To order someone to do something.Unit 1
Unit 1
v. to behaven. behaviour
Your behaviouris the way you say and do things.
Q. Would you behave politely at a job interview ?
A. Yes, I would behave very politely at a job interview.
Q. How does people’s behaviour change when they get drunk ?
A. People become more confident and talk loudly when they get drunk.
Q. What kind of behaviour annoys you the most in other people ?
A. Arrogant behaviour annoys me the most in other people.
Q. How do people behave when they are angry ?
A. People shout when they're angry.
Q. How do people behave when they are sad ?
A. People cry when they're sad.
Q. How do people behave when they are nervous ?
A. People walk up and down when they're nervous.
NB. to behave yourself = behave well
Q. Did you always behave yourself when you were a child ?
A. No, I didn't always behave myself when I was a child.
Q. Do people always behave themselves at a party ?
A. No, people don't always behave themselves at a party.
adj. arrogantadj. big-headed(informal)
If you are arrogant/big-headed, you are too confident and your behaviour annoys people. Arrogantpeople often think they are better than other people.
Q. Do you know any arrogant people ?
A. Yes, I know some arrogant people.
Q. Are very successful people often quite arrogant ?
A. Yes, very successful people are often quite arrogant.
Q. Would I be bigheaded if I said I was the best teacher in the school ?
A. Yes, you would be bigheaded if you said you were the best teacher in this school.
v. to boastadj. modest
When you boast, you talk about how good you are at something in an arrogant way.
To be modestis the opposite of to boast.
Q. What kind of things do children often boast about ?
A. Children often boast about their new toys.
Q. How good is your English ?
A. My English is very good.
Q. Are you being modest or bigheaded?
A. I'm being bigheaded.
Q. Do you think it is arrogant for people to boast about how much money they have ?
A. Yes, I think it's arrogant for people to boast about how much money they have.
Q. If you can do something very well, do you think it is better to boast or to be modest about it ?
A. If you can do something very well, I think it's better to be modest about it.
Unit 1
v. to shareadj. generousadj. selfish
If something is sharedit is used by more than one person.
If someone is generousthey are happy to sharesomething.
If someone is selfish, they don’t want to sharewhat they have.
eg. Children from large families usually sharea bedroom.
Q. Have you ever shared a room with anyone ?
A. No, I've never shared a room with anyone.
Q. Are children often quite selfish ?
A. Yes, children are often quite selfish.
Q. Would you be generous or selfish if you didn’t share your birthday cake with your friends ?
A. I would be selfish if I didn’t share my birthday cake with my friends.
Q. Would you be happy to share your book with another student ? A. Yes, I'd be happy to share my book with another student.
Q. Are you generous when you buy presents for your family ?
A. Yes, I'm generous when I buy presents for my family.
Q. Would you be more generous if you had more money ?
A. Yes, I would be more generous if I had more money.
Q. Give me an example of selfish behaviour.
A. Children not sharing their toys is an example of selfish behaviour.
adj. greedyn. greed
Q. Do greedy people like sharing things ?
A. No, greedy people don't like sharing things.
Q. What animals are famous for being greedy ?
A. Pigs are famous for being greedy.
Q. Do you think greed is always a bad thing ?
A. Yes, I think greed is always a bad thing.
Q. What is the difference between greedy and selfish ?
A. The difference between greedy and selfish is that if you're greedy you always want more of something and if you are selfish you will not share
your things.
n. moodn. temper
Your moodis how you feel emotionally.
e.g. People usually smile and laugh a lot when they are in a good mood.
If you have a bad temperyou become angry very easily.
If you lose your temperyou get angry.
eg. People shout and scream when they lose their temper.
Q. Are you in a good mood today ?
A. Yes, I'm in a very good mood today.
Q. How do people behave when they lose their temper ?
A. People shout and scream when they lose their temper.
Q. Do you know anyone who has a really bad temper ?
A .Yes, my brother has a really bad temper.
