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INCOMING CALL: Rachel Berry. 1 page

"Rachel," he muttered. "I'm going to answer this, so that she doesn't come down to find out what's going on and then I'm turning my phone off and we'll figure this out and then we'll just hang out, okay?"

Blaine sniffed in response and Kurt rested a hand on his thigh as he clicked 'accept call'. "Hello?"

"Kurt? Is everything okay?" Rachel asked, sounding alarmed. "Is Blaine—"

"Uh, not exactly, but it's not what you're thinking. It's more, um, personal," Kurt apprised her. "He'll be okay, though." Kurt gave Blaine a smile as he stroked his leg, not sexually, just in a comforting fashion. "Thanks for checking up on us."

"If you're sure.."

"Honestly, Rachel," Kurt said. "We've got it under control. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Rachel was silent for a few seconds and Blaine was taking broken breaths and letting out stuttering sighs. "Alright," Rachel said, finally. "If you need anything—"

"I'll call you. Thanks," Kurt replied, then hung up.

He looked across at Blaine, who still had his face in his hands. He was shaking, his body rising and falling as he inhaled and exhaled unevenly. Kurt frowned.

"Hey," he said, trying to pull Blaine's hands away from his face. "Hey, come on, Blaine. Forget it. Forget about him, okay? It's okay."

Blaine didn't budge, just continued to sit there, face buried in his hands, breathing heavily, like he couldn't catch his breath. Kurt moved closer and placed a hand gently down on his boyfriend's shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze.

"Come on," he said, quietly. "Sit up."

A quiet sob escaped Blaine's lips, but he wasn't crying. He didn't cry. He hadn't cried since Kurt had left him in Ohio a little over a year ago. Blaine always tried to be strong, to pretend like nothing phased him and sometimes, he just needed to let go.

"Let's go in the bedroom, okay?" Kurt said, standing up. "Come on," he smiled sadly and held a hand out to Blaine.

Blaine dropped his hands, but kept his gaze on the floor. He reached up and took Kurt's outstretched hand and allowed him to pull him to his feet. "It'll be okay," Kurt assured him and lead him to the bedroom. He pulled him inside and shut the door and Blaine let go of his hand and went to sit on the edge of the bed. His face was in his hands again. Kurt went and sat next to him.

Kurt sat there just listening to the sound of his breathing. He wanted to wrap him up in his arms and hold him until he believed Kurt when he said it would be okay, but Blaine was giving off vibes that told Kurt not to, to just let him have a moment. A long silence passed before either of them spoke.

"You can use Hummel."

Blaine's body stilled. He dropped his hands again and raised his head slowly, eyes going to Kurt. He looked so young like that. Kurt smiled and gave him a nod.

"Baby, I—"

"We're practically married anyway, Blaine."

"Yeah, but we're not."

Kurt eyed him, carefully. Perhaps he had overstepped, scared Blaine off a little. Maybe he didn't want to marry him. Ever. Kurt's stomach tightened.

"We're not," Blaine repeated. "And I wanted to do it, right, y'know? I don't want to just use your name because I have no choice. I want your name when I get to add it on officially, legally."

Relief poured through Kurt's body. "So, you do want to marry me?" he asked, to be sure. "Some day, I mean?" he added, quickly.

Blaine's eyes flashed. "That's a ridiculous question," he told Kurt. "I'm going to marry you some day. I thought that was a given." Kurt's heard contracted in his chest and he beamed at Blaine. "Doesn't mean we're skipping the proposal, though," Blaine told him, smiling a teeny, tiny, little bit. "I'm going to romance the crap out of you, Mr Hummel."

Kurt chuckled and they just sat there smiling at one another and Kurt could still see the panic and bewilderment on Blaine's face. He moved forward and tried to hug him, but Blaine just looked up at him for an explanation.

"I can't hug you without a reason?" Kurt asked and Blaine sighed and fell into his arms. Kurt held him close and breathed him in. "I know you try to be strong, Blaine, but it's just us." He didn't have to explain that, Blaine knew what he was getting at. "Just us," he repeated in a whisper into Blaine's neck.

Kurt pulled back a bit, took Blaine's hand and pulled him down with him, so that they lay on their sides on the bed. Kurt moved across and took Blaine back in his arms.

