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Exercise 4. Look at the pictures and speak about these people using the model below.


1. (taxi driver / drive a taxi / wash the taxi)

- What does the taxi driver do?

- He drives a taxi.

- Is he driving a taxi now?

- No, he isn’t. He is washing the taxi.



2. (nurse / look after patients / read a book)











3. (maid / clean the house / talk on the phone)










4. (vet / treat animals / listen to music)










5.(mechanic / repair cars / eat a sandwich)










6. waiter / serve customers / read a newspaper









Exercise 5. Read the following dialogue between the hotel owner and the receptionist. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.



A: Good morning, Catherine. A special guest 1)………..(come) to our hotel today.

B: Really! 2) …………………(I/know) who it is?

A: I 3)………………(think) you do. He 4)……………..(star) in the TV series, ‘Rooftop’, at the moment.

B: It 5) ………………… (be) Paul Roberts, isn’t it? When 6) ……………..(he/come)? I can’t wait to meet him in person!

A: At 3 o’clock this afternoon. But there are a few things you 7)…………..(need) to know. First of all, he 8)…………….. (love) flowers. He also 9) …………..(enjoy) having his breakfast in the dining – room, not in his room.

B: Why 10) …………. (he/stay) at our hotel?

A. Because he 11) ………………(want) some peace and quiet and he 12)…….(not/like) to be disturbed by reporters.

B: I see. Well, let’s hope that everything will be okay while he 13) …………(stay) here.


Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.



Dear Martin,

How are you and Sally? I 1)…(hope) you are well. I 2)……………………(write) to give you some good news. I have got a summer job for the holidays! I 3) ……………(repair) telephone lines for a telephone company.

I …………..(usually/ride) my bicycle to work because it’s only a ten minute ride for home. We 5) …………..(start) work at 8:3.We 6) …………….(finish) at 4:30 on Mondays, Thursdays, but at 2:30 on Fridays, so I 7)……………….(have) long weekends.

I 8) ……………..(work) very hard at the moment. To tell you the truth, I 9)……………(be) a bit nervous because my boss 10) ………………(leave) for Scotland on business next week, so I’ll be on my own. Lizzie says I 11) ………………(worry) about it too much. She’s probably right!

Please write with your news. Say hello to Sally for

Best wishes,



Exercise 7. Some of the staff at Frisco Stores are having their lunch break. Use the words in the brackets to complete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple.



0. Charlie …is eating a sandwich….

(eat / a sandwich)

1. Kofi………………………………..

(be / the manager)

2. Kofi ……………………………….

(talk / to a customer)

3. ‘What is Julian doing?’ ‘He…………

………..’ (fill / the shelves)

4. Lousie ……………………………..

( work/ at the checkout)

5. Charlie …………………..................

(drink / a cup of coffee)

6. Charlie……………………………….

(read / a novel)

7. Charlie……………………………….

(sell / meat)

8. ‘Where are Julian and Kofi’ ‘…………

……………….’ (work / in the shop)

9. ‘Where are Lousie and Charlie?’ ‘……

………………..’ (be / in the canteen)

10. ‘What is Julian’s job? ’ ‘He……………

……………………..(fill / the shelves)’


Exercise 7. Look at picture A and say what the Hendersons usually do on Saturday morning, as in the example. Then, look at picture B and say what they are doing this Saturday morning.




e.g. Mr Henderson usually reads his newspaper.



e.g. Mr Henderson is taking pictures.



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Exercise 1. Put the verbs in the brackets into Present Continuous or Present Simple. | Unit 5 Paper and ink Text 1 Ink
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