Q. Have you ever lost your temper when driving ?
A. Yes, I have lost my temper when driving.
Q. What kind of things put you in a good mood ?
A. Nice music puts me in a good mood.
Q. What kind of things put you in a bad mood ?
A. Crowded trains put me in a bad mood.
adj. stubbornadj. pigheaded
Stubbornpeople think they are right about something and won’t change their mind.
Pigheadedis an informal way of saying stubborn.
Q. Are you ever stubborn in an argument ?
A. Yes, I'm often stubborn in an argument.
Q. What animal is famous for being stubborn ?
A. The mule is famous for being stubborn.
Q. What is the difference between pigheaded and bigheaded?
A. The difference between pigheaded and bigheadedis that pigheaded
means stubborn and bigheaded means arrogant.
Unit 1
v. to encouragen. encouragement
If you encouragesomeone you help them and try to give them confidence.
eg. My parents encouragedme to study hard at school.
Shy children often need a lot of encouragement.
Q. Do your teachers encourage you to speak good English ?
A. Yes, my teachers encourage me to speak good English.
Q. Do parents usually encourage their children to smoke and drink?A. No, parents don't usually encourage their children to smoke and drink.
Q. Did you get enough encouragement from your teachers when you were at school ?
A. Yes, I got enough encouragement from my teachers when I was at school.
Q. What kind of things did your parents encourage you to do while you were growing up ?
A. My parents encouraged me to study hard and be polite while I was growing up.
Q. Would you feel encouraged if I told you that your English was improving ?
A. Yes, I would feel encouraged if you told me that my English was improving.
v. to cause= to make something happen
= to be the reason why something happens
n. cause
eg. Bad weather often causesroad accidents.
Q. Do you think unemployment causes crime?
A. Yes, I think unemployment causes crime.
Q. What kind of problems can be caused by bad weather ?
A. Accidents can be caused by bad weather.
Q. What kind of health problems are often caused by smoking ?
A. Lung cancer and heart disease are often caused by smoking.
Q. What are some of the causes of pollution in your country?
A. Cars and factories are some of the causes of pollution in my country.
v. to makesomeone do something
If you make someone do somethingyou want them to do it, and so you cause them to do it.
eg. My mother always made me washmy hands before eating dinner.
Q. Did your parents make you eat healthy vegetables when you were a child ?
A. Yes, my parents always made me eat healthy vegetables when I was a child.
Q. Do I make you repeat the sentence if you make a lot of mistakes?
A. Yes, you make me repeat the sentence if I make a lot of mistakes.
Q. Have you ever made someone do something that they didn’t want to do ?
A. Yes, I made my brother smoke a cigarette when he was 5 years old.
Q. What kind of behaviour can make you lose your temper ?
A. Arrogant and rude behaviour can make you lose your temper.
v. to forcesomeone to do something
n. force
To forcehas a similar meaning to to make someone do somethingbut it is stronger.
If you are forced to do something, you don’t want to do it but you have no choice.
eg. The bank robber forcedthe frightened man to givehim the money.
The police sometimes have to use forcewhen arresting criminals.
Q. Have you ever been forced to eat food that you didn’t like ?
A. No, I've never been forced to eat food that I didn’t like.
Q. Are young men forced to join the army in your country ?
A. No, young men aren't forced to join the army in my country.
Q. Are you being forced to study English ?
A. No, I'm not being forced to study English.
Unit 1
Q. Is it better to use force or encouragement when teaching children ?
A. It's better to use encouragement when teaching children.
Q. What are the armed forces ?
A. The army, the navy and the air force are the armed forces.
Q. What kind of people use force to get what they want ?
A. Soldiers and policemen use force to get what they want.
Q. Is it easy to make a stubborn person change their mind ?
A. No, it's very difficult to make a stubborn person change their mind.
Q. I f you became very rich and successful, would you be more arrogant ?
A .Yes, if I became rich and successful, I would be more arrogant.
v. to ordern. order
To orderhas two meanings.
to order someone to do something.
v expr. to give ordersv expr. to follow orders
To ordermeans to tell someone to do something but it is much stronger.
If you are orderedto do something you must do it.
eg. The soldiers were orderedto swim across the river
NB. We always use the imperative to give an order.
eg. Clean your gun!