"Promise me," Blaine uttered into Kurt's ear.


"Promise me you won't think any less of me if I cry."

"Are you serio—I promise," Kurt assured him. "Even though that's the stupidest sentence ever to come out of your mouth. I promise. You know I won't."

Blaine was still a little too rigid in his arms. "I don't want to, Kurt," he told him. "I don't want to cry. He doesn't deserve my tears."

"You haven't cried properly in a year," Kurt reminded him. "Let it out and I promise you'll feel better afterwards."

He lay there for a few seconds more, then Kurt felt him sighing, before going slack in his arms and then his body began convulsing. Kurt rubbed even circles across his back and whispered that it would be okay, that he was there and everything was going to work out just fine. He hated seeing him like this, so lost and broken. Kurt couldn't help remembering the first time Blaine had admitted he was gay and he just seemed to fall to pieces, his eyes filled with fear and panic. Kurt had held him then, too and he would continue holding him whenever he needed it.

Blaine was muttering something over and over into Kurt's neck, like a mantra. Kurt held him away a little and looked down into this red-rimmed eyes, shining and dilated.

"What?" he asked, softly. "What is it?"

"I won't change my name," he told Kurt, a small hiccup escaping his lips. "I won't. I want something I can.. Something I can give to you, when we finally do it. When we finally get married. It's completely unfair of me to get to take your name when you don't get mine."

Kurt smiled at him, his heart huge in his chest. "I won't mind," he told him. "If that's how it has to be, it's okay. So long as I've got you."

"You've always got me," Blaine said, matter-of-factly. "But, no, I've been Blaine Anderson all my life. I won't change it for anyone. Only for you, but we'll double-barrell that, or something."

Kurt smiled, sadly and pushed Blaine's gelled hair off his forehead, where it had become matted. "Anderson-Hummel, huh?"

"Hummel-Anderson," Blaine corrected.

Kurt looked up at him. "Really?"

"Really," Blaine affirmed, taking Kurt's hand and entwining their fingers. "For me, you'll always come first."

Kurt slipped an arm around Blaine's wait and pulled him closer. "But you'll always come first for me, too."

"I want it to be like that, though," Blaine whispered. "I want Hummel-Anderson. Unless you hate that."

"I don't hate it," Kurt assured him. "I just want you to be sure."

"I am," Blaine smiled. "We've got time to figure it out, anyway."

"Yeah," Kurt said, smiling back. He'd been planning his wedding ever since he'd found out what a wedding was. He changed his mind a lot and he knew that when the time came, Blaine would want a say in it and he valued his opinion. They'd get it right together. For now, they had other things to deal with. "Do you want to go get a shower?" Kurt asked, running a hand over Blaine's sticky hair. "Then we'll just chill and do whatever you want."

Blaine gave a small inclination of his head, his eyes low. Then he looked up at Kurt, his eyes golden and glistening. "Can you.. Will you join me?"

Kurt smiled at his bashfulness. "Of course, if you want me to."

"We don't even have to do anything!" Blaine added, quickly. "I just.. I want you near me."

Kurt leaned up and pulled Blaine up with him. "You don't have to explain yourself to me." He stood up and dragged Blaine to his feet. "Come on, let's go get that crap out of your hair."

Blaine kept his eyes on Kurt as they undressed in the bathroom. Kurt was undoing the top button on his jeans, while Blaine shrugged his sweater vest over his head.

"Where's Santana?" Kurt asked, unzipping.

"Oh, she went out. We talked. She said to thank you for letting her stay."

Kurt smiled and began tugging his tight jeans down his legs. Blaine unbuttoned his shirt and threw it to the side, then went to work on his own pants. Kurt slipped his vest off, then lifted his white, long-sleeved shirt over his head and Blaine's breath caught in his chest, just as it always did when Kurt was devoid of his clothes. He looked extra pale under the bright bathroom lights. Blaine kicked his pants off, then hooked his fingers into the top of his boxers and pushed them away. He saw Kurt smiling mischievously, his eyes watching Blaine sideways. Kurt took his own underwear off, then shivered and walked towards the shower. He pulled the door open and began messing with the dial, trying to get the temperature right.

