Describe what the teacher and students will actually DO as they engage in learning.
A. Adjustments/Adaptations(*Teacher Instructional Indicator #9)
Describe how you will adjust your instruction to accommodate students with exceptional learning needs, language diversity or other learning variations.
B. Guided Practice(*Teacher Instructional Indicator #10)
Describe the type of practice students will do with your supervision.
C. Independent Practice(*Teacher Instructional Indicator #11)
Describe the type of practice students will do independently.
How will you end the instruction, summarize, or help students connect the lesson’s concepts to previous or future learning?
RESOURCES AND MATERIALS(including technology)
This part of the lesson plan should be completed once the lesson has been taught and appropriate assessment data collected.
1. To what extent did students learn what you intended? What is the evidence?
2. Did you do anything differently than what you planned? If so, why?
3. If you were going to teach this lesson again, what would you do differently? Why?
4. Identify a group or individual who did well with the lesson. Based on the data, how would you account for this (attendance, reading levels, language diversity, cognitive abilities)? What might you do in the future to ensure their continued success?
5. Identify a group or individual who had difficulty with this lesson. Based on the data, how do you account for this (attendance, reading levels, language diversity, cognitive abilities)? What interventions / modifications could you use to help the students achieve lesson objectives?
NOTE: This unit/lesson plan is a template which will provide ideas for either unit plans or lesson plans. Use this format only if your NSU methods instructor does not provide you with a Unit guide. You should delete instructional information within parenthetical marks before submitting as a completed assignment. This template provides a basis for unit planning and providing summary information, but is purposefully generic to accommodate a variety of programs and developmental levels. Faculty and/or programs may require additional information.