The tools and instruments used in building construction.Warming – up
1. What tools and instruments do you know ?
2. What tools are mostly used in building construction?
3. What do you think about functions of tools?
I. Look at these diagrams of the tools used by tradesmen working on a building site:

Now copy and complete the table with the correct tools or combination of tools for the jobs:
| Job
| Tool (s)
| a) Carpenter
| drilling holes in wood
| b) Bricklayer
| mixing mortar
| c) Plasterer
| smoothing the plaster on a wall
| d) Carpenter
| cutting wood j
| e) Plumber
| cutting metal pipes
| f) Electrician
| cutting electric cables
| g) Carpenter
| making a mortise-and-tenon joint
| h) Plumber
| smoothing metal surfaces
| i) Electrician
| removing the outer sheathing of wire
| j) Carpenter
| turning screws
| k) Decorator
| painting surfaces
| 1) Bricklayer
| cutting bricks
| m) Plumber
| tightening nuts
| n) Electrician
| twisting strands of wire together
| o) Carpenter
| smoothing wood surfaces
| p) Bricklayer
| laying mortar on
| bricks
| q) Carpenter
| removing nails
| Now make sentences like the example:
A brace and bit is a tool for drilling holes in wood.
II. Look at these drawings of instruments:
Now make sentences from this table:
| lighting engineer
structural engineer
acoustic engineer
heating and ventilating engineer
| a square
a plumb-bob
a hygrometer
a strain gauge
a voltmeter
a sound pressure meter
a daylight factor meter
a thermometer
a spirit level
a steel tape
| check verticality.
measure the illumination from the sky.
measure the sound pressure.
measure the relative humidity.
check vertical and horizontal work.
measure the temperature.
measure the voltage of a circuit.
check squareness.
measure distances.
measure the strain on a structure.
| Use thetable again to make sentences like thefollowing:
may by means of
Verticality can be checked by using a plumb-bob.
Lesson 15

Lesson 1
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