Blaine felt his cock twitching slightly and he wished it wouldn't, because he didn't want Kurt to think that was the reason he wanted him there. However, being naked and wet in a shower with Kurt Hummel meant it wasn't very likely Blaine would remain.. Well, not erect.

"Okay," Kurt said, finally. He turned to face Blaine. "That should be fine. Ready?" He outstretched a hand and Blaine took it and allowed Kurt to pull him to him. Kurt, Blaine noticed, was not growing hard at all.

Kurt stepped into the shower and shuddered, as he pulled Blaine in with him. The hot water hit Blaine's skin, making him gasp. He got used to the temperature and then Kurt closed the door and it was just the two of them in that small, confined, hot space. Blaine swallowed.

"Turn around and let me save your hair," Kurt told him, loudly over the sound of the water pelting against the floor beneath them.

Blaine turned without a word and he heard Kurt popping the shampoo bottle open and then Kurt's hands were in his hair, sending tiny, electric thrills all along the back of his neck and down his spine. Kurt was humming something and Blaine couldn't help noticing just how close Kurt's soft cock was to his ass. They had showered together many times in the past, but mostly after sex and every time had ended with them getting intimate sexually again. This was different. They had never showered together just for the sake of showering.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, washing the shampoo out.

"Nothing," Blaine told him, voice a little too high. He was already semi-hard now. "Turn around and I'll get yours."

Kurt turned away from him and Blaine turned, too, but what he had thought would be a good idea, turned out to be a bad one. Instead of having Kurt's penis close to his ass, Kurt's ass was now close to Blaine's penis and in his line of sight, which definitely wasn't good.

Blaine took the shampoo bottle from the small holder on the tiled wall. He squeezed some into his hand and reached up to run it through Kurt's hair, which was already flat and matted to his head. Blaine stood a few inches back, because he didn't want Kurt to feel his erection, so it made it difficult to reach, since Kurt was already taller than him.

"Think you can duck a little?" Blaine asked. "I can't reach."

Kurt chuckled and before Blaine knew what he was doing, he said, "Don't laugh at me."

Kurt turned around and looked at him, concern on his face. "Hey," he said, reaching out and taking Blaine by the shoulders. "I didn't mean anything by it. When have I ever criticised your height? I don't care what you look like, you know that. Even though you are exceptionally gorgeous. There isn't a thing I'd change about you."

"I know," Blaine told him. "I know, I'm sorry. I don't know why I said it. I.. I know you didn't mean anything, I just.. Turn back around?"

Kurt gave him a smile and twisted back around, then bent his knees a little, so that Blaine could reach, but as Blaine washed Kurt's hair, all he could think about was what bending his knees meant.

He was almost half hard now and he assumed Kurt was still soft. A few minutes later, Kurt turned around and Blaine kept his eyes straight ahead. Kurt reached out and turned him around again, then began running his fingers across the contours of his back. Blaine's heart was hammering, his blood racing through his veins.

"You're unbelievably tense," Kurt told him, kneading his fingers into his lower back. "Relax, honey."

Blaine tried to relax. 'Honey' was one of those terms of endearment Kurt had began using at one point, something that had just flowed, naturally and Blaine remembered the first time he had said it. He remembered how Kurt hadn't even noticed he'd said it until Blaine repeated it, with a question mark on the end. The little affectionate terms made him smile. He loved that these things were theirs and nobody else's. Like babe and baby. Like pretty boy.

Blaine froze, remembering that he'd punched Colton. Thinking about the first time Kurt had called him babe sent him back to that day, the day he had come out, which brought Colton to mind, because Colton was apparently lying to Kurt about being in the closet.

"What?" Kurt asked, concern laced in his voice. "What's wrong?" Blaine stayed quiet, trying to work out a way to tell him. "Blaine, if it's the thing about you saying you couldn't reach, honestly, I didn't mean anything by laughing. I think you're perfect."

"It isn't that." He couldn't have Kurt thinking that.

"What is it then?" Kurt asked, taking Blaine's shoulders an urging him back around to face him. "Blaine?" he said, eyes locked on Blaine. He was blinking, too, because of the water pouring down over his face. "Baby?"

