Text 5 KINDS OF NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENTSYou have learned about two basic kinds of advertisements used in the newspapers (classified and display). Now you can learn that there are some other kinds of ads. Having read the explanation take any copy of a newspaper and try to find the kinds of ads described in the text
Business Card Ad
A business-card ad is a small rectangular newspaper ad that usually has a relatively thick outside border. The ad is about the size of a typical business card or slightly larger. Business card ads usually contain the name of a company, a little about the company's offer and products and a blurb that may differentiate a company from competitors: "Serving the great Cincinnati area since 1969." These ads may be placed near the classified section or in whatever space the newspaper publisher designates for them. They are frequently grouped together.
Coupon Ad
A coupon ad can be highly effective because the consumer can save money on a company's product or service. They are geared toward services or products that people use frequently. Coupon ads can be any size, but publishers usually keep the size fairly uniform throughout the newspaper.
Circulars are the glossy inserts that come tucked inside a newspaper. They are frequently printed by a third party and shipped to a newspaper's printing center, where they are inserted into the paper. Because of their expense, circulars are most commonly used by national chains who can advertise in a variety of markets.
Spadeas are another type of newspaper ad. A spadea is a separately printed yet shorter sheet of paper that wraps around the left spine of a newspaper. Spadeas are also folded in half with the newspaper and can be easily removed for viewing. Companies can print on one or both sides of a spadea. The primary benefit of a spadea is that it gets the reader's attention because it covers part of the front page. This little annoyance is what helps draw attention to the spadea.
Legal Advertising
Legal advertising generally appears in or near the classified ads. Legal ads contain information that is required by law to be made available to the public. The information is usually of a specific and professional nature. Notices to creditors, name changes and information about public hearings are typical of this type of advertising. Any individual placing legal advertising will generally do so with the advice of an attorney.
By Rick Suttle, eHow contributor
The following text is composed of 5 parts, each part containing biographical data of a prominent journalist.
· First, you should split into pairs, choose one of the texts and read about the journalist.
· Second, write out key words that may help you to reconstruct the text.
· Then, exchange the key words with your partners.
· And finally, try to retell/reconstruct the text using your partners’ list of key words.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1174