GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS - Is your use of tenses correct for the context?
· Is your use of tenses consistent (or do you sometimes slip from past to present)?
· Are definite and indefinite articles used correctly?
· Are your sentences compete?
· Have you used a variety of structures?
· Are words within sentences and sentences within paragraphs correctly linked?
· Have you overused and and but?
· Could you make more use of linking words and expressions?
· Have you made any careless spelling slips?
· Have you used commas, full stops, quotation marks correctly?
· Have you used the right word for the meaning you intend?
· Have you used more words than necessary to say what you need?
· Is the register consistent throughout?
How effectively does your Essay
Address the Topic?
1. Does it focus on the assigned topic? 1. _____
2. Does it complete all tasks set forth by the assignment? 2. _____
Organize Its thoughts?
3. Is there an effective introduction? 3. _____
4. Are the paragraphs logically arranged? 4. _____
5. does each paragraph focus on one main ides? 5. _____
6. Are there smooth transitions between paragraphs? 6. _____
7. Is there an effective closing? 7. _____
Support Its Points?
8. Are there sufficient specific details to the issue? 8. _____
9. Are the examples given relevant to the issue? 9. _____
10. Are the examples fully developed? 10. ___
Use Language Correctly?
11. Are grammar and usage correct? 11. ___
12. Is punctuation correct? 12. ___
13. Is spelling correct? 13. ___
14. Is vocabulary correct? 14. ___
The Republic of Belarus has a very favorable geopolitical situation in the center of Europe. It is situated at the crossroads of trunk-railways and highways, systems of oil- and gas-pipe lines, flow lines between Western Europe and Asia. On the East Belarus borders on Russian Federation, on the West on Poland, on the North on Latvia and Lithuania, on the South on the Ukraine. The distance between Minsk, the capital of Belarus, and the capitals of the neighboring states is as follows: up to Vilnius 115 miles, to Riga 296, to Warsaw 342, to Kiev 347, to Moscow 435miles. Administratively, Belarus can be divided into 6 main regions: Brest region, Vitebsk region, Gomel region, Grodno region, Minsk region and Mogilev region; the city of Minsk can be singled out as an independent unit.
The territory of Belarus is 80,15 thousand square miles. Its length from north to south is 348 miles, from west to east 404 miles. The length of the borders is 1845 miles.
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 871