"I ruin everything," Blaine exhaled and his knees gave in.

Kurt dropped down next to Blaine, whose head was now down, his hands over his face again. Kurt reached across and pulled his hands away. Blaine tried to pull free, but Kurt held him tight.

"Okay," he said, hoping he sounded reassuring. "Okay, it's okay. You've had a bad day, it's okay."

Blaine pulled his knees up to his chest. His eyes were wide and frantic and he was breathing far too quickly. "No, it isn't."

"First off, slow down," Kurt said, running his thumb over Blaine's knuckles. "Slow down and breathe."

"I need to tell you something."

Kurt tried to remain calm. He was afraid, because Blaine was afraid. He kept himself steady, holding onto Blaine, trying to keep him calm, too. "Alright," he nodded. "Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

A long time seemed to pass before Blaine's bright copper eyes were on him and he was opening his mouth. "I punched Colton."

Kurt's body raced with relief once again. "Oh, God," he said, exhaling, his shoulders slumping. "Is that all? You're okay?"

Blaine looked confused. "Is.. Is that all?" he repeated.

Kurt smiled on instinct. "You scared me," he told Blaine. "So, what did he do?"

Blaine was staring at Kurt with his mouth open in a small 'o' shape. He was soaking wet, glistening with drops of water and he looked small curled up there in the corner of the shower. "H-how do you know it wasn't my fault?"

It had been a long time since Blaine had fallen apart in front of him. It hurt his heart to see him like this, but he knew he needed it sometimes, needed to let go and drop his defences.

"Because I know you've been good with your temper," Kurt supplied. "He must have said something stupid to set you off."

"He said a lot of things," Blaine apprised him, sadly. "He said I.." Blaine shook his head.

"Okay, you know what? It doesn't even matter right now," Kurt said, still holding onto Blaine's hands. "Tell me later. Forget about him and your dad and everything else. Come here."

Kurt moved forward and pulled Blaine against him. Blaine pressed His forehead to Kurt's neck and breathed there, the hot water still hitting their bodies, leaving them pink and hot and flushed. Kurt wrapped his arms around him and rubbed his back, soothingly. He was glad he was okay, but still felt awful that he was going through what he was. Kurt had thought they were past dealing with Blaine's dad. He couldn't believe he had asked him to change his name. That was ridiculous.

Blaine was pulling away. He looked up into Kurt's azure eyes with his only honey glazed ones and just stared at him, breathing in and out quickly, but evenly. Then Blaine tugged him forward and crashed their mouths together and Kurt gave in and let him. He had to climb to his knees to get a better angle and then Blaine kneeled, too and he was clinging to him, holding on to him like he was afraid he was going somewhere. He wasn't.

Kurt crushed their bodies together and he felt Blaine's erection against his skin, so he ground himself against him. Blaine pulled back, gasping. "We.. We don't h-have to. You don't.. If you don't want.." Kurt took Blaine's hand without a word and lowered it, then pressed it to his half-hard cock. "Oh," Blaine squeaked.

Kurt climbed to his feet and took Blaine with him. "I love you, you know," Kurt told him, before leaning across for another kiss. Blaine placed his hands on Kurt's hips and began tilting his body away from him. Kurt unlatched their mouths and allowed Blaine to turn him around, so that he was facing the wall.

"I love you, too," Blaine told him, voice low and then he was pressing himself up against Kurt.

He pressed a warm kiss to Kurt's shoulder and then slid his right hand down Kurt's side and over the swell of his back side. He gave his thigh a gentle pat and Kurt parted his legs, a small groan escaping his lips. Kurt shuddered and Blaine's finger slid across his entrance, familiar and large and slick with water. He muttered against his neck, words Kurt couldn't understand and he couldn't bring himself to care, not when Blaine was touching him like that.

"Blaine," Kurt said and he wasn't sure Blaine had even heard him, because it came out in a needy whisper.

Blaine's finger was slipping easily inside him now, his other hand gripping his hip, holding him still. He kept running his mouth across his shoulder, whispering words against his skin, scraping his teeth across his neck and Kurt needed him inside him and soon.

"Please," Kurt managed.

