Account for your choice. Could you offer some third variant or the conflict resolution? Be laconic, try to sound original.Variation 1, director’s version
Blake: Yes? This is Charles Blake speaking.
Epstein: Hello Charles. This is Mike Epstein calling.
Blake: Oh, Mike, it’s good to hear from you. What’s up?
Epstein: Well, to begin with, I’ve decided to leave Advanced Technologies and join another company. I’ve been thinking about it for quite a while now, and last week I was offered a position at Data Systems Inc.
Blake: Well, congratulations.
Epstein: Thanks. But the reason I am calling you is that I’ll be working on a project very similar to the one I was working on before. So there is a good chance that we will be interested in your machines.
Blake: Well, that’s great news. I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you.
Epstein: If you could keep me informed of any new developments, I’d really appreciate it.
Blake: I’ll certainly do that.
Epstein: How did things go in New York?
Blake: We just finished our meeting, and things look very good. They like our technology, and there are no serious problems. Some of their people will fly to Tokyo the week after next, and if things work out, I’m pretty sure we will get our first big order in North America. I’m very pleased.
Epstein: Well, congratulations. Next time we get together, we’ll have to celebrate.
Blake: Sounds good, Mike. And may be we’ll even get in a round of golf.
Epstein: Good idea. Well, have a good trip back to Tokyo, Charles.
Blake: Thank you for calling, and good luck with your new job.
Epstein: Thanks.
Variation 2, producer’s version
Blake: Hello, this is Charles Blake speaking.
Epstein: Charles. This is Mike Epstein.
Blake: Hi, how are you?
Epstein: Well, that’s why I am calling you. There have been some changes here, and I wanted to let you know.
Blake: What kind of changes?
Epstein: Well, Shirley Graham has resigned, and I have been put in charge of our project.
Blake: Well, I am sorry to hear about Shirley, but congratulations to you.
Epstein: Thank you. But that’s not all. I’m still interested in getting your machines for our new factory, and I’ve been able to extend the deadline for a month, to November 1st. Do you think you can make it?
Blake: Well, if you can accept my earlier proposal, I don’t see any problem.
Epstein: When are you flying back to Tokyo?
Blake: Tomorrow morning.
Epstein: Could you change your flight and stop by here for a day or two?
Blake: Let me check it with my office in Tokyo first, then I’ll get back to you.
Epstein: If you could call me back within a couple of hours and let me know, I’d appreciate it.
Blake: Well, our office in Tokyo doesn’t open for another four hours…
Epstein: Right, I forgot about the time difference…
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 886