Номера и название лабораторных работ, практических работ, тем семинарских занятий по каждому модулю.
1-Модуль1.Входной контроль Тест 2.The history of building. 3.From the history of Architecture. 4. General building types. 5.Types of buildings. 6. Types of building. Part II 7. Control work.
2-Модуль. 8. Properties and Shapes. 9. Properties of material. 10. The Most and Widely Used Building materials. 11. The Most and Widely Used Building materials. Part II 12 Concrete a –Yearning for the Monolithic. 13.Plastic House looks to the future. 14. Toefl test.Cement: Man’s miracle mix. 15. Control work.
3-Модуль. 1.Arches 2. Beams. 3. Domes and Related Elements. 4. Floor Systems. 5. Foundations.
6. Shells. 7. Control work.
4-Модуль. 8. Toefl test. Architectural Design. 9. Planning House. 10. Colours in your home 11. Great Sphinx. The Athenian Acropolis. (Slide Show) 12. Colliseum. Hagia Sophia or the Church of Holy Wisdom. (Slide Show) 13. Some building Professions. 14. Toefl test. Types of building. 15. Control work.
5-Модуль1. High Strength Concrete Part I 2. High Strength Concrete Part II 3. Rendered Facades, but with What Finish? Coloured, Painted or Coated? Part I 4.Rendered Facades, but with What Finish? Coloured, Painted or Coated? Part II 5. Industrial building Typology Part I
6. Industrial building Typology Part II 7. Control work
6-Модуль8.Water Supply 9. Sewerage 10. Panel Heating 11. All-Year Air conditioning,Ventilation, Gas Supply 12. All-Year Air Conditioning,Ventilation, Gas Supply onditioning,Ventilation, Gas Supply Part II .13. Principles of Air Conditioning .14. Principles of Air Conditioning Part II 15. Control work.
Номера и название СРС по модулям
Модуль 1
Task 1
The theme: From the history of building and architecture.
Aim: to develop students’ speaking activity
Form: Presentation
Task 2
The theme: I’ve chosen architecture as a career because …
I’ve chosen building as a career because …
Aim: to develop students’ speaking and writing activity
Form: Essay
Task 3
The theme: Types of buildings
Aims: to develop students’ writing skills.
Form: Making collage
Task 4
The theme: The interior of a modern residential building.
Aim: to develop students’ speaking and writing activity
Form: Summary
Task 5
The theme: Types of buildings
The aim: to develop students’ writing skills
The form: making a crossword
Модуль 2
Task 1
The theme: The most important and widely used building materials
Aim: to develop students’ speaking and writing activity
Form: Report
Task 2
The theme: “Shapes and properties”
Aim: to develop student’ creative thinking and to enlarge word-stock.
Form: Glossary
Task 3
The theme: Building company
The aim: to develop students’ communicative skills
The form: problem solving
Task 4
The theme: The most important and widely used building materials
The aim: to develop students’ communicative and speaking skills
The form: Make a slide presentation
Task 5
The theme: Make up a dialogue ”The shape of buildings”
Aim: develop students’ speaking skills and logical thinking.