"Not enough," Blaine said against Kurt's shoulder. "Not yet."

Kurt groaned in frustration, then whimpered, because Blaine had slid a second finger in next to the first. He crooked them a little, brushing Kurt's prostate and he almost hit the ground, the only thing holding him up was Blaine's hand. He tried to grip the shining tiled wall in front of him, but his fingers were slipping. The hot water continued to stream down on top of them and Kurt's body was literally rocking with yearning.

"Blaine," he said again and Blaine placed another kiss to his shoulder, then removed his fingers, leaving Kurt stretched, but empty.

"I've got you," Blaine assured him, his erection prodding against the crack of Kurt's ass. Kurt rocked back against him, needing him so badly. "Fucking gorgeous," Blaine muttered and then he was working himself inside Kurt. Kurt groaned loudly at the intrusion, the size almost too much, but from experience, he knew it would be okay in a few minutes.

"Fuck, shit, crap, damn," Kurt uttered, pressing his forehead to the warm wall. "Dammit, Blaine."

Blaine shushed him, rubbing circles across his back, trying to calm him down. "Take your time," he said, quietly. "Just say when."

Kurt cursed again, then said, "Just do it."


"Sure," Kurt assured him and Blaine pulled his hips back, slowly, then plunged forward again. "You asshole, Jesus Christ—"

Blaine laughed and Kurt elbowed him gently, then settled. He gave him a small nod, the water getting in his eyes and Blaine slipped back out and in again and repeated the motion until Kurt stopped calling him offensive names. Pain switched to pain combined with pleasure and the sound of wet skin against wet skin was driving him crazy. Blaine reached around Kurt and took his cock in his hand and pumped his hand up and down on it quickly and Kurt wanted nothing more than to have Blaine on the bed, because his knees were going to give way any second now. it was too much, too wet, too warm, too overwhelming.

"I won't let you fall," Blaine told him, sliding his other arm around Kurt's waist and holding him close.

"Please just stop talking and fuck me."

"Eloquent, as always," Blaine laughed and his body vibrated against Kurt's and he groaned quietly.

Before he could open his mouth to tell Blaine to just do it, Blaine was doing it. He took Kurt's hips in his hands and began slamming into him, swearing under his breath as he did. Kurt's moans were coming out shakily, like his voice had when he was a child and his dad's car had gone over cobbled stones. Kurt scolded himself, then. He didn't want to think of his dad at a time like this, not when Blaine was literally fucking him into the wall.

Kurt opened his eyes when he felt one of Blaine's hands disappearing from his hip. He watched as his flushed hand reached around, then pulled himself all the way out of Kurt's ass.

"What are you—" Blaine flipped him around to face him and then hoisted one of his legs up around his waist and then the other, so that only Kurt's back was pressed to the wall. "Blaine, I won't be able to hold—"

"Trust me." Kurt trusted Blaine with his life, so he gave him a nod. Blaine positioned himself and then slid back inside Kurt and urged him to hold onto him. "I've got you, baby."

Blaine swung his hips back and forth gently, the sensation almost too much. Kurt flung his head back as Blaine's cock slipped inside him and struck that spot every single time. Blaine knew his body better than Kurt knew it himself. Sometimes Kurt struggled with finding that spot, Blaine always found it without any difficulty whatsoever. Then again, it had probably come from the slight obsession Blaine had with having his fingers inside Kurt.

Kurt felt his body giving in, unable to keep his limbs strong and holding on. Blaine pushed him back up and whispered that he had him again. Kurt was tempted to throw the shower doors open and to just pull Blaine out and throw him down and ride him on the floor, because his body was unable to manage the strength this position required.

"Blaine, I can't!" he groaned, his voice coming out as if he was upset, which he wasn't, not really.

"Okay," Blaine said, quietly. "Okay." He slid out and put Kurt back down on the floor. His legs wobbled and he almost fell. Blaine caught his arms and gave him a nod. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know," Kurt said, tugging Blaine close, not wanting the heat his body provided to go away. "It's not enough. I need.."

"What?" Blaine asked, eyes darkening. "What do you need, beautiful?"

Kurt kissed him, unable to help himself. Blaine pulled back and sucked Kurt's bottom lip into his mouth. Kurt hummed, then threw the doors open and tugged Blaine after him.

