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Sample Reflection and Self Evaluation Rubric


FYI: This is provided for your information as a resource

to improve your post-lesson reflection

“As teachers we must believe in change, must know it is possible, or we wouldn’t be teaching – because education is a constant process of change.

Every single time you “teach” something to someone, it is ingested, something is done with it, and a new human being emerges.”

~ Leo Buscaglia

Reflection and Self Evaluation Rubric:  
  Unacceptable Acceptable Target
Evidence of Impact on No evidence or reasons Provides simplistic, Uses evidence to support conclusions of student
student learning provided to support any superficial reasons or learning. Explores multiple hypotheses for why
(Reflection Questions 7.a) conclusions of student hypotheses to support students did or did not meet learning goals
  learning conclusions of student learning  
Self-Evaluation Minimal self-reflections General reflections are Specific reflections are given that focus on the
(Reflection Question are given. provided focusing on impact of the experience on student learning.
7.b)   teacher behaviors.  
Implications for Future Provides no ideas or Provides ideas for Provides ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction, and assessment and explains why these modifications would improve student learning.
Teaching. inappropriate ideas for redesigning learning
(Reflection Question 7.c) redesigning learning goals, instruction and
  goals, instruction, and assessment but offers no
  assessment. rationale for why these changes
    would improve student learning.  
First Interpretation of Interpretation is Interpretation is Interpretation is meaningful, and appropriate
data of impact on learning from Sub inaccurate, and conclusions are missing technically accurate, but conclusions conclusions are drawn from data.
Group/Individual or unsupported by data are missing or not fully supported  
(Reflection Question   by data.  
Second Interpretation of data of impact on Interpretation is inaccurate, and conclusions are missing Interpretation is technically accurate but conclusions are Interpretation is meaningful, and appropriate conclusions are drawn from data; planned interventions address
learning from Sub Group/Individual or unsupported by data. No interventions given. missing or not fully supported by data; planned interventions student/group difficulties
(Reflection Question   do not address student/group  
7.e)   Difficulties  



A Message of Thanks to All the Great Teachers

In This World

by Donna Fargo


Thank you for being such wonderful teachers, exemplary role models, and caring people. Thank you for knowing your subjects and sharing your knowledge. Thank you for not being afraid to treat students like real people. Thank you for showing acceptance, approval and appreciation. These are all gifts that are so important to a student’s development and that your students will always remember, just as they will also remember you.


Words of encouragement, a little respect and simple gestures of kindness from a teacher promote the perfect climate for students to study, learn and grow. Your attitude translates into a spirit of friendliness and good will towards others in a sometimes unfriendly world. Progress is easier in an atmosphere of creative freedom, joy and ease, and you foster this feeling in your classroom.


I salute the good work you’ve done. I appreciate the people you are, and I thank you for your positive influence. You have passed on invaluable instruction and wisdom and created pleasurable moments associate with learning that will always be sweet memories.


Thank you for answering the call to be teachers. Thank you for the enduring impression you’ve made in the lives you have touched. Every community needs people like you. Your contributions are immeasurable. Your lessons are permanent. You improve our world. You are so important.


Quotations from:

Blue Mountain Arts Collection (1999). The Language of Teaching. Thoughts on

the Art of Teaching and the Meaning of Education. SPS Studios, Inc, Boulder, CO

Date: 2015-12-24; view: 679

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