Task 4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box set policies labor shortages host country evidenced subvert clash remote displacement identified with profiteering diversity interdependence strains supplant ostensibly host tramples interaction foster contend plundering confronted necessitate contested
| 1. “Globalization” is a term describing the increasing ______, integration and ______ among people, companies and corporations around the world.
2. Informational globalization represents an increase in information flows between geographically ______ locations.
3. Critics of free trade ______ that it may lead to the destruction of a country’s native industry, environment and or a loss of jobs.
4. Critics of international investment contend that by accepting these financial scheme a country loses its economic sovereignty and may be forced to ______ that are contrary to its citizen’s interests.
5. Free migration allows individuals to find employment in countries where there are _____.
6. There is a concern that migration may lead to the exploitation of workers from a migrant country and the _______of workers from a _______.
7. The political aspects of globalization are _______ when governments create international rules and institutions to deal with issues such as human rights, environment, etc.
8. Critics, on the other hand, fear that economic interests either _______ the nation state in its ability to protect its citizens from economic exploitation.
9. Cultural global ties spread multiculturalism and better individual access to cultural _____.
10. However, these ties may also cause ______ for example Western ideas of freedom and expression may _______ with Islamic views on Religious tolerance.
11. Moreover, the imported culture may easily _______ the local culture, causing reduction in diversity through hybridization or even assimilation.
12. One more aspect of globalization is the revolutionary change in technology, particularly, in transport and communication, which ______ creates a global village.
13. Currently, globalization has become ________ a number of trends, most of which may have developed or accelerated since World War II.
14. Critics have not reached a consensus yet because beneath the relatively simple questions there is a ______of more complex questions.
15. Others (anti-globalists), contend that globalization is economically, socially, politically, and ecologically negative: as an engine of "corporate imperialism;" one which ______ over human rights in developing societies, claims to bring prosperity, yet often simply amounts to _______ and _______..
16. Although globalization and trade liberalization may _______ economic growth, this growth is unequally distributed between groups in society.
17. The world is increasingly ________ with problems that can not be solved by individual nation-states acting alone.
18. Solutions to these problems ________ new forms of cooperation and the creation of new global institutions.
19. The exact form and character of the global society is ________ and will be determined by the choice we make in the critical decades ahead.
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1688