All the material is printed on white A4 format paper. The text is written on one side of the paper only. The body text is formatted using the typeface Times New Roman (upright). The font size is 12 points (except titles) and line spacing 1,5. The text must not contain large gaps and spaces. It is not advisable to use different typefaces and font sizes. To highlight part of the text bold or Italics type is used.
The text has to be aligned to both the left and right margins (Justified). On the left margin of the page a free space of 38 mm is left (for binding the paper), on all the other edges margins of 25 mm are left.
The numeration of the paper starts from the title page (the number is not shown). Beginning from the table of contents page, all the page numbers are shown.
The titles of the subdivisions (chapters) of the paper are written in capital letters. The titles do not end with a full stop and they are not underlined. Each new chapter starts on a new page, subparagraphs continue on the same page. Type sizes depend on the level of the division. For titles of subdivisions, use sentence style, capitalizing only the initial letter of the subheading, or use headline style, capitalizing the initial letter of the first and last words and of all other words except articles, prepositions, and coordinate conjunctions. The titles of the same level need to be formatted in the same way.
Three blank lines must be left between the end of the last text paragraph and a new title. A new titled subdivision must not be started at the bottom edge of the page or if there is not enough room under the title for more than one line of text.
Examples on a separate line or sets of examples are indented from the rest of the text. Text passages start without indents. Blank lines are used to separate text passages. A passage should consist of at least four lines. Shorter passages are not advisable.
Figures (diagrams, graphs, charts, drawings, photos, etc.) are placed inside the text if they illustrate it directly and fit on a single page. Each figure must be cited inside the text. Figures placed inside the text must be numbered (e.g., Figure 1). All figures must have a title and a citation for the reference material (if they have not been drawn by the author him or herself). Bulkier material that is not directly linked with the text should be placed in the Appendixes section of the paper.
An example of a figure embedded in text:
Figure 1.Consumer price index, change over previous year by Year and Commodity group. Source: Eesti Statistikaamet (online database). (02.01.2012).
Date: 2015-12-24; view: 1035