Why exactly do we need a website? What is the purpose of our website? These are questions we must ask ourselves before we hire a designer and start throwing text onto pages.
Anyone can put anything on the web, but good website needs to call visitors to action. Whatever methods we employ, we must remember what is the purpose of the site. Our site should have multiple purposes: 1) to provide good information about our product, but also 2) try to involve consumers in our product life circle.
The main drawback of our competitors is the weak involvement of customers in the life of the product. It is better to avoid this fault.
Step Two: Develop an Outline of Site Content
Once we're decided on our purpose we can outline the content and functionality our site will need. If we want people to request more information via e-mail or to send their ideas to us and we want to capture their mailing addresses, we'll need a form and a way to process the data. The functionality of the site can get quite fancy, but we should remember the purpose while developing the site outline...all the bells and whistles are useless if they don't drive visitors to take the action you want.
We offer you to develop a good corporate site with elements of catalogue. Before describing recommended content, let’s see the possible design and take a look what corporate websites usually include:
· A homepage
· A navigation bar or other means for accessing various site sections
· A unified look and feel incorporating the company logos, style sheets, and graphic images.
· An "about us" section with some or all of these:
ü A summary of company operations, history, and mission statement
ü A list of the company's products and services
ü A "news" section containing press releases, press kits, and/or links to news articles about the company
· Contact information. Sometimes includes a feedback form by which visitors may submit messages
Corporate sites may also include the following:
· A splash page as an entry point that directs users to the site's home page
· A site map
· A blog with news and commentary about the company, its products and services
· A "store locator" or similar feature used to find nearby retail locations of the company or where the company's products or services can be found
· A calendar or events section
Step Three: Decide on How we will Get our Website Designed
We offer you to choose some fresh pure virgin colors: white and green (as our packaging design did). Contrast of colors (such as combination of black and white, red and green, red and white on a white background) are easy to remember for the visitors. Such combinations are imprinted in memory and encourage to tell about this site to friends. Using of images in a minimalist style (pictures of fruits, trees, tea leaves, mint) not overload the site.
Here you can see ahomepage structure.
Brand name is written inside the circle of pure green color. Pressing the brand name from any page visitor enters the home page.
A navigation bar #1 for accessing various sections helps visitor to surf the site: Your tea collection, Around the World, About company, People and places, Contacts (for more information about each content see below).
A navigation bar #2 for accessing additional sections such as News, Gallery, Log in and Red Button (for feedback, ideas or complaints). For more information about each content see below.
Here we mention all social networks where we hold contests for our loyal customers.
Button for quick enter the main page (see below).
Site includes several changeable modules that vary from page to page: 1) image + mini text 2) filter or text or music or link to another page.
Main page
On the main page we can place the most current and interesting information. This page is targeted at those people who have come to the site out of curiosity or by accident. If the visitor doesn’t know what he wants to see first, we give him the opportunity to learn about the most interesting things.
Pleasure and fun
This page contains all the information about current and future tastings, promotions, events, club meetings, dating. Here you can see an example of such event: 1) log in or register 2) get address 3) come and get a green umbrella 4) find new friends. It also may be some interviews or master-classes.
It contains 2 sub-pages: Lucky Mellow and Mellow Events.
Your Tea Collection
This section introduces visitors with company's products.
Built-in filter allows visitors to choose type and flavor of tea that fits the current mood, time of consumption or desire (to cheer up, to calm down etc.). With a results of such a choice visitor gets a link to and a list of music that we advise him or her to listen.
Next step - tea collection information: packaging options, product composition etc.
Here we can show the internal content (composition) of the tea pack or even tea bag: foto or 3D pack model.
Around the World
What does unite the world? Tea! Sri Lanka and Spain, China and Kenya! This countries provide the best tea ingredients.
This section contains interesting facts about different corners of the globe, interactive map of the world. Visitor can choose - the world “with tea” (peace, friendship, joy) and a world “without tea” (fairy tales about countries who unaware of each other, and so on). Moreover this is a good source for challenging competitions in .
· Company contacts (phone number, e-mail)
· Feedback form (opens when you press the Red Button)
· Red button concept explanation
About company
Information about the company is an important part of the site, but the purpose of the site is to inform about the product. Therefore, this page must contain only abstracts, only the major milestones and achievements of the company. Otherwise it’ll spoil the impression and will create a sense of careless work of copywriter.