A branch of law is the body of legal norms and legal institutions regulating the definite spheres (types) of public relations.
The following main branches of law are singled out in the Russian law system:
- constitutional law - finance law
- civil law - arbitration-procedural law
- civil-procedural law - commercial law
- criminal law - business law
- criminal-procedural law - land law
- criminal-executive law - environmental law
- administrative law - municipal law
- employment (labour) law - social security law
- family law
We examine several branches of law. The civil law regulates property and personal non-property relations connected with them. The main source of the civil law is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
The civil-procedural law deals with the legal regulation of the civil procedure (the questions of initiation of civil proceeding, determination of actual circumstance, proving, hearing of a case at the judicial sitting, making a decision on civil case, possibilities of appeal). The main source of the civil-procedural law is the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
The criminal law regulates public relations connected with the struggle against crimes, the system of the most socially dangerous crimes and criminals (definition of general notions of criminal liability, corpus delicti, punishment and also the definition of certain deeds which are considered crimes and amount and types of punishment for committing of them). The main source of the criminal law is the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
The criminal-procedural law deals with the legal regulation of the procedure (process) of implementation of criminal justice (procedure of institution of the criminal proceeding, initiation of criminal proceeding, its investigation, hearing of a criminal case, passing a sentence, possibilities of appeal and review of the sentence). The main source of the criminal-procedural law is the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.
The criminal-executive law regulates the public relations connected with the execution of the criminal punishment (the procedure of serving a sentence, the legal status of the convicted serving a sentence, types of correctional institutions). The main source of the criminal-executive law is the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation.
The administrative law regulates the public relations in the sphere of state administration and maintaining of public order. The main source of the administrative law is the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations.
The employment (labour) lawregulates the public relations in the sphere of wage labour, relations between the employee and enterprises (organizations), the employer. The main source is the Labour Code of the Russian Federation.
The family law regulates the legal relations between husband and wife and also between the parents and the children (marriage, conditions of the property of the spouses, dissolution of marriage and its consequences, questions of maternity, paternity). The main source of the given law is the Family Code of the Russian Federation.
These branches are considered to be the main in the legal system and regulate the majority of public relation arising in Russia.
We should note that apart from domestic law there is international law. Domestic laws are the laws which are applicable within the boundaries of our nation. Domestic laws are basically intended to safeguard the citizens. International laws on the other hand are intended to establish and manage the relationship with the other countries. The major source of the international laws is the treaties, signed by the various nations and all these regulations bind the parties concerned with the different deals.
Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the following words and word combinations:
a) a criminal code h) civil law
b) a system of rules i) financial activity
c) the social and state system j) state power
d) different branches of law k) the right in property
e) legislation on the labour l) constitutional law
f) a leading branch m) taxation
g) the general principles of criminal responsibility
Law is 1) established by the state. The main aim of law is to consolidate and safeguard 2) . and its economic foundation. The system of law in our country consists of 3)
Constitutional law is 4) of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the countrys Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of 5) and the legal status of citizens.
Administrative law is closely connected with 6) but it deals with legal forms of executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries.
Financial law regulates the budget, 7) , state credits and other spheres of 8)
9) .. is connected with relations in the economic sphere of social life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. 10) . is the central institution of civil law.
The rules of labour law include the 11) . of industrial and office workers and regulate matters arising from labour relations.
Criminal law defines 12) .., individual types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals. Criminal law takes the form of 13) consisting of a general and special part.