MALARIA 5 page
318 Infectious diseases
should know the bask signs of disease, the rules of personal prophylaxis, be able to carry out initial antiepidemic actions.
At presence of epizootia among rats and diseases of camels vaccination of the population by local services under the control of anti plague establishment will be carried out. As active immunization living plague vaccine is used (dose for epicutaneous indication for children under 7 years is 1 billion, 7-10 years -2 billion, adults 3 billion of microbes bodies, at a hypodermic immunization 1/10 of epicutaneous doses). Immunity is kept during 6 months, then, if necessary, revaccination is performed in one year.
At occurrence of a plague among the population the antiepidemic actions are carried out which are directed on localization and liquidation of epidemic pesthole. They include: revealing of patients and their hospitalization in special hospitals in isolation wards with severe antiepidemic regime; and establishment of territorial quarantine: revealing and isolation of all persons which was in contact with patients, they must be isolated for 6 days and undergo emergency prophylaxis with antibiotics - streptomycinum 0.5 gm 2 times per day in muscle or tetracyclinum - 0.5 gm 3 times a day per os, during 6 days; revealing the patients with fever and their hospitalization in special departaments; final disinfection, and also disinfestation and deratization on territory of settlement and around it. Invaluable things are liable to destruction. The personnel should be work in anti plague costumes. Persons who need to leave zone of quarantine, will undergo medical observation.
Control questions:
1. Infectious agent of plague and its properties.
2. Epidemiology of plague.
3. Pathogenesis and pathomorphologic changes.
4. Classification of clinical forms of plague.
5. Clinical features of the mainly localized forms of plague.
6. Clinic-epidemiological features of outer disseminated forms of plague.
7. Description of inner disseminated forms of plague.
8. Diagnosis of plague.
9. Differential diagnosis of plague.
10. Principles of medical treatment of patients with plague.
11. Prophilaxis measures against plague.
Date: 2014-12-21; view: 1030