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The main principles of morphemic analysis.

A morpheme – the smaller indivisible 2facet, meaningful, ready-made (may be counted) but not autonomous – dependent (parts of words). Some root morphemes are independent # brotherhood

For instance, words like boiler, drillerfall into the morphemes boil-, drill-and -erby virtue of the recurrence of the morpheme -erin these and other similar words and of the morphemes boil-and drill-in to boil, a boil, boilingand to drill, a drill, drilling, a drill-press,etc

As far as the complexity of the morphemic structure of the word is concerned all Eng ws fall into 2 large classes: segmentable (those allowing of segmentation into morphemes) & non-segmentable. There are 3 types of morphemic segmentability:

1. complete – you can easily split a w into morphemes, the structure of the word is absolutely transparent: ungentlemanly. Constituent morphemes recur with the same mg in a number of other ws. These morphemes are called morphemes proper.

2. conditional – semantically segmentation is doubtful as the root has no mng: de-ceive, re-ceive –. (where de, re seem, on the one hand, to be singled out quite easily due to their recurrence in a number of words – not prefixes, sound-clusters [ri-], [di-] posess neither lexical, nor functional meaning of their own. They differ from the case rewrite, redo, decode. The morphemes making up ws of conditional segmentability do not rise to the full status of morphemes & are called pseudo-morphemes/ quasi-morphemes. They have differential & a certain distributional mg: [ri-] distinguishes retain from detain.

3. defective – components never occur in other ws or very seldom: straw-berry, rasp-berry, cran-berry. Unique morphemes

The operation of breaking a segmentable word into the constituent morphemes is referred to in present-day linguistic literature as the analysis of word-structure on the morphemic level. The morphemic analysis aims at splitting a segmentable word into its constituent morphemes and at determining their number and types.

Sometimes isn’t enough – conversion: cut – morph-ly a simple w, but it’s derived from the verb to cut.

10. The main sources of enriching voc: + p.184-194

No vocabulary of any living language is ever stable but is constantly changing, growing and decaying. The changes occurring in the vocabulary are due both to linguistic and non-linguistic causes, but in most cases to the combination of both. Words may drop out altogether as a result of the disappearance of the actual objects they denote, e.g. the OE. wunden-stefna— 'a curved-stemmed ship'; some words were ousted as a result of the influence of Scandinavian and French borrowings, e.g. the Scandinavian takeand dieousted the OE: nimanand sweltan.Sometimes words do not actually drop out but become obsolete, sinking to the level of vocabulary units used in narrow, specialised fields of human intercourse making a group of archaisms: e g. billow — ‘wave’; slay — ‘kill’ are practically never used except in poetry; words like visor, gauntletare used only as historical terms.

Yet the number of new words that appear in the language is so much greater than those that drop out or become obsolete, that the development of vocabularies may be described as a process of never-ending growth.

The appearance of a great number of new words and the development of new meanings in the words already available in the language may be largely accounted for by the rapid flow of events, the progress of science and technology and emergence of new concepts in different fields of human activity. The influx of new words has never been more rapid than in the last few decades. The specialised vocabularies of aviation, radio, television, medical and atomic research. The conquest and research of cosmic space by the Soviet people gave birth to sputnik, lunnik, babymoon, space-rocket, space-ship, space-suit, moonship, moon crawler, Lunokhod,etc.

1) borrowings # spaghetti

2) w-formation/ w-building – the main source from the elements available in the lang.

3) creation of new mngs of already existing words which may result in homonyms (semantic extention, semantic derivation).

2 opposite processes take place: enrichment of the voc & ws die out or become bookish.

(Webster dict) 6000 new ws, among them 7,5% - borrowings, the majority – derived ws. We pay much attention to w-building, as Eng L has many patterns to build new ws.

w-formation – system of derivative types of ws & the prosess of creating new ws in the L from the material available in this L after certain struct & semantic patterns. 70 % of all new ws

Means of w-formation:

I) major/ primary/ patterned means

1. w-derivation: affixation, conversion

2. w-composition

II) secondary/ minor/ non-patterned

1. stress-interchange

2. sound-interchange man-men, know-knew

3. back-formation baby-sitter – to baby-sit

4. abbreviation (shortening)



Date: 2016-01-03; view: 2349

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