Don’t touch that!
Q. What kind of people give orders ?
A. Soldiers give orders.
Q. If you are ordered to do something, do you have to do it ?
A. Yes, if you're ordered to do something, you have to do it.
Q. Have you ever given an order ?
A. Yes, I've given an order.
Q. Has your boss ever ordered you to do something ?
A. Yes, my boss's ordered me to do something.
2. to order something from someone n. course
You orderfood in a restaurant from a waiter or waitress.
A meal may have three courses: a starter, main courseand a dessert.
You can also study a courseat university or college.
Q. Who takes your order in a restaurant ?
A. A waiter or a waitress takes my order in a restaurant.
Q. Do you usually order more than one course in a restaurant ?
A. Yes, I usually order more than one course in a restaurant.
Q. What is your favourite starter/dessert ?
A. Ice cream is my favourite dessert.
Q. What kind of course are you studying here ?
A. I'm studying a Direct English course here.
Q. Have you been to university ?
A. Yes, I went to university 5 years ago.
Q. What course did you study ?
A. I studied a course in mathematics.
v. to punishn. punishment
Q. Were you ever punished at school ?
A. Yes, I was punished at school.
Q. What for ?
A. For being rude.
Q. What was your punishment ?
A. I had to stand in the corner of the room for 20 minutes.
Unit 1
Q. What is a common punishment for criminals ?
A. Imprisonment is a common punishment for criminals.
Q. Do you think teachers should be allowed to physically punish school children ?
A. No, I don't think teachers should be allowed to physically punish school children.
Q. What kind of things do teachers/parents force children to do as a punishment ?
A. Parents force children to clean their room as a punishment.
n. judgen. trialn. court
A trialis when a courtdecides if a person is guilty or innocent
Q. Who is the most important person in a court ?
A. The judge is the most important person in a court.
Q. What does a judge have to decide at the end of a trial ?
A. The judge has to decide the punishment or, in some countries, if the person is guilty or innocent at the end of a trial.
Q. Have there been any famous trials recently ?
A. No, there haven't been any famous trials recently.
v. to killv./n. to murdern. murderer
To murdermeans to killsomeone illegally
Q. Which animals are killed for food ?
A. Cows and sheep are killed for food.
Q. Have you ever killed an animal ?
A. No, I've never killed an animal.
Q. What is the punishment for murder in your country?
A. Life imprisonment is the punishment for murder in my country.
Q. Can you think of any famous murderers ?
A. Jack The Ripper was a famous murderer.
n. bloodn. fingerprint
Q. What colour is blood ?
A. Blood is red.
Q. What does blood carry around the body ?*
A. Blood carries oxygen around the body.
Q. Do the police take your fingerprints if you are arrested ?
A. Yes, the police take your fingerprints if you're arrested.
Q. Why do criminals often wear gloves ?
A. Criminals often wear gloves because they don't want to leave fingerprints.
v. to proven. evidence(uncountable)
The facts that show if something is true or not are called evidence.
The verb to provemeans to show that something is true by using evidence.
Q. What is your name ?
A. My name's Craig Sargent.
Q. How can you prove it ?
A. I can prove it by showing you my driving licence.
Q. What do you have to carry when you travel abroad to prove your nationality ?
A. You have to carry your passport when you travel abroad to prove your nationality.
Q. Is there any evidence to prove that aliens have landed on earth ? A. No, there isn't any evidence to prove that aliens have landed on earth.
Q. What kind of evidence do the police look for when there is a murder ?
A. The police look for fingerprints when there's a murder.
Q. What do we call the people who try to prove that someone is innocent or guilty in court ?
A. Lawyers try to prove that someone is innocent or guilty in court.
Unit 1
v. to identifyn. identity/ I.D.n. identity card
Q. What does an identity card prove ?
A. An identity card proves your name and nationality.
Q. Do you have to carry your identity card at all times ?
A. Yes, I have to carry my identity card at all times.
Q. How do the police identify criminals ?*
A. The police identify criminals by using fingerprints.
Q. Can you identify the mistakes in these sentences ?
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