love unusual choices! Coco Chanel is off limits!!

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 880

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