III. Read the text.
What yournose shapesays about you
Famous example: Marilyn Monroe
Nose notes: Those with these types of cute, turned-up noses are mostly kind, optimistic and full of character. They usually like to provide love and support for their friends and family. People with this nose type often have an endless enthusiasm for new things and experiences.
Famous example: John Lennon
Nose notes: This type of person likes to carve their own path and rarely follows the crowd. They do not need to seek out the approval of others. They are the least likely to care about what others think of them. People with this kind of nose are most happy when pursuing their own projects or goals.
Famous example: Admiral Lord Nelson
Nose notes: A classic straight shape, this nose suggests someone who is inspirational, yet functional, and a skilled organizer. This is exactly the type of person you want to be around in a crisis. They don't panic and start thinking logically about their next move. People with Greek noses are hard-working, matter-of-fact and efficient.
Famous example: Abraham Lincoln
Nose notes: This strong, slightly hooked nose is characteristic of leaders. It signals a strong personality but not an impulsive one. They don't rush into decisions and are very good at influencing others. Often efficient organizers, they are good at rallying people to take action. They are very rarely aggressive.
Famous example: President Barack Obama
Nose notes: This nose is long and wide at the base. It signals creativity and passion. Those with nubian noses are always thinking of new ways to approach problems. They are open-minded, curious and expressive with their emotions. As a result they tend to be very charismatic, with people naturally drawn to them.
Famous example: Muhammad Ali
Nose notes: This nose indicates someone who is quick-witted - both physically as well as mentally. They can think fast and tend to be more streetwise than your average person. They also react quickly to situations. Chinese face readers believe snub-nosed people make attentive partners.
(abridged from: www.thesun.co.uk)
Date: 2015-01-02; view: 1090