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| Application for Employment
Position applied for: AB
| Address: 187741 Len.obl. Podporozhskyi r-on, pos. Nikol'skyi str. Novaya, 1\57
| Surname: Loginov
| Forenames Yanosh
| Tel.:
| Cont.Tel: +79119662663
| Date of Birth: 12. 03. 1965
| Marital status: Married
| No of Children:
| Place of Birth: Samarkand Uzbekskaya SSR
| Nationality: Russia
| Date, Place issued:
| Native Language: Russia
| Languages spoken: Russia
| Passport: 41 99 139057 date of issue: 20.01.10
| Education: The sailor 1 Class – motorman 2class
| Next of Kin (Married ): Loginova Mariya
| Education Body: Novoladozhskyi Morskoi College - 202
| Address: 187741 Len.obl. Podporozhskyi r-on,
pos. Nikol'skyi str. Novaya 1\57
Tel.: +79119662663
| | | | | |
| Grade
| Number
| Date Issued
| Education Body
| Expiry Date
| Certificate of Competence
| AB
| 04. 07. 02
| S. Petersburg
| Flag St. Recognition Cert
| Flag St. Recognition Cert
| Flag St. Recognition Cert.
| Endorsement of GMDSS
| Radar Observ. Simulator
| ISPS Code (Section A-VI/6-2)
| 00899/2013KC
| 13.11.2013
| S. Petersburg
| 13.11.2018
| Survival craft & rescue boat
| 13.11.2015
| S. Petersburg
| 13.11.2020
| Advanced Fire-Fighting
| 12.11.2015
| S. Petersburg
| 12.11.2020
| Carriage of D-s & Has-s sub-s
| First Aid at Sea
| 12.11.2015
| S. Petersburg
| 12.11.2020
| Basic safety training
| 12.11.2015
| S. Petersburg
| 12.11.2020
| Watchkeeping
| HazMat (IMO Dangerous Cargo Training)
| Tanker Endorsement
| | |
| | Oil tanker familiarization course
| | |
| | Liquefied gas tanker
| | |
| | Chemical tanker familiarization course
| | |
| |
| Number
| Date Issued
| Place Issued
| Expiry Date
| Seafarer’s identity document
| RUS 0135692
| 28.11. 2013
| S. Petersburg
| 27.11.2018
| Seaman's Book
| MK 0197214
| 20.02.2014
| S. Petersburg
| 27.11.2018
| Travel Passport
| 71 3021149
| 20.01.2011
| S. Petersburg
| 20.01.2021
| US Visa
| 16. 07. 2012
| S. Petersburg
| 15.07.2014
| Health Certificate
| Yellow Fever
| 12. 05. 2011
| S. Petersburg
| 12.05.2021
| Drug and Alcohol
Eyes: Grey
| Hair: Black
| Height: 178
| Weight: 110
| Shoes: 45
| Overall: 62
| Previous Sea Experience (for last 10 Years)
| To
| Vessel
| Flag
| HP
| Engine
| TypeOfVessel
| Position
| Company
| 01. 2003
| 10. 2003
| Neva - Lux
| Russia
| 1700
| AB- Dokerman
| Bunker
| Transoil
| 10. 2003
| 05. 2004
| Akademik Karpinskyi
| Russia
| 6260
| AB
| Research
| 07. 2004
| 11. 2004
| Amur 2514
| Russia
| 1030
| AB
| Dry cargo
| Nort – West FL
| 01. 2005
| 06. 2005
| Sibirskyi 2133
| Russia
| 1450
| AB
| Dry cargo
| Nort – West FL
| 08. 2005
| 02. 2006
| Skul’ptor Anikushen
| Russia
| AB
| Dry cargo
| Nort – West FL
| 04. 2006
| 08. 2006
| Khudozhnik Vetrogonskyi
| Russia
| AB
| Dry cargo
| Nort – West FL
| 11. 2006
| 03. 2007
| Skul’ptor Anikushen
| Russia
| AB
| Dry cargo
| Nort – West FL
| 05. 2007
| 08. 2007
| Volgo – Balt 207
| Russia
| AB
| Dry cargo
| Nort – West FL
| 10. 2007
| 05. 2008
| Rroline
| Panama
| AB
| Ro- Ro
| Merchant Marine Management SA
| 12. 2008
| 08. 2009
| Afrikan Wildcat
| Bahamas
| AB
| Log-Bulk Carrier
| Enterprises Shipping & Trading Company
| 03.2010
| 06.2010
| Butes
| Monrovia
| AB
| Dry cargo
| 01.2011
| 04.2011
| Omskyi-140
| Russia
| AB
| Dry cargo
| Nort –West FL
| 06.2011
| 02.2012
| Delos Ranger
| Bahamas
| AB
| Bulk - carrier
| Enterprises Shipping & Trading Company
| 09.2012
| 01.2013
| Clipper Marlin
| Bahamas
| AB
| Multipurpose
| Clipper
| 03.2013
| 11.2013
| Warrior
| Bahamas
| AB
| Bulk - carrier
| Enterprises Shipping & Trading Company
| 03.2014
| 10.2014
| Warrior
| Bahamas
| AB
| Bulk - carrier
| Enterprises Shipping & Trading Company
| 07.2015
| 10.2015
| Mariya
| Russia
| AB
| Dry cargo
| STK-Vytegra
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 869