Sometimes, you may need to give additional information for a particular job or because you have special qualifications.
Your name First name Surname (for example, John Brown)
| Include a good photo if you want or if requested
| 17 Any Road, ANYTOWN, Anycountry
| +44 171 123 4567
| +44 171 123 4567
Personal Information
| Marital status:
| - single
- married
- divorced
- separated
- widowed
| French
Date of birth:
| State your date of birth in the form 1 January 1975 or January 1st, 1975
Place of birth:
| Town, Country
| State the position or opportunity that you are looking for. (This must be short. One or two lines only.)
Summary of qualifications
| Make a short list of the qualifications you have for this job. (This should be short. Your full qualifications will appear later under 'Education').
Professional experience
| List your jobs in reverse chronological order (last is first).
| List your university/school in reverse chronological order (last is first).
Specialized skills
| Any additional special abilities you have (for example, computer programming) that may be of interest to the employer.
Patents and publications
| List any relevant inventions you have made or books, articles and papers you have published.
Additional professional activities
| List any relevant work activities not listed elsewhere.
Professional memberships
| List any relevant professional associations or clubs of which you are a member.
Extracurricular activities
| List any relevant activities that you have outside work.
Volunteer experience
| List any relevant activities (present or past) that you have done unpaid.
Awards received
| List any relevant awards or prizes.
| List any official recognition of you by a relevantorganization.
Security clearance
| For certain jobs with government or companies contracted by government, it may be necessary to state your level of authorization to work on classified or confidential projects.
Civil service grades
| If relevant, list your grades or levels as a civil servant (that is, state employee).
Community activities
| List anything you do for your local community (for example church or school) if it is important or relevant for this job.
| If necessary, list the languages you can speak. You can use the following descriptions:
- mother tongue
- fluent
- excellent
- good
- some knowledge
| Details of travel and exposure to cultural experiences that may support your application.
Interests and activities
| List things that you like or like doing (for example governor of local school, going to opera, drama or tennis).
| List your favourite leisure-time activities (for example, stamp-collecting). You should include this only if you think it will be interesting for the employer. You may prefer to include this under 'Interests and activities'.
Additional information
| Add any additional information that is necessary and relevant for a particular job.
| If required, give the names and addresses of (two) people who can give you a reference. Alternatively, you can state 'Available on request.'
Unless you are applying to be Secretary General of the United Nations, it is probably best to limit your CV to a maximum of 2 pages.
Choose an easy-to-read typeface. Typefaces are designed for specific purposes. The standard typefaces Times New Roman or Arial are perfect for your CV. Not too small, not too large! A size of 12 point would be appropriate.