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Cryptosporidium infection

Cryptosporidiuminfection (cryptosporidiosis) is a parasiticdisease caused by Cryptosporidium parvum. It usually causes severe infection of the gastrointestinal system, including watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

Most people get Cryptosporidium infection from contaminated food and water. However, sometimes animals (including farm animals, cats, and dogs) carry this parasite in their feces (stool) and pass it to people. People with compromised immune systems, such as those undergoing immunosuppressive treatments for cancer, organ transplant patients, and people with HIV/AIDS, are more likely than others to get Cryptospordium infection.


Brucellosisis a bacterial diseases caused by the bacterium Brucella. It is a chronicle disease of man and animals. At the acute form(< 8 weeks from ill- ness onset) people have nonspecific and “flu-like” symptoms such as fever, sweats, malaise, anorexia, headache, myalgia, and back pain. At the undulantform (< 1 year from illness onset), symptoms include undulant fevers, arthritis. Neurologic symptoms may occur acutely in up to 5 % of cases. In the chronic form (> 1 year from onset), symptoms may include chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and arthritis.

Among cattle and pigs are usually met abortions and epididymoorchitis. Commonly it is transmitted through abrasions of the skin from handling in- fected mammals. It occurs more frequently by ingesting unpasteurized milk or dairy products at the abattoir workers, meat inspectors, animal handlers, vet- erinarians, and laboratorians.


Rabiesis the anthropozoonosticdisease with aggressive clinical behavior. It is caused by polypathogenic neurothropical virusand transferred viathe bite with saliva of an infective patient. It is accompanied by the affection of central nervous system, and as a rule ends with animal’s death.

All warm-blooded animals are susceptibleto rabies virus. They are fox, wolf, and jackal of cats and cattle, dogs, sheep, goats, and horses.

The source of virus agents comes to be ill animals and virus carries.

The most typical signsare registered with dogs. The first symptoms usually appear in 10–15 days after the contagination. The animal does not react to calling, it becomes very gentle, or barks without any reason. The appetite is perverted, the animal refuses to eat, but can hardly swallow. Dogs have no hydrophobia; they are thirsty but cannot drink much. The experience dysphasia and difficulty of urination excrements are watery with odd objects inside. Salivation and sexual instincts are more intense. Depression comes after rage attacks and continues with indifference. During rage attacks the animal can bite a stick and keep it, if in a cage it bites swigs damaging its mouth mucous tunicand breaking teeth. The animal becomes aggressive wants to escape wherever. The wandering dogs tires to bite people and animals. The paralysisof larynx, tongue, lower jaw or pelvic is possible. The animals die because of the suffocationcaused by the paralysis of respiratory center.

The clinical behavior of other species of animals can differ. For example, cats usually have violent form followed by husky mewing, scratchingother animals and people, tries to escape. The duration of the disease is 3–6 days.

The violent form is observed with horses; they fall down and stand up, bite people caring after them or other try to run away, hit against obstacles. The paralysis starts with pelvic limbsand proceeds slowly. The disease lasts 4–6 days. The symptoms with cattle are the same as with horses. An ill animal is very aggressive, attacks other cattle and horses, butting or even biting them. The mooingis hoarse, loud and long. The clinical behavior of sheep and goats is practically the same.

The violent forms are also observed with pigs characterized by anxiety, excitementand aggressive attitude towards other animals and people. Rabies with birds is very rare, and is registered only in natural conditions due to a biteof an animal.

Among wild animals the wolves are affected mostly. They are extremely aggressive; they attack animals and people even in cities. The cases of rabies with jackal, wild pig, bear, lion and antelope are known.

The cadavers of dead animal have bites and scratches. There is congestive hyperemiaof inner organs. The stomach is empty; have some uneatable objects inside. There may be some signs catarrhal inflammation of stomach mucous tunic and small intestine and sometimes of hemorrhage. The brain is edematic with cerebral hemorrhage.

Diagnosis is identified on the basis of epizootological clinical data and re- sults of laboratory testing. The cadaver or the head is examined in the laboratory. Brain tissue is microscopically examination in order to discover Negri corpuscles.

Dry cultural inactivated vaccine of BNIITIBP and AZVI antirabic vaccine are used for rabies prevention and postinfectious vaccination with exception of dogs. In 1973 World Health Organization recommended inactivated antirabic vaccine as the most adequate for rabies prevention and treatment with animals. In our country inactivated ethanol VGNKI is used. All animals are killed, and their cadavers are destroyed (cremated).


Anthraxis an acute infectious disease caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis and is highly lethalin some forms. Anthrax most commonly occurs in wild and domestic ruminants, but it can also occur in humans when they are exposed to infected animals, tissue from infected animals, or high density of anthrax spores. Anthrax cannot spread from human to human. Anthrax infection is extremely rare in common domestic pets (dogs and cats).

Anthrax is rare in humans although it occasionally occurs in ruminants such as cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and antelopes. Bacillus anthracis bacteria are soilborne.

Anthrax can enter the human body through the intestines, lungs, or skin (cutaneous)and causes distinct clinical syndromes based on its site of entry. An infected human will generally be quarantined. However, anthrax does not usually spread from an infected human to a noninfected human.

Anthrax is usually contracted by handling infected animals or their wool, germ warfare/terrorism or laboratory accidents.

Pulmonary (respiratory or inhalation) anthrax. Respiratory infection initially present with cold or flu-like symptoms for several days, followed by severe (and often fatal) respiratory collapse. If not treated soon after exposure, before symptoms appear, inhalation anthrax is highly fatal, with near 100% mortality.

Gastrointestinal (gastroenteric) anthrax. Gastrointestinal infection is most often caused by the ingestion of infected meat and often presents with serious gastrointestinal difficulty, vomiting of blood, severe diarrhea, acute inflammation of the intestinal tract, and loss of appetite. Intestinal infections result in fatality 25 to 60 % of the time.

Cutaneous (skin) anthrax. Cutaneousinfection is mainfested by progressive stages from an erythematous papuleto ulcerationand finally to formation of black scar(i.e., eschar). The black escharoften presents with a large, painless necrotic ulcers (beginning as an irritating and itchyskin lesionor blister that is dark and usually concentrated as a black dot, somewhat resemblingbread mold) at the site of infection. Cutaneous infection is the least fatal but without treatment, approximately 20 % of all skin infection cases may progress to toxemia and death. Treated cutaneous anthrax is rarely fatal.

Treatment for anthrax infection and other bacterial infections includes large doses of intravenous and oral antibiotics, such as, penicillin, ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, erythromycin, and vancomycin.

Anthrax spores can survivefor long periods of time in the environment after release. Methods for cleaning anthrax contaminated sites commonly use oxidizing agentsuch as peroxides. These agents slowly destroy bacterial spores.

Chlorine dioxide has emerged as the preferred biocide against anthrax- contaminated sites having been employed in the treatment of numerous government buildings over the past decade.

Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1470

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