Who possesses the ring of power at the start of the trilogy?
(A) Gandalf
(B) Bilbo
(C) Frodo
(D) Sauron
Who do the hobbits encounter at the Prancing Pony?
(A) Gandalf
(B) Legolas
(C) Strider
(D) Boromir
How many members make up the fellowship of the ring?
(A) Seven
(B) Eight
(C) Nine
(D) Ten
What is the name of the elf in the fellowship?
(A) Gimli
(B) Legolas
(C) Merry
(D) Boromir
What is the name of the dwarf in the fellowship?
(A) Gimli
(B) Legolas
(C) Merry
(D) Boromir
When the pass of Caradhras is blocked, where does Frodo say the fellowship should go?
(A) Rivendell
(B) Lothlorien
(C) Moria
(D) Minas Tirith
Who is the first member of the fellowship to be separated from the group?
(A) Gandalf
(B) Legolas
(C) Boromir
(D) Aragorn
What happens at the end of the first book?
(A) Merry and Pippin are carried off by orcs and Uruk-hai
(B) Boromir is killed
(C) Frodo and Sam leave the others behind
(D) All of the above
Who has been following Sam and Frodo?
(A) Gollum
(B) Sméagol
(C) A and B
(D) None of the above
10 . Who is the king of Rohan?
(A) Théoden
(B) Wormtongue
(C) Éowyn
(D) Éomer
What is the name of Saruman’s tower?
(A) Minas Tirith
(B) Rivendell
(C) Helm’s Deep
(D) Isengard
What animal does Gollum give to Frodo?
(A) A ferret
(B) A rabbit
(C) A mouse
(D) A fish
Where does Théoden decide to send his people?
(A) Minas Tirith
(B) Rivendell
(C) Helm’s Deep
(D) Isengard
What forest creatures do Pippin and Merry come across?
(A) Orcs
(B) Uruk-hai
(C) Rabbits
(D) Ents
Whom does Aragorn love?
(A) Éowyn
(B) Arwen
(C) Galadriel
(D) None of the above
Who shows up to help defend Helm’s Deep at the last moment?
(A) The Ents
(B) An elf army
(C) The riders of Rohan, led by Éomer
(D) All of the above
Who is the steward of Gondor?
(A) Denethor
(B) Boromir
(C) Aragorn
(D) Faramir
What is the name of the capital of Gondor?
(A) Osgiliath
(B) Helm’s Deep
(C) Minas Tirith
(D) Cirith Ungol
To whom does Pippin pledge allegiance?
(A) Denethor
(B) Faramir
(C) Aragorn
(D) Gandalf
What are Sam and Frodo running out of as they journey to Mount Doom?
(A) Water
(B) Strength
(C) Food
(D) All of the above
What does Elrond offer to Aragorn?
(A) The evenstar
(B) A ring
(C) A sword
(D) Immortal life
How is the ring destroyed at Mount Doom?
(A) Sam drops it into the lava
(B) Frodo drops it into the lava
(C) It falls into the lava as Gollum and Frodo struggle for it
(D) An eagle carries Frodo to the lip of the mountain and he drops the ring
Who finally kills the witch-king?
(A) Éowyn
(B) Merry
(C) Théoden
(D) Pippin
Who is the first hobbit to get married?
(A) Merry
(B) Pippin
(C) Frodo
(D) Sam
Who departs with the elves at the trilogy’s conclusion?
(A) Bilbo
(B) Frodo
(C) Gandalf
(D) All of the above
The Lord of the Rings is a deeply symbolic and metaphorical work throughout; space here allows for only a brief overview of a few major motifs. Readers will note and develop the significance of others.