"What are you—Oh."

Kurt was on the ground. He had spread towel out on the bathroom floor and he just needed Blaine to climb down onto him and make love to him, nothing holding them apart. Blaine dropped to his knees, eyes drinking Kurt in, running up and down his body.

"Turn over," Blaine said.

Kurt moaned. "No, Blaine, I need—"

"Turn over," Blaine said, again. "Trust me, okay? Turn over."

Kurt groaned, but flipped himself over and Blaine pulled his leg up and slipped back inside him. He let his leg go, then pressed himself down on Kurt's back and caught his wrists in his hands and pressed them into the towel. Then Blaine was moving his hips quickly, crashing into Kurt, their bodies flush against one another. Kurt couldn't hold back any more, the sounds slipped from his mouth and he didn't care any more. Blaine was rotating his hips a little, then pulling out slightly and pushing back in again and soon he had found a rhythm and Kurt was writhing beneath him, because this was exactly what he needed.

"So perfect," Blaine muttered, nibbling briefly on Kurt's earlobe and Kurt made a sound not unlike a hiss. "God, Kurt—"

"Fuck," Kurt exhaled. "Blaine, I need—"

"Got you," Blaine said, slipping a hand under Kurt and taking his throbbing cock in his hand.

The friction was perfect, the towel underneath him, Blaine's hand. He was close and he was sure that with enough patience (patience that he did not possess right then), he could have come simply from Blaine fucking his ass.

"You're beautiful," Blaine said, voice unsteady. He pressed his mouth to Kurt's neck, teeth scraping across his pulse and with a few more pumps of Blaine's hand and a couple of thrusts against the floor and Blaine's hand, Kurt was coming, Blaine's name escaping his lips in what was almost a scream.

Blaine didn't stop fucking him and Kurt thought he might pass out from the heat and the dwindling orgasm, but Blaine didn't stop, didn't even slow his pace, just kept going and Kurt didn't care any more. He went limp and just let him do it. He knew he was close when he started to speed his movements.

"Please don't come inside me," he managed and Blaine chuckled and Kurt groaned, wishing he would finish up and let him sleep.

After a few more thrusts, Blaine pulled out and Kurt rolled himself around to look at him, as he stroked himself quickly, his eyes dark and intense. Within seconds, Blaine was coming all over Kurt. He was whispering Kurt's name over and over and it got louder the more he came.

"I hate you," Kurt told him, once he had collapsed on top of him.

"You love me," Blaine said, tiredly, pressing a lazy kiss to Kurt's swollen lips.

"Now I have to shower again and I don't have the strength."

"I'll help."

"If I fall asleep, don't let me drown."

"God, I love you," Kurt heard Blaine say, then he was laughing and tugging Kurt up off the ground and pushing him back into the shower. "Just sit there and let the water run over you." Blaine climbed in next to him and they did just that.

"Thank you," Blaine said, once they were dry and curled up next to each other in bed.

"If you're thanking me for sex, I'm going to hit you once I have the energy," Kurt warned.

Blaine smiled and pulled him closer. "I meant for everything else," he corrected. "But the sex was pretty awesome, too."

Kurt yawned and buried his head further into Blaine's neck. "Have I ever told you that you talk way too much?"

"Only every five minutes," Blaine teased and kissed Kurt on the top of his head. "I still didn't tell you what happened with Colton."

Kurt groaned again and sighed against Blaine's skin. "Can you tell me after I've slept? Or is it hugely important to you? Because if it is, I'll quit being a bitch and listen."

Blaine thought about it, then shook his head and closed his eyes. "It can wait."

"Thank God," Kurt said and snuggled in closer still. "All joking aside. Are you okay?" Kurt opened his eyes and looked at him, those blue orbs visible through the canopy of his thick lashes.

"Yes," Blaine told him. "I think so. You always make everything better."

"Good," Kurt smiled and Blaine's heart leapt in his chest. "Whatever you're unsure about, we'll figure out, I promise."

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 727

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Statues of Easter Island (10th - 16th Century) Easter Island, Chile | INCOMING CALL: Rachel Berry. 2 page
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