Second Mid-term control questions1. Select the statement about red blood cells that is incorrect.
a) Mature red blood cells lack nuclei.
b) Red blood cells contain hemoglobin.
c) Deoxyhemoglobin carries oxygen.
d) Red blood cells lack mitochondria.
2. The type of anemia that is fairly common and caused by insufficient dietary iron is ____.
a) aplastic anemia
b) pernicious anemia
c) hemolytic anemia
d) iron deficiency anemia
3. The largest cells in the blood that leave the bloodstream to become macrophages are the___
a) eosinophils
b) monocytes
c) basophils
d) neutrophils
4. A person with eosinophilia, or greater than normal numbers of eosinophils, is most likely suffering from ____________
a) allergies or internal parasites
b) anemia
c) an autoimmune disease
d) diabetes
5. An acute infection would show up in a blood count as ______________.
a) Leucopenia
b) leukocytosis
c) too few helper T cells
d) thrombocytopenia
6. When blood clumps or forms visible islands in the still liquid plasma, it is called:
a) clotting
b) agglutination
c) Platelets
d) none of the above
7. Which is not a granulocyte?
a) neutrophil
b) basophil
c) leucocyte
d) Thrombocytes
8. Which of the following are functions of the blood?
a) transportation
b) regulation
c) protection
d) all of the above
9. From where does the blood get its colour from?
a) Haemoglobin
b) Plasma
c) Platelets
d) Capillaries
10. The most numerous cell in the bood is the
a) red blood cell
b) neutrophil
c) lymphocyte
d) basophil
e) eosinophi
11. What type of epithelium forms the epidermis?
a) Simple squamous epithelium
b) Simple cuboidal epithelium
c) Simple columnar epithelium
d) Stratified squamous epithelium
12. What type of epithelium is composed of flat cells?
a) Simple
b) Stratified
c) Squamous
d) Cuboidal
13. What are finger like projections on the surface of some cells called?
a) Microvilli
b) Stereocilia
c) Cilia
d) Keratinization
14. What is a gland called if it has an branched duct?
a) Simple gland
b) Compound gland
c) Tubular
d) Alveolar
15. What type of tissue lines the esophagus?
a) Simple squamous epithelium
b) Simple cuboidal epithelium
c) Simple columnar epithelium
d) Stratified squamous epithelium
16. What type of epithelium is one cell layer thick?
a) Simple
b) Stratified
c) Squamous
d) Cuboidal
17. What type of epithelial cells are taller than they are wide?
a) Simple
b) Stratified
c) Squamous
d) Columnar
18. Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue?
a) Blood
b) Bone
c) Tendon
d) Myometrium
19. Which of the following is NOT a fiber found in connective tissue?
a) Collagen fiber
b) Elastic fiber
c) Reticular fiber
d) Purkinje fiber
20. What type of tissue makes up the dermis of the skin?
a) Mucous connective tissue
b) Mesenchyme
c) Loose irregular connective tissue
d) Dense irregular connective tissue
Final Control - The questions for the exam for the course "Cytology and Histology"
1. Typical animal cell. (basic description)
2. Typical plant cell. (basic description)
3. Cell membrane. (basic description, functions)
4. Cytoskeleton. (basic description, functions)
5. Ribosomes. (basic description, functions)
6. Rough endoplasmic reticulum. (basic description, functions)
7. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum. (basic description, functions)
8. Golgi apparatus. (basic description, functions)
9. Lysosomes. (basic description, functions)
10. Vacuoles. (basic description, functions)
11. Mitochondrion. (basic description, functions)
12. Cell nucleus. (basic description, functions)
13. Apoptosis and necrosis. (basic description)
14. Mitosis. (basic description)
15. Meiosis. (basic description)
16. Epithelial tissue. (basic description, functions)
17. Connective tissue. (basic description, functions)
18. Cartilage and bone. (basic description, functions)
19. Blood. (basic description, functions)
20. Bone marrow. (basic description, functions)
21. Hematopoiesis. (basic description, functions)
22. Muscular tissue. (basic description, functions)
23. Nervous tissue. (basic description, functions)
24. The cardiovascular tissue. (basic description, functions)
25. The upper gastrointestinal tract. (basic description, functions)
26. The lower gastrointestinal tract. (basic description, functions)
27. The liver, pancreas and gallbladder. (basic description, functions)
28. The female reproductive system. (basic description, functions)
29. The male reproductive system. (basic description, functions)
30. The urinary system. (basic description, functions)
31. Microscopes (work with a visual aid)
32. Plant cell (work with a visual aid)
33. Animal cell (work with a visual aid)
34. Epithelial tissue. (work with a visual aid)
35. Connective tissue. (work with a visual aid)
36. Muscular tissue. (work with a visual aid)
37. Nervous tissue (work with a visual aid)
Date: 2016-01-03